Sitemap - 2022 - Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 20/24
"It's a New Year" - that's about all I can manage
A plea to honest and experienced doctors for useful, telling diagnostics
Christmas is in December not April
Thoughts on life balance. Flipping the 80/20
Today at 12pm EST Sen. Ron Johnson Roundtable will be LIVE & discussing the COVID-19 Vaccines
Lame duck session is anything but
Vote Tuesday, November 8, 2022 - Possibly the most important vote of your life - Stop the mandates!
Hands off our children [Special CHD version]
If I were a research scientist without ethical boundaries
A culmination of observations and thoughts
List of Candidates Standing for Health Freedom
I am utterly embarrassed that this video is one year old and I've never watched it before
People Rate Ivermectin Higher than COVID-19 Vaccines
"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day ..."
The people have spoken. Keep speaking
The names and faces of those who hold the fate of our children on the line
BREAKING NEWS: The U.S. Government affirms that COVID-19 Vaccines have resulted in harm and injury
Isn't it crystal clear by now?
Wow a lot packed into Number 4 ... and so specific too! Glad it was tested on 8 mice!
The fifteen months after learning about Maddie de Garay and Ernesto Ramirez Jr.
"We're seeing some really horrific results."
Shameful double standard placed on our college students
"It can't be ignored any longer." ... "This stops today."
The fight for freedom and natural law: Keep your eye on the prize
More than 100,000 views in 24 hours
How do we respond to those late to the "truth telling" game?
No point in side-stepping this anymore
Back-up plan for fellow substackers
"Did you avoid getting COVID?" asks Steve Kirsch, and here is my answer
What constitutes "It's over. The truth is finally out and will stay out" to you?
Hey mom, hey dad! Did you hear what is banned in the UK and Denmark?
My message today is simple. The control group MUST be protected, not coerced.
Did I hear what I thought I just heard?
Dear College Student, You've Been Punked ...
My response to Steve Kirsch's latest newsletter about "Silenced Healthcare Workers"
Poll indicates "Disease" least of worries when it comes to way or cause of death
Reader Beware. Question Everything.
"First comes Gardasil, then comes Covid. Next comes" ... the Flu Shot
A flurry of posts by Geert Vanden Bossche ... which one to start with?
Top 3 Reasons Parents are Against COVID-19 injections for their babies and young children
Single most important video to watch in my lifetime
This is huge. Not just for children, but for all of us
Provide your input by 7am PST, Friday, May 13, 2022 (United States specific instructions)
I try not to push too much or too hard, but today I need to share what needed to be shared
The proposed Cures 2.0 Act (2021-2022) broken down by billions of federal taxpayer dollars
Please forward to all Californians
The road to H-E-double-hockey-sticks is paved with good intentions
After 12 years of memories on facebook, they want to lock me out
A living memorial to honor the vaccine injured or deaths caused by the "vaccine"
I must restack this (or whatever it's called)
The process for "Real world evidence"
A simple, but fitting good night story
A very important read from Dr. Byram Bridle (plus a bonus update from Kyle Warner for hope)
Wow! The tide may very well be turning!
My "tide is turning" indicator has been activated
awesome compilation of songs to help keep us going
Good people divided and an explanation of why
Preventing unexplained, unexpected, or sudden deaths
An open letter to Dr. Byram Bridle
No, we should not all get vaccinated
"Safe and effective" vs. "safe and effective for most"
Focus on forward: the "Righting the Wrongs" Index
The Elephant in the Room - H.R.34 - 21st Century Cures Act (2015-2016)