In response to:
My comment as follows:
Silenced or silent?
If you go to work and ignore the obvious every day without talking to each other and doing something, I really don't understand how this cannot eat away at your soul. Your patients are husbands, wives, parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, veterans, active military, law enforcement, firefighters, neighbors, even your own coworkers.
When I first felt a hint of trouble, I immediately started talking to friends, family, strangers, and publicly for all to hear and see. I went to my high school graduation page and let everyone know. I said if anyone wants to talk to me about this or has any questions that they can message me. When silenced in social media, I came here. When I knew of the possibility of mandates at work because President Biden was signing Executive Orders left and right to mandate the American people to take the experimental shots, I asked to speak privately with both the big boss and HR to share my thoughts. I said even though I may be the minority because others seem to be just going along with this, I want you to hear my views to make sure you know they exist. I said if this is a possibility here, I would appreciate a heads up so I can make plans to work somewhere else.
The emergency room R.N. in the video below gets it. This emergency room nurse deserves the right to sleep through the night knowing she did her best to inform others in whatever way she can, risking it all because she is aware and cares about people -- she cares about you, your family, and friends:
There are always difficult situations that arise, it's called life, but how people can just go along with it and not try to figure out a way to change things is beyond me.
I knew the Vax was not right for me. God. He gave me natural immunity. He gave clear direction. My former employer sent signals, so I had months to make peace with pending job loss. I knew they would never approve my exemption, though I did apply and appealed when rejected. I asked questions in my appeal. I was trying to demonstrate my willingness to attempt to find informed consent. They ignored the questions. The only response I got was to check the internet for efficacy. My actual termination date came long after the January CDC study acknowledging natural immunity and long after my former employer's rate of COVID infection skyrocketed. To my knowledge, their mandate remains in place. I lost respect for so many, but I was not silent. And, when asked why I left my very high paying job that I was very good at, I am honest and transparent. And usually faced with uncomfortable silence. I am recently re-employed, same industry. My status seems irrelevant now; no one asks, no one talks about it. Someone who knows alluded to it yesterday, and I just pointed to the new CDC guidance. God has a plan in all of this.
Well said. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible for many to come out of the shadow. The truth is that it depends on someone’s life, family, bills to pay, beliefs, etc. I think Steve has been doing a great job in presenting some safe way for these people to talk. We must embrace everyone that want to come clean. I’ve seen, done and spoken a lot. But it comes with a cost. And there are times in which some people can not afford the cost. Thank you for keeping talking.