Lame duck session is anything but
Be on alert! A new form of censorship - redirects? Plus, my last ditch effort at informing friends and family
My first post on substack was about legislation that passed during Obama's lame-duck session in 2016 (link below).
This legislation is what enabled experimentation on the general populous through 2025, further stating informed consent is not required when there is minimal risk.
Now I ask … Is the following considered minimal risk?
Are we saying that people do not need to be informed of these risks.
VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports
Underreporting of VAERS is estimated up to 31 times by Dr. Jessica Rose. To estimate the actual occurrence, multiple the numbers above by 31.
Do not let the proposed Cures 2.0 Act pass during this lame-duck session like the 21st Century Cures Act did.
Over 100 U.S. House of Representatives are co-sponsoring this bill which asks for billions of dollars be spent towards expanding “Real World Evidence” health initiatives
-AND- be EXEMPT from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) - the only way that Pfizer clinical trial data was obtained.
Please let your current representatives know that you know how they voted and will hold them accountable for their vote:
If there is other proposed legislation that readers need to be aware of that could be pushed through during this lame-duck session, please provide in the comments.
Be on Alert! A new form of censorship - redirects?
I experienced this for the first time here on substack. I scrolled my list of archived posts and clicked on the post above about the Cures 2.0 Act. (In my opinion, this is one of my most important posts I have written to date, yet I was surprised it has not gotten the attention it should.) When trying to click on this post, it would only redirect me to the previous post I had listed in my archive.
I did not like seeing this at all. During all my time here on substack, I’ve never seen this type of error. I tried linking multiple times, but still same redirect was occurring. As a workaround, I have pinned the post on my substack, and the post can be accessed there. After I did that, now the link through my archive works. Could a one time redirect been implemented to divert from this post? I do not know for certain, but if others experience low views for posts that they believe are essential reading material for their readers, I suggest pinning the post and/or including more links to it elsewhere.
My last ditch effort at informing friends and family
Up till this point, I have mostly posted things publicly for whomever to read and check out at their leisure. Before the “vaccines” rolled out, I spoke with family and closest friends about the unknown risks. But me, as little sister, and also one of the few family members who did not pursue a health care profession, no one really wanted to listen to me.
In sharing here what I’ve shared with them over the past two years, I realized …
dang girl, you tried hard!!!
A few months ago I started reaching out directly through text messages, seeing if they had seen any of my posts. Well it has not gone terribly well, but at least I know I have tried. I know for certain, one person with grade school children, did get what I was talking about. I did raise their awareness. Others have since thanked me explaining that they were not going to get any boosters and are now wary of flu shots, etc.
So, I’m continually asking have I done enough?
To this day I still see posts from people I’ve known for years about their scheduled booster shots for the whole family, followed by alerts that they have covid now too, and other health issues like cancer and POTS. I really do not understand why the dots are not connecting. Yet, it still does not stop them from posting they are the intelligent ones. Are people just blinded by sheer arrogance?
So my last ditch effort is this. I will reach out directly and ask if they are aware of all the reports of adverse effects coming out now, how the shots are and continue to be experimental, how laws were set up to experiment on the general population without informed consent, how the shots are banned in several countries and only in increasing and increasing amounts, and then see how they respond.
If they outright denounce my warnings without discussion and continue to post about their self-proclaimed “intelligence”, then I must let go now (i.e, unfriend). It sucks my energy away that I know they are promoting something that should not be promoted, especially in a condescending manner.
People need to know there are consequences of their actions, and I won’t sit idle continuing to watch it.
I know that I checked on them. No one was checking on me.
On voting
I have some thoughts to share on the election results, but it’s not quite time to share them. The one thing do want to say is, for those that voted, a heartfelt thank you.
Thank you for participating in the primary way for us to help decide how our country should be run and the change that needs to occur. I know many of us are not happy with the results or how their local election was run, but you can rest in the knowledge that you tried and you did your most essential part.
Do we enter contests or races knowing that we are always a shoe-in? No. We do so, knowing what our goal is, and try our best to reach that goal. Thank you again for voting.
I wish I had been confident enuf to stop my family from getting injected. Only my own body was saved, and just barely, by my intuitive fears and my hatred of conformity for conformities sake. I came so close to getting injected and I try to remember that every day, and be a bit happier because of it.
One definition of intelligence is the ability to learn from the mistakes of others.
Some people just have to put their hand on the burner themselves.