My message today is simple. The control group MUST be protected, not coerced.
End all mandates immediately.
In order to understand the difference between getting the experimental shots and not, a control group without the shots must be maintained.
This is basic science.
People were told over and over, “safe and effective”, but at the same time long term effects were not known.
People are still being told “safe and effective" when severe and serious adverse reactions are known.
Decide for yourself whether you want experimental shots or not, but in order to understand:
how people are affected by the shots, and
how to help persons if they are harmed by the shots
a control group must be maintained.
This means:
No mandates of any kind at any time for anyone.
love ~ peace ~ faith
It is not just in the interest of the control group to not have mandates, but also those that are not, in order to help figure out what these shots are doing and how it may be remedied.
Any mandate that can be stopped is a good thing, even if it is temporary. I mention here, an additional scientific reason to stop mandates on top of reasons stemming from The Constitution, Nuremberg, and The Hippocratic Oath. Mandates are a catalyst towards compliance; we seek catalysts in the other direction.
Check out the Nationwide Control Group study HERE:
Take a look at the PDF. Gripping, detailed. It was the largest study of its kind. It proved that it's a mathematical impossibility vaccines are NOT the cause of well over 90% of the deadly and disabling diseases Americans are suffering from.
I hope you will consider covering it.
Joy Garner, founder of The Control Group