The shot does not stop transmission.
This is not new news.
This is precisely why the CDC changed their definition of "vaccine".
From July 2022:

Can you tell when someone is speaking from their heart and not from a script?
While it is great this is getting attention, it seems to me there are a whole bunch of people who have been in authority for a good long while that either weren't able to put two and two together, didn't bother to take the time to try to, or simply decided to turn a blind eye — irrespective of the all lives of good people that had their lives smeared in trying to warn everyone and the continued loss of and harm to even more lives.
And yet here we are, still trying to convince people.
In addition, it was not a randomized controlled trial (RCT) because, based on my understanding, subjects with natural immunity were excluded from the trials. On this alone, the trials should have been found to be insufficient for the FDA to have authorized it.
The search for efficacy had been unethically prioritized over safety.
It was stated in the literature that much was unknown. It was stated very early on that it doesn't reduce transmission. It was the government at many levels, the media, and influencers (who were influenced) that kept repeating "safe and effective", “we’re all in this together”, “be a superhero”, "protect yourself and others" and "do your part, and do the right thing." I'm not saying the drug companies had no role either. They did. They played their part and witnessed it all as well.
Another question is: who redacted much of the Pfizer documents and why? Regardless of whether it was the FDA or Pfizer, the FDA should be held responsible for authorizing something that should not have been whether the information was redacted ahead of time or if the FDA redacted it. Hidden information is only hidden for a reason.
I hope everyone realizes that this is a lot larger than covid and vaccines because there's a slew of drugs and treatments that will follow this exact same method.
In the over 110 influenza therapies that are under development, there are a few that use mRNA technology:
Exactly this has been available for anyone to see who wanted to look. Unfortunately too many only wanted to look at their TV screens.
Everyone right now should be asking “then what the hell was ‘95% effective’ based on?” 95% effective at raising Fizer’s bottom line, apparently.
(And yes, I know the 95% was a relative risk reduction, not absolute.)
They already admitted months ago that the studies were not powered to detect differences in death.
The problem, I think, is that the regular news aren’t reporting this. At least that’s what I suspect. I don’t watch regular news. THOSE are the ones who need to be hearing these admissions.