How do we respond to those late to the "truth telling" game?
Also, pre-live link to the "Safe and Effective - A Second Opinion" documentary
As more and more doctors, scientists, politicians, whistleblowers, and vaccine injured come forth to tell the truth …
Do we:
Respond with disdain thinking they are looking for fame
State it’s too late, they've sealed their fate
React with welcome, truth is like the sun
My thoughts regarding negative comments when people come forth to tell the truth:
Every step toward a goal is one step closer to the goal.
When a person is criticized for telling the truth, once they realize it is the truth, what sort of message does that send to others who have not yet told the truth?
The goal is to stop misleading people. We don't need to admire a person as much as recognize that this needs to happen as part of the process for stopping the push of experimental drugs or treatments without letting people know it is experimental.
Most persons sticking their necks out to tell the truth have family and loved ones too. Their main motivation is not fame or to save their butts, but simply do what they have to do, to help others and to be able to sleep at night without vice.
Truth arrived at different times for each person. But once it has arrived, it should be welcomed. We have a goal. Stick to the goal and keep the momentum going instead of discouraging it.
Link goes live at 2pm EST: (UPDATED time, sorry!)
Thank you Lee, for giving me a different perspective. One that shows love, not hate. Gratitude instead of anger. God bless you.
UPDATED: I had the EST wrong ...
"Safe and Effective - A Second Opinion" documentary.
Link goes live at 2pm EST today: