What constitutes "It's over. The truth is finally out and will stay out" to you?
Open discussion
Every morning I wake up hoping to hear the good news, that all the effort for the truth to come out has finally come to fruition. Not just for the day, week, or season, but for people round the world to know.
We have had some false flags and hopes dashed that it has happened, so when can we really say, it’s over?
I started forming my answer to this question a few months ago, but will need some time to present it well. In the meantime, please feel free to share your thoughts. I am but one voice anyways. It is not, the answer, but only an opinion.
If it can’t be truly be over around the world in one singular event, at least in your country, when is it over?
Can it even be captured in one singular event?
Love ~ peace ~ faith
I understood what was afoot by late March of 2020, during "lockdown".
I spent hundreds of hours confirming what I knew, instinctively, to be true.
I knew that CoV19 would not kill me... nor my child. Nor my hermetically sealed mother.
I knew that I would KNOW whether I was infected, or not, without being "tested"...
I knew that I would not "asymptomatically" spread the virus. (I do trust and follow the BEST SCIENCE at my disposal, which is an immense amount of data, since March 2020.)
With all that being said: IT will NEVER be over. Not for me.
Since March of 2020, due to lockdowns and insane government mandates I lost:
- my small seasonal business
- several contracts, employment, and employment opportunities
- fragile relationships with family and old friends
- my constitutionally protected Freedom of Mobility
I've been stuck in western Canada for over 2.5 years, not permitted to board a plane, train or ship without proof of vaccination, aka a "health pass".
I've been stigmatized, ostracized, labeled a "racist far right misogynist extremist with unacceptable views" by this country's Prime Minister.
I've been denied entry to restaurants, movie theaters, fitness centres, bars, concert and other entertainment venues.
I was critized, ignored, yelled at and virtually cancelled by nearly all "fully vaccinated" family and friends.
With the exception of my child.
That's fine. Slings, arrows, sticks and stones will never break me.
What did break my heart was discovering that my only begotten child succumbed to government and peer pressure behind my back, and got jabbed.
I never lived in fear, during this "pandemic", until the moment I knew that my child could become a VAERS statistic.
For me? This will never be "over".
It will never be over for those that lost loved ones, jobs, villified by family and friends (me) UNTIL an event occurs similar to the passing of the Queen where most of the world (for a good reason or not) pays attention for a second and realizes what they thought was true was all a total sell out by people in gov't , big pharma and criminal MSM, hospitals and so many in the medical "field" - I still can't believe that in 2 years we NEVER had a protocol to treat covid that the average person could tell you about OTHER THAN AN UNPROVEN EUA VAX. It's surreal and infuriating and I want to see people like Fauci and Walensky etc suffer for their inhumanity and greed.