"It can't be ignored any longer." ... "This stops today."
Video detailing closure of vaccine center in Bristol, UK
Note: Article is dated October 3, 2022 (03/10/22 is British English date format)
Note: Article is dated October 3, 2022 (03/10/22 is British English date format)
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I watched this video in its entirety before posting the link. It is long (1.5 hours), but contains very important points smattered throughout that every person should understand.
Sending out to share as soon as possible because the shots are still being administered without informed consent. Mandates are still in effect.
I do not feel this means everything will be rosy from this point on, in fact things likely will get very messy, but the truth must come out. I cannot see how knowing the truth later than now helps anyone.
I feel like I have been living in a bad movie the past 2.5 years. But nonetheless, I must act in the way I am compelled to for others. It is frightful, but I am willing to take the risk.
Blimey - this is a cracking video. I have only watched the last 10' as have to go out but I remember watching Mark Sexton when he did his first visit to a police station about 12/15 months ago ? He was good then, but he's even better now. We need many many more like him , out there pounding on doors and waking up all the people who STILL CAN'T SEE IT 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Well done Mark !!