I am utterly embarrassed that this video is one year old and I've never watched it before
Relaying a message to every doctor or medical professional I know
In response to the post which features the video:
My reply to “Brandon is not your bro”:
“Thank you so much for trying. I am glad you had the opportunity to recharge. It's important. I think most of us who care, have multiple days within a day, cycling through all sorts of emotions and thoughts on how to stop and reverse this somehow. To me, everything else falls second to this. Everything else that is happening that doesn't need to be happening is to distract, impair, and divide. Thank you for taking the time to write. I can't count the times I've said this is my last post because it wears on a person and they can't participate in things around them the same as others. I was close to saying I'm done, but I'll keep trying.”
There are a lot of moving parts out there nowadays-devastating inflation, Ukraine conflict, societal behavioral codes adjustment. Plus, look at sports right now-NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB are all in full swing (gave up pro sports a few years back). Add on to that the endless Dancing with Octamom etc mindless fluff stuff and we can readily see that it is tough to get people's attention.
Even so, yesterday I put some thoughts and info into a person after I asked him if he had the latest booster? He had not, and I gave some calm reasoned info on why he should consider not taking it. He listened and in fact was a little rattled. Something occurred to me afterwards-there are still many out there who have not encountered "one of us" in person; reasonable and sane people who are not on board with the jab agenda. For example, some don't even know about Denmark's recent policy. It convicted me as well that I need to reach out more. The topic was not the lead topic and it just kind of arose. This person is no dummy and is a fine person in all regards.
Have solid info on hand and be slow and steady; there is a reason why the story of the Tortoise and the Hare has existed and informed for so long. It is going to have to be person to person at the end of the day.
Been there done that. All you can control, and maybe that will be in question some time in the near future, is yourself, and maybe have an influence on those immediately in the surround.
Start a garden, expand a garden, at least take back control of what you are eating. That's what I did and its working to calm my nerves. Start the process of weaning away from groupthink. The powerful always manages to take control from groups.
This internet thing causes more consternation as its programmed to do.