Rewind to June 2021:
In the fifteen months to follow we still see: a barrage of continued mandates, discrimination of persons not taking the experimental drug, breaking the First Amendment by censoring people, approval of an experimental drug as young as six months old, piling reports of adverse resctions through VAERS, V-Safe, an anecdotal online group about people dying suddenly that grows to over 300,000 members and then gets removed, and condemning testimony from whistleblowers and funeral directors to world renown doctors and scientists.
So in response to the latest warning for 18-39 year-old men mentioned here:
I have the following responses:
“An experimental drug that causes such a wide range of serious and severe adverse reactions for all age groups should not be recommended for anyone except those with no other better options. One may also argue that it should not be recommended for anyone as doctors have found effective, less risky treatments.”
“Chest pain could very well be myocarditis, pericarditis, tachycardia, etc. in the making. These have been experienced by all different ages groups.”
“I commend speaking out, but if taking the opportunity to speak out, I wish the statement would have been broader. I would not recommend this experimental drug to anyone given the VAERS, V-Safe, and anecdotal information told and then quickly censored and/or suggested they suffer from mental illness. This is not something that just happened. It happened during clinical trials (not male, not age 18-39), and besides those who tried to share her story or donated to help her, she and her story was ignored.”
“I see that the statement also mentions the guidance for children (using the correct link). But I still feel it should have been broader.
Perhaps the same amount of damage is done to females, only it's more evident in males because they experience higher rates of oxidative stress; females with chest pain are just sent home and told to take it easy.
Maybe there's some method to the madness, but I still feel we should just call a spade a spade. So much more information is out now. Why throw a brick, when you can shoot a cannonball? Time is a tickin'.”
“An experimental drug that causes such a wide range of serious and severe adverse reactions for all age groups should not be recommended for anyone except those with no other better options."
This. All prior EUA drugs were ONLY for those people with no other options and an impending death sentence - think cancer. Covid is not a death sentence and there are multiple other safe options for treatment, including doing nothing.
I can't believe this made up emergency continues only for big harma to make money, the govt to gain every increasing power, and to get these poison shots on the childhood vaccine schedule for shields against litigation now coming. Shameful. Lord help us.
you would think the doctors who were mandated would be the first to speak up… oh, wait that’s why Newsom signed bill into law formally censoring California doctors from speaking up