Top 3 Reasons Parents are Against COVID-19 injections for their babies and young children
A survey of parents conducted June 18-23, 2022, explains why parents are refusing to get COVID injections for their babies and children under 5.
I list the top three reasons, along with more background information for why these reasons are justified.
#1 Reason - 92% - Worried about side effects
For more information on adverse effects:
#2 Reason - 89% - Clinical trials were too fast
#3 Reason - 80% - Don’t trust companies making vaccines
Note from the author: It is my understanding that the nine pages of Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESIs) in Appendix 1 referenced in the above video are events that are being checked for rather than all reported during the clinical trials. The AESIs may also have been reported.
How these AESIs were determined is documented here:
To conclude, common sense shows the process was rushed and long term effects were and still are not known. Anything after that, is just a gamble.
Parents must take responsibility for their family’s health. Being too busy, or not being able to think about it right now because it's too stressful, might be okay for one day, but to use that reasoning over and over again, is not being responsible.
You are the only one who is going to live within your own body for the rest of your life, and you are the one that will need to provide and care for your children if they are hurt. People cannot assume that someone is looking at their best interest, or will take care of you or compensate you if something goes wrong. Both history and current events show, this isn't happening.