Good people divided and an explanation of why
Here is my effort to understand why people with good hearts have reacted quite differently
If you were provided the answer to only one of these questions, which would you choose to ask:
Is it safe?
Is it effective?
Those that choose to know whether it is effective first, prioritize fixing the situation first. Do before think.
Those that choose to know whether it is safe first, prioritize not making the situation worse than it currently is. Think before do.
Furthermore, let’s pretend for a moment that there is no gray area in answering these questions since some people are too busy or under pressure to consider gray even though it exists (in particular, looking at age or pre-existing health conditions). But, to keep the logic and discussion simple, the answers to the questions above are:
A) Yes
B) No
C) I don’t know or I’m not sure
Intuitively, if something is being offered to us, to take into our bodies we would naturally assume that the answer is “Yes” to both of these question.
However, if you were given or sought out additional information, such as:
“I got food poisoning when I ate at that restaurant.”
“The food tasted horrible there. None of us enjoyed our food.”
Would you be less likely to go to the restaurant with this additional information?
If you were given or sought out information and found it to be false, would you want to try to inform others of your differing opinion?
Lastly, if the answer was “I don’t know or I’m not sure”, you might keep looking for more information to make an informed decision. That’s a natural reaction. Curiosity. Knowledge.
Other good follow-up questions would be:
Is this appropriate for me? (Since I am ultimately the one to live with the consequences.)
Am I being made to do something?
My take is this:
“Sharing information and experiences is a good thing”
especially between people who care about each other. They are sharing not because they have something to gain, but because they care.
Let’s try to remember all of this when talking with our friends and family. Give space and pause when needed for a chance to reflect on things, but never stop sharing.
Love - Peace - Faith
You're right! I DID love it!
How encouraging to hear someone thinking analytically. (It's all too rare. It's like coming across a perfect peach amongst the potatoes).