I'm not here to argue the efficacy or safety of vaccines, nor argue about masks, lockdowns, school closures, or whether we should keep calling them "vaccines" because the definition has changed.
I'm not here to berate people or pit one person against another, or even try to make light of the situation. There are plenty of other places that are much better equipped to do that.
I will also stay away from the billion of other issues that I do have opinions on, but are outside of this space. Focus is needed for the task at hand. I intend to focus, and I hope you are willing to as well.
My guess is you're here not because you need convincing that something is amiss, but rather it is that you feel this same way as me:
"If you give away your right to decide what gets put in your body ... and to speak your mind, then you've pretty much given up everything."
And, simply put, you want to know what can be done?
I want to know too.
Ever since March 2020, the peace and contentment I once had was suddenly stripped away, never to come back fully. It wasn't ever about catching covid or my kids catching it. It was that the things I thought would never happen did. That people's logic and common sense seemed to be thrown out the window. Important people would talk, people of authority and so-called experts, and it would not make any sense at all. We would all just look at each other in dismay, and ask what the bleep was that? Is anyone else hearing or seeing what I'm seeing? And then after all that, we would just shake it off because of our daily responsibilities and just go on with our day.
How many of us finally got to go on vacation during the past year and felt yay I'm so glad to be on vacation, but once we got there, underneath feeling only 50-60% present because there was always something lurking that didn't feel quite right, something that didn't allow you to fully live in the present or completely relax to enjoy your vacation? The thing you used to rely on to reset or rejuvenate yourself didn't work. Maybe part of it was wondering whether you would ever shake this feeling. It's as if an imaginary leash was now a part of your life.
Well, that's how I feel. I feel slave to some machine now, not knowing which way it's going to pull me next. I feel like trust has been broken, and I'm not sure if it can ever be repaired.
I want it to though, and I want to figure out how it can be.
For the majority of my life, I was a restless soul, fought through many personal battles to finally get to the point where I could say I could die happy. But that's not true anymore. It's been taken away because I fear my kids will never know how beautiful life is to be truly free.
So that's why I'm here.
I'm not going to pretend I have all the answers, and I certainly don’t want to know and understand everything; but, I do know that I want health, freedom, and dignity preserved for our children, and all future generations. (I hate that I even hesitate with that last part … it makes me so sad and another reason I'm here).
It's the hill that I've picked, and the one I will die for if that's what it comes to.
I too want to feel freedom again.
Well said! Eloquent and succinct. Thank you for putting into words the uneasiness and unsettled feelings that I have been burdened with for far to long.
Something is amiss, indeed, Lee, and welcome to Substack!
Thank you for being a Badass German: