Sitemap - 2023 - Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 20/24
POLL: Are insurance companies in on it or just in the know?
One of my Heroes, David E. Martin, Addresses the EU Parliament 13 Sep 2023
PART 1: My two-week prepper's backpack
Just Following the Latest Science TM?
10 times more say THUMBS DOWN. The people are speaking. Who's listening?
Dr. David Martin's Three Simple Messages (Weaponized News— two brief excerpts)
POLL: Have you started prepping?
Kevin Jenkins: Defeating Big Pharma One Consumer at a Time
The Stifling, Censoring, and Ignoring of "What Happened?"
I'm Unvaccinated and That's OK!
Ice Cube Gives One of the Best Answers Ever on Why He Chose Not to Get Jabbed
Senator Johnson: "We are in a complete state of denial"
Healthcare professionals - YOU are the key link for change and ending the mandates
POLL: Have you tried to provide supplements to vax affected and what was the result?
Happy to see things heating up
First Aid/CPR/AED Training - I just got recertified.
I am curious. Which professions did not take the shot?
POLL: Three years into it, what stage of the awakening are you in?
She stands with fists against mandated "Hopeful" Science