Democratic leaders seemingly support striking the words "with the full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons."
Without fundamental freedoms for which all are entitled, we become slaves to the system.
H.R.79 (WHO Withdrawal Act)
H.R.343 (No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act)
H.R.1425 (No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act)
S.444 (No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act)
Here is the public comment I submitted on the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations on May 12, 2022:
You are in a position of power. I pray that you use that power first and foremost to respect human dignity, freedom, and recognize that your definition of quality of life and how to achieve it likely differs from the billions of other inhabitants of OUR shared Earth; and therefore, should not overpower individual choice.
The understanding, definition, treatment/handling of and response to a pandemic which began in 2019, as WHO has defined it, varies greatly from my viewpoint. Moreover, lack of a clear endpoint was not predefined as it should be, allowing political exploitation of an indefinite "crisis".
Diversity, agility, use of alternative medicine such as natural and holistic care, preservation of natural law and unalienable rights, and an individualistic approach favors greater success for all.
If the following items cannot be expressly guaranteed by the United States of America, participating nations, and WHO, I do not approve of our nation's involvement with or participation in WHO.
1) Ensure natural law freedoms provided by the U.S. Constitution are not infringed on,
2) Require the protection of health by removing liability protection of research and development entities (regardless of whether private or governmental), particularly in instances of fraud,
3) Provide complete informed consent under all circumstances, including under emergency circumstances,
4) Recognize and provide injury compensation for children completely and all adults equally, and not based on whether they are a federal government employee,
5) End gain-of-function research,
6) Ensure no global vaccine/medicinal/therapy mandates, passports, or discriminating by medical or genetic status are instituted or allowed, even in an emergency,
7) Reinstate and/or compensate individuals fired or smeared trying to reveal fraud, and
8) Establish appropriate punishment for anyone instigating, hiding, misleading information and coercing of experimental medical procedures going against the Nuremberg Code and Hippocratic Oath.
Paying taxes to those governments that are terrorist organizations hellbent on our death, servitude, transing our kids and denying parental rights, paying corrupt censoring media, excluding us in the name of “inclusion” and all their other top-down ideologic lies, is an act of slavery and foolishness.
"I am from the UN, and I'm here to help." John Birch was so right about them.