What is the very first thing that comes to mind when you hear that someone has died unexpectedly?
Most naturally, the response is:
"What happened?!"
It's asked because there must be a reason it happened, and we seek to know and understand that reason.
We want to know:
Did a homicide take place?
Was a person accidentally poisoned? On purpose?
Was an allergy involved?
Was there a genetic defect that family members should know about for their own welfare?
Exactly how did this person die so we can understand how to prevent this from happening to others?
Yes, we the people, are getting reconditioned, rewired by media, law enforcement, and hospitals to simply accept:
"died from unknown illness"
"died unexpectedly"
"died suddenly"
"died unexpectedly in sleep"
"SADS - sudden adult death syndrome"
"SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome"
"respect privacy at this time”
All without explanation and knowing the truth.
All without connecting the dots, and relying on and understanding "cause and effect" - our most basic skill for survival.
What impact will this have on us psychologically, to deny the most natural and most common reaction to death?
What impact is it having on our children?
Why are we allowing this desensitizing of our natural curiosity for survival?
Truly you can see, we are the problem, because we are allowing it, not questioning it and holding persons accountable to doing their job - giving family and loved ones the truth and some semblance of logic and resolve.
Do you think perhaps it could be the rushed concoction of "unknown long term effects" as written in the packaging insert - not explained to millions upon millions as the informed consent that all human beings deserve - that could be cause of "unknown cause of death"?
Who is brave enough to ask "What happened?" and keep until they get a tangible answer?
Are we still "Home of the Brave"?
Are you understanding this?
The lack of curiosity, both in the media, and in social conversations I've had, is truly extraordinary. Very creepy.
Thanks for this. Relatedly:
"In this episode of the "Make Language Great Again" podcast, I talk to Kathleen Brown, a retired dental hygienist in Nova Scotia, Canada. Kathleen is looking into obituaries of people under 65 who died suddenly or unexpectedly in Nova Scotia, Canada."
by Tessa Lena, March 23, 2022
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: See the related article (and comments section):
"Honoring Those Who Died Suddenly: A Conversation with Kathleen Brown
One Canadian citizen's quest for justice"
by Tessa Lena, March 25, 2022
TESSA LENA: Her mission is collecting information and trying to do something about sudden and unusual number of deaths in Nova Scotia following the vaccination campaign. And the reason I want to do this interview is, well, as you know I don't usually like to talk about dark stuff in my writing and my work and focus on things that are guiding us towards love and light and helping us to deal with all this mess that we are in, but it is extremely important to honor the dead. And it is extremely important to honor people who are wronged and to expose what has happened and figure it out. And I think so many people have been harmed in the past two years and that's just, that's wrong, that's injustice. And I think that in order to proceed to a better life we have to honor the dead, we have to honor the people who have been harmed. And we owe it to them and it is of spiritual significance. And this is the reason why I personally am doing this interview and I want to feature Kathleen for being a wonderful human being. And again, her mission is extremely important.
KATHLEEN BROWN: Right now I've been tracking the people who have died in Nova Scotia. And how it all started, it started basically with my mother, who lives in a nursing home. And I am power-of-attorney, that's POA, of my mother. I actually have, it's an important feature, part of this, is I have 11 brothers and sisters, and I'm number 6 out of that 11, OK? So over the years I've actually kind of looked after my parents and I just stepped up to the platter, OK? It was just one of those things. My parents, my father has passed, and my mother, when the year my father passed in 2014 my mother went into the nursing home. So she was in the nursing home and anyway she has dementia, she has some physical disabilities, but even though she has some dementia she still knows who we are, OK? And she laughs all the time. So anyway I was, I've been POA for 8 years and every year they call me and ask me if my mother's going to get a flu vaccination, and I say no. OK? So every year I've done that for whatever. Nobody in my family has ever asked me if my mother's getting a flu vaccination. The reason why she doesn't get a flu vaccination is she never believed in it. OK? She was a person who always believed in natural health. OK? She didn't drink alcohol. She barely had any medications that she took herself. She was a person who talked about not watching TV and destroying your mind. So when I'm growing up in the 70s, she's telling us that the TV will destroy your mind. OK? She was a person who didn't take thalidomide.* She was offered thalidomide for her pregnancy, for morning sickness, and she said no. OK? And thank goodness that she didn't do that. She was a person who would tell you not to be in front of the TV. So in the end, she knew things. She knew things like, don't wear sunscreens, too many chemicals. And so this information — MSG, that was another thing, she would talk about that. So in the end, I knew what she wanted. No, no injections. She wants natural immunity and that's it.
So in 20— last year, March of 2021, I actually had family members who contacted me and said, now our mother is going to get the injection for covid, and right away I said, no, she's not getting the injection. And then of course there was a big alarming thing. So the next thing I know I have to then get people in my family, so I have to go to every person and tell them why I'm not injecting her and whether they agree. I've had to, basically in the end I had to make the decision that we're not going to do this.
But then once they continued to push on me, I said no, I have to have evidence.
And so then I started to go back and look at all the obituaries from 2019. And I actually started with counting, just counting the obituaries. And from 2019 until basically 2020 it seemed to be, ah, 2021, it seemed to be normal. OK? But then once the roll-out of the vaccine started, the counts of the obituaries went up. And each month it was going up more and more. So I noticed that there was an increase by at least two-fold. OK?
So then I realized, I need to make this so that you can't just do numbers, OK? People have to, you have to have faces.
So then in May of 2021 I actually started looking at the obituaries and then actually taking screenshots of people who were below the age of 65. I knew anybody above the age of 65, it would not be good. So I started looking at below the age of 65 and then I started taking screenshots.
And then the next thing I know I started making a list. I started making a list, and what I would include is their name, their age, whether it said they suddenly, untimely, or unexpectedly die, or after a brief illness. And they had to have that parameter in the obituary.
The other thing it had to have is, I went to see where to donate to. And a lot of things, people, you know, donate in sympathy of, and a lot of them would say donate to, you know, donate to the Heart and Stroke.** OK? So you knew right away that, why this person died, basically, was probably from a stroke. But people who are 44 years of age, 31 years of age, I mean, right now the average age is 50. I have over 200 people on my list, all from Nova Scotia, and the average age is 50. OK? That is unbelievable.
But what is unbelievable, or is which is really interesting is the very first person I have listed. And in my listing this person was 64 years of age and it actually says in her obituary, that after having coffee with her husband, she, my mother, I won't say her name, my mother went to put lipstick on to go to work and she died suddenly. That is the last time or the only time that my mother left the house without her lipstick on. And when I seen that obituary I was like, wow. OK? There is something really wrong here. OK?
And so then what I started to do is I kept track of it, started to make a list. And then I decided I needed to write to the government. So in Nova Scotia we have our Premier. OK? And we have our Health Minister who's been putting these mandates on. And so I started to write to the government, and I was using information from Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone.*** I was researching all this information and I was quoting from their papers that they're doing, their research that they're doing, and anyway I started doing that. And in the end I basically didn't get any response back from the government other than that they got my email.
# # #
*Thalidomide was created in the 1950s by the Grünenthal Group, a German pharmaceutical company, and widely prescribed to pregnant woman for morning sickness. It resulted in numerous birth defects, most prominently, children born with deformed or missing limbs.
See "Thalidomide Scandal 60- year Timeline"
September 1, 2012
**Heart and Stroke https://www.heartandstroke.ca/
*** For more about Dr. McCullough, see his website
and for more about Dr. Malone, see his website,