Feel free to share in comments your favorite prepper link, tip, or your general outlook on things.
I’ve lost some sleep the past week. My pic of me is from Maui last year :-(
Of course there’s more than one place or way to help others, but I did donate to HHH because my understanding of this organization is: 100% goes to help (no administration costs), existed before fires to help people, and now focused on helping fire victims.
Hungry Heroes Hawaii Emergency Fire Response - https://www.gofundme.com/f/HHH-FIRE-RESPONSE
There are lots of other posts I have in mind to write about, but this topic of prepping is at the top of my mind. I’m not sure I can post about those other things until I spend a little time … well … prepping.
We have an adequate size camper with several sources of power. We could live in that but probably not through a winter. We would have to move more south. We boondocked a month out west this summer. No electric hook up. I have local sources for most food items and if we shelter at home a large yard for garden. We can get by with little. Depending on the circumstances of the problem.
I need a second source of water. That's in the works.
There is nowere to go if my primary place fails, because it's going to be worse elsewhere.
Looking into how to mine the driveway. ;^> And I need more peanut butter.
The social and the personal, maintaining one's integrity, knowing when to draw the sword. The samurai fights his battle in the zendo - and I'm nowhere near ready.