I am curious. Which professions did not take the shot?
Was it across the board, or is there a pattern?
If your profession is part of the reason you did not take the shot, feel free to explain that too.
I’ll begin …
Computer programmer - “I’m a logical thinker. Logic led me to know unknown benefit cannot outweigh unknown risk.”
Mom - “Given it was rushed and the unknown side effects, I didn’t want to damage myself, and for anyone else - especially my children - to have to worry about taking care of me.”
If you know of other persons who did not take the shot, feel free to provide their profession too.
I'm in the military. I've seen the wokeness creep into the ranks during the Obama years, and so have been and remained skeptical of any new movements and/or mandates. It was not the same service that I entered in the late 1990s, thus I was already on a heightened awareness. When the jab first came out, the acronym, mRNA very quickly piqued my interest. Shortly afterwards, I got covid and it was moderate, but I recovered. Thus, I now knew that I had developed natural immunity against it.
5 months later, it was mandated for us all and natural immunity was explicitly not an option for opting-out. I then went on a long campaign to research and review all things related to covid and the very early speculations and results of the jab and it strengthened my resolve to dig in my heels, pray, and fight it. How it was rolled out (quickly and haphazardly) and the one-sided narrative and lack of public safety data, and quite frankly, the outright lies that the media and my chain of command told me, coupled with the censorship, all strengthened me. I did what I could to buy time and then finally decided to leave the military a year earlier than planned, but during my petition for a waiver and an appeal after it was denied (of course it would be...), the federal court banned the mandate. It was subsequently made illegal by Congress.
I'm one of the few who fought it and fought it hard and I've very blessed that I was inspired to fight against it. Perhaps seeing how the senior leadership was not focused on national defense over the past decade already planted my suspicions, but until the jab was mandated, all the changes were things I can handle and live with, since they were all external to me. But, now it was going to affect my health and even my life, so this was a no-go barrier.
So, most recently, a young troop in my unit was hospitalized for pericarditis... My co-worker and I, both who fought it, just looked at each other without saying a word.
I am a chiropractor and our base philosophical tenet is ,”The Power that made the body heals the body.”
In that vein by taking care that all functions are operating at peak efficiency the usual function of taking care of any incursions via bacteria/viruses can be dealt with properly. One must care for one’s mind, body, and spirit and the various methods exist for doing that. Where chiropractic excels is in increasing the function of the master system that controls all: the nervous system.