POLL: Have you tried to provide supplements to vax affected and what was the result?
Also any suggestions for infrequent tachycardia (fast heart rate) resulting from moderate exertion?
Feel free to expand in the comments.
Secondly, what if someone doesn’t want to take any supplements, but often experiences fast heart rate when exerting themselves even 1.5 years after getting vaxxed (whereas, prior to covid vax, fast or irregular heart rate was not an issue, but chest pain was an immediate adverse effect from covid vax)?
Thank you in advance for any feedback. I realize it is all opinion and will treat as such.
Remember the world before … when opinions were openly provided and it was up to each person to weigh for themselves?
Glad to have some semblance of that discourse here.
it's kind of a catch-22: The people who know what supplements/herbs/vitamins to take to help repair the damage from the experimental injections are the very people who didn't take the injections in the first place! And the people who did, most are either living with the damage, or going to their doctors to ask for help. The doctors are in complete denial so most won't even admit that these people are vax injured, much less offer any help other than pharma drugs. Sadly, there are some types of damage that cannot be undone, and some (all?) heart damage falls into that category.
Sadly, it is the elephant in the room.
I get looked at like the crazy lady because I suggest to everyone you need to be supplementing your immune system it is taxed. Most of us are nutrient deficient. That is the foundation we all need is the proper concentrace minerals. Recently discovered I was dehydrated. I do everything right exercise drink plenty of water all the right supplements. Our vitamins will not work if we do not consume enough proper salt. The good salt like Celtic sea salt or pink Himalayan.
Added that I’m no longer dehydrated I feel so much better.
I have had success with some willing to learn, but the higher percentage will NOT hear alternative remedies. It’s very difficult. Sad, I know many being diagnosed with cancer, heart issues, and random health issues. None will consider what caused it.
I personally know about 10 people that have “died suddenly”. All ages. 17-64
But u can’t ask the question.