One of the early articles that influenced me toward my theory (the case for sterilization) centered on gonacon and pzp is this SEC filing that also mentions
April 2018, IMV ... granted SpayVac-for-Wildlife (SFW Inc.) a license to ... develop humane, immune-contraceptive compounds for control of overabundant ... and invasive ... populations
based on active ingredients formulated in lipid nanoparticles
'Covid' 36 times.
'Trial' 254 times.
Over 200 patients [for example].
Sterilization companies all blurred together with human vaccines every which way I looked, including the Pfizer CEO's trained specialty, fertility control.
However, I think a curious thing happens in humans if they make an effort to digest such notions, unable, they wind up looking through a glass, darkly, unless they can step away from reactionary hate to be able to comprehend the grander picture as to why it would be regarded by them as actually compassionate. It makes people's heads explode to imagine that our keepers could be motivated by good intentions to reduce baby count in order to avert what they consider to be a certainty of eventual disastrous human self-annihilation in some way with unhindered population increase. If I ponder instead of revving up hatred to a fever pitch, it's proof in their minds that I must be one of them.
But you see, that's why they feel they can't reason with us. That's why they've decided they have to place their trust 100% in every imaginable deception they can dream up and foist upon us. That's where I say they're wrong. They have never given honesty the old college try. They're scared. They see the 12 million pounds of food we eat per minute for example and how little we truly think.
A competent elite class would simply offer gift cards for voluntary vasectomies problem solved.
And people will accept the cards only to pay thousands of dollars later for IVF.
They don't offer free "cards" to all because _they need subjects to experiment with_, and they will implement a multiple of ways to get said subjects using money and their power of influence to control.
They need subjects for their search of immortality, disease-free living, and fountain of youth - in essence barking up The Tree of Knowledge rather than The Tree of Life to gain access to The Secret (and control) of Life. It is for themselves and not because they care about others.
This is an interesting take. I'm sure you know they've been experimenting with cancer since the 1960s., SV40 I believe? Yep SV40, I watched this a while back
Surely these experimental treatments have a link to depopulation, Mr. Henry Kissinger.
Much like you, I left my career in retail management over unethical events and the direction in which they were being taken. Granted what you were doing was far more complicated than me running a department (more than 12 years ago I was in a biocomputing master's program to *research* the sequencing of mRNA for cancer research) but you seem to see what I see. It's a rarity for people to see and do what you did
A 43-year old friend of mind is on his 14th month battling pancreatic cancer. Next step is experimental genomic treatment. They're going to check his dna, determine which gene is causing the cancer, then target it. Mrna all the way.
They have been trying to solve "The Protein Folding Problem" since the 60's and in addition to having the ability to appear like a one-stop place for "correct, fast" answers (and to influence people in a biased way), it is one main reason that A.I. is getting pushed so hard right now. To help solve "The Protein Folding Problem".
There was a similar big push in the early 1990's to research these same things. I'm not sure of why the ebb and flow, but maybe based on who is sitting in the Oval Office and how they (or who) set their priorities.
I have looked at blood under the microscope of vaxxed and unvaxxed for more than a year (longitudinal study), and agree all is not good and why I don't use or believe in the term purebloods. It is a very personal thing and why I won't share my findings. Each person is different and unique at any moment of time.
Yes plus another ten or so other substack authors that share their under the microscope findings. I don't necessarily agree with all findings or explanations as it's not me or my family, but I do read and look for myself. I don't take any vitamins, supplements, medicine, and haven't tried the treatments they suggest for vaxxed or unvaxxed. The only thing I try is natural food and drink suggestions, a varied diet, and everything in moderation. My next move will probably be determining best supply or treatment of drinking water.
Rare, she is, to know that.
One of the early articles that influenced me toward my theory (the case for sterilization) centered on gonacon and pzp is this SEC filing that also mentions
'cancer' 199 times: March 30, 2020
April 2018, IMV ... granted SpayVac-for-Wildlife (SFW Inc.) a license to ... develop humane, immune-contraceptive compounds for control of overabundant ... and invasive ... populations
based on active ingredients formulated in lipid nanoparticles
'Covid' 36 times.
'Trial' 254 times.
Over 200 patients [for example].
Sterilization companies all blurred together with human vaccines every which way I looked, including the Pfizer CEO's trained specialty, fertility control.
However, I think a curious thing happens in humans if they make an effort to digest such notions, unable, they wind up looking through a glass, darkly, unless they can step away from reactionary hate to be able to comprehend the grander picture as to why it would be regarded by them as actually compassionate. It makes people's heads explode to imagine that our keepers could be motivated by good intentions to reduce baby count in order to avert what they consider to be a certainty of eventual disastrous human self-annihilation in some way with unhindered population increase. If I ponder instead of revving up hatred to a fever pitch, it's proof in their minds that I must be one of them.
But you see, that's why they feel they can't reason with us. That's why they've decided they have to place their trust 100% in every imaginable deception they can dream up and foist upon us. That's where I say they're wrong. They have never given honesty the old college try. They're scared. They see the 12 million pounds of food we eat per minute for example and how little we truly think.
A competent elite class would simply offer gift cards for voluntary vasectomies problem solved.
There. I said it.
And people will accept the cards only to pay thousands of dollars later for IVF.
They don't offer free "cards" to all because _they need subjects to experiment with_, and they will implement a multiple of ways to get said subjects using money and their power of influence to control.
They need subjects for their search of immortality, disease-free living, and fountain of youth - in essence barking up The Tree of Knowledge rather than The Tree of Life to gain access to The Secret (and control) of Life. It is for themselves and not because they care about others.
This is an interesting take. I'm sure you know they've been experimenting with cancer since the 1960s., SV40 I believe? Yep SV40, I watched this a while back
Surely these experimental treatments have a link to depopulation, Mr. Henry Kissinger.
Much like you, I left my career in retail management over unethical events and the direction in which they were being taken. Granted what you were doing was far more complicated than me running a department (more than 12 years ago I was in a biocomputing master's program to *research* the sequencing of mRNA for cancer research) but you seem to see what I see. It's a rarity for people to see and do what you did
I've been thinking this too.
A 43-year old friend of mind is on his 14th month battling pancreatic cancer. Next step is experimental genomic treatment. They're going to check his dna, determine which gene is causing the cancer, then target it. Mrna all the way.
They have been trying to solve "The Protein Folding Problem" since the 60's and in addition to having the ability to appear like a one-stop place for "correct, fast" answers (and to influence people in a biased way), it is one main reason that A.I. is getting pushed so hard right now. To help solve "The Protein Folding Problem".
There was a similar big push in the early 1990's to research these same things. I'm not sure of why the ebb and flow, but maybe based on who is sitting in the Oval Office and how they (or who) set their priorities.
Lee - have you seen this where they discuss the white fibrous clots being also found in the living?
I have looked at blood under the microscope of vaxxed and unvaxxed for more than a year (longitudinal study), and agree all is not good and why I don't use or believe in the term purebloods. It is a very personal thing and why I won't share my findings. Each person is different and unique at any moment of time.
Do you read Dr. Ana Mihalcea, by chance?
Yes plus another ten or so other substack authors that share their under the microscope findings. I don't necessarily agree with all findings or explanations as it's not me or my family, but I do read and look for myself. I don't take any vitamins, supplements, medicine, and haven't tried the treatments they suggest for vaxxed or unvaxxed. The only thing I try is natural food and drink suggestions, a varied diet, and everything in moderation. My next move will probably be determining best supply or treatment of drinking water.
Build back better. The biggest human clinical trial across all age groups including the unborn continues.
It is called psycopathy when it is done by an individual. When it is done by an organization, it is called Political Ponerology.
They told us that beforehand.