it's kind of a catch-22: The people who know what supplements/herbs/vitamins to take to help repair the damage from the experimental injections are the very people who didn't take the injections in the first place! And the people who did, most are either living with the damage, or going to their doctors to ask for help. The doctors are in complete denial so most won't even admit that these people are vax injured, much less offer any help other than pharma drugs. Sadly, there are some types of damage that cannot be undone, and some (all?) heart damage falls into that category.
Precisely! I have spend quite a sum for the injured to help with their issues only to be told 'I've read you can get sick by taking too much of that (manuka honey)', 'There's no evidence this helps and in fact it can be harmful (IVM)', 'My doctor told me not to take that (quercetin)', 'A lot of people are allergic to that (NAC)', 'That makes no sense (nicotine)' or just ' thanks'. I always just really want to say, 'But you shove a pick up your nose, get injected with an unknown substance and then go to the quacks who advised it for thousands of dollars in testing and no good answers? WTH?'
"I've read you can get sick by taking too much of that (manuka honey)', 'There's no evidence this helps and in fact it can be harmful (IVM)', 'My doctor told me not to take that (quercetin)', 'A lot of people are allergic to that (NAC)', 'That makes no sense (nicotine)' or just ' thanks."
You can lead a horse to water Jamie, but the horse needs to be parched... Sadly. Been there. 💔
yes, I agree, there are some doctors out there doing amazing work, some were treating covid successfully before the poison jabs were available. Zelenko comes to mind, but there are many many others, and some of those are speaking out, even writing about it here on substack. My experience has been colored by what I've seen happen to friends and family. My own sister had horrific reaction to 2nd Moderna shot, waking in the middle of the night with her heart racing among other symptoms. She's now on bp meds probably for life. Can't walk up a short hill without stopping to catch her breath several times. Prior to the shots, she would just charge up that hill without stopping. Doctors have not been straight with her, will not even admit that MAYBE it was the shots, when her symptoms were so immediate that it's obvious it was the shots. She didn't tell me about this until weeks later (she had told me she was not going to get the shots!), so at that time (April or May, 2021) I knew about NAC possibly helping. She did take NAC but only for a couple of weeks without any change. By then she was already on the bp meds. In her case, the heart damage is likely permanent. I know of 3 deaths--sister of close friend of mine is one of those, died in her sleep 2 days after Moderna--and 7 serious life changing injuries. None have been reported to VAERS.
I get looked at like the crazy lady because I suggest to everyone you need to be supplementing your immune system it is taxed. Most of us are nutrient deficient. That is the foundation we all need is the proper concentrace minerals. Recently discovered I was dehydrated. I do everything right exercise drink plenty of water all the right supplements. Our vitamins will not work if we do not consume enough proper salt. The good salt like Celtic sea salt or pink Himalayan.
Added that I’m no longer dehydrated I feel so much better.
I have had success with some willing to learn, but the higher percentage will NOT hear alternative remedies. It’s very difficult. Sad, I know many being diagnosed with cancer, heart issues, and random health issues. None will consider what caused it.
I personally know about 10 people that have “died suddenly”. All ages. 17-64
I know. Same boat. I can't ask the question, and even though they know I care, for some I don't even know how to even talk to them because it is so heartbreaking.
I bought all of those as well, the EXACT same ones (the zinc was zinc balance with copper though), but they were not taken :-(
Most people I know, don't want to take any suggested supplements. Instead they are trying the "eat healthier" route, but I worry, will that be enough?
I have suggested antioxidants, a varied diet - international cuisines spiced with curcumin, turmeric, garlic, olive/coconut oil, pomegranate, pepitas, intermittent fasting, and foods that promote autophagy. Any other suggestions are welcomed, thank you.
& these are the people who don’t understand the difference between non gmo/ organic vs the standard American diet full of seed oils, preservatives and chemicals. So maybe a diet change would help if it’s real food.
( My family dynamics, if I get my mom’s friend to mention it, she takes it more seriously than from me. She’ll at least try anything her doctor recommends .)
Only thing I can think of that you didn’t mention is various herbal teas.
It's delicious in my opinion. I also tried to offer that to people and only the non-jabbed took it. I was told by a jabbee that she couldn't be sure it was pine and might be something harmful. Pines are all over. They have a very distinctive look and smell. I am not confused by pine vs not pine. Plus I drink it and am not dead. I guess if I had that peer reviewed it would be convincing.
Gave out to some friends some jars of Manuka honey and told them to go fully organic also advised them to get informed as there seems to be a chance, that the official narrative about pandemic and everything related to it might not give you the full picture. At the onset it was known that covid19 is in many ways similar to flue. and young ones are fully protected by own immunity and in real danger would be elderly with comorbidities. Younger and healthier you are, lower chances of the bad outcome. PCR tests were by its inventor declared to be not reliable at higher than twenty or so iterations. Fear propaganda was very effective, quarantine and other measures and mandates enforced in all walks of life.
I convinced my 39 year-old son (2 shots) to take a baby aspirin daily. I also give him a turmeric capsule when I see him four times a week. He probably has no idea I am trying to mitigate the dangers of the shots.
I find that whole plant willow tincture much better than aspirin, or baby aspirin, I found the aspirin caused swelling in my ankles/feet. Many adult aspirin have caffiene in them as well, not listed. I get the willow bark at an herb apothecary, but could make your own from the tree as most of us can recognize a willow, birch works the same, its the inner bark. making willow bark tea video
Thanks for that info. Ironically, my son questioned me on the safety of the turmeric! I am thankful that he’ll take the baby aspirin on his own. He doesn’t associate it with the shots.
But nah... I hear you. I have a double pfizered son I'm trying to save as well, who 🎼 la la la's all efforts...
The rest of my fully jabbed (and boosted) extended fam, after 3.333 years of consistently sending links, scientific data and articles regarding potentially beneficial supplements which might help mitigate "unknown" vax damage? They've consistently and pointedly ignored it all. Zero feedback. (Until they need my input about something stupid...)
So? Guess they're on their own because I now consistently and pointedly ignore them.
"The definition of insanity" applies. (Don't judge me too harshly. Am extremely tired of it ALL.)
same :-( but I'm pretty sure I'll always keep the door open knowing people are at different phases of life. youth can make one feel invincible
I finally said out loud, "No one likes me, because I am willing to have adult discussion, talk about difficult things, and I make sense. I don't understand why I'm the one getting penalized for showing where things are off and not right, but I'll still keep doing what I'm doing."
I gave olive leaf extract, querectin with zinc, and nattokinase to my ex while she was suffering from a weeks-long bout of vax-failure PCR positive koovid symptoms including severe migraine.
she didn't take much of them or consistently, but it was only a few days after that she was functional again. I can't claim one way or the other that they made a difference because it wasn't in any way a controlled experiment.
For heart palps....get away from the fresh whole walnuts, just a small handful a day, and hawthorne berry extract or tea or tincture, for 2 weeks daily to see deeper results. If in tincture use good potato and not grain based vodka.
Incidently found in dandelion which is free. I've been making dandelion jelly, pancakes, drying leaves for winter tea I enjoy it every day now that spring has arrived including the greens.
Orange peel high in quinones i dry it and keep it in jars. Free too. High in bioflavanoids vitamin C and antiviral compounds. I add it to tea.
Incidently found in dandelion which is free. I've been making dandelion jelly, pancakes, drying leaves for winter tea I enjoy it every day now that spring has arrived including the greens.
Orange peel high in quinones i dry it and keep it in jars. Free too. High in bioflavanoids vitamin C and antiviral compounds. I add it to tea.
The vax issue was the last straw in my marriage, especially after I found out she vaxxed our kids without my knowledge and bribed them not to tell me… then my youngest developed heart problems and got covid anyways. She refused to accept responsibility, apologize, or allow my son to take any supplements that weren’t suggested by the idiot doctors who do a bunch of tests and then shrug their shoulders and do nothing. She’s a surgical tech and thinks she’s at the level of a doctor and I’m a conspiracy theorist. The delusional break with reality took an already bad marriage that only existed for the kids into an openly adversarial relationship where I felt the only way to protect my kids and get them help was to divorce and then dig my heals in on medical issues in the court. The vax cult is real.
sooo, TF, seems your tragic tale is thus...the missus unleashed the ultimate marital/martial backstabbing [sic]- offspring sacrifices on the altar of her Ego, plus, financial ruin with your barfing bucks for the jabbed kids' toxic medical 'care' as long as You live?! Alas, the $ilver lining is that you will outlive them. SincereCondolences.
it's kind of a catch-22: The people who know what supplements/herbs/vitamins to take to help repair the damage from the experimental injections are the very people who didn't take the injections in the first place! And the people who did, most are either living with the damage, or going to their doctors to ask for help. The doctors are in complete denial so most won't even admit that these people are vax injured, much less offer any help other than pharma drugs. Sadly, there are some types of damage that cannot be undone, and some (all?) heart damage falls into that category.
Praying some rather than all
I'm removing this comment because it appears to have a redirect instead of linking directly to the source. Thank you though.
Precisely! I have spend quite a sum for the injured to help with their issues only to be told 'I've read you can get sick by taking too much of that (manuka honey)', 'There's no evidence this helps and in fact it can be harmful (IVM)', 'My doctor told me not to take that (quercetin)', 'A lot of people are allergic to that (NAC)', 'That makes no sense (nicotine)' or just ' thanks'. I always just really want to say, 'But you shove a pick up your nose, get injected with an unknown substance and then go to the quacks who advised it for thousands of dollars in testing and no good answers? WTH?'
"I've read you can get sick by taking too much of that (manuka honey)', 'There's no evidence this helps and in fact it can be harmful (IVM)', 'My doctor told me not to take that (quercetin)', 'A lot of people are allergic to that (NAC)', 'That makes no sense (nicotine)' or just ' thanks."
You can lead a horse to water Jamie, but the horse needs to be parched... Sadly. Been there. 💔
Seemingly so :-(
Yippers. 😢
yes, I agree, there are some doctors out there doing amazing work, some were treating covid successfully before the poison jabs were available. Zelenko comes to mind, but there are many many others, and some of those are speaking out, even writing about it here on substack. My experience has been colored by what I've seen happen to friends and family. My own sister had horrific reaction to 2nd Moderna shot, waking in the middle of the night with her heart racing among other symptoms. She's now on bp meds probably for life. Can't walk up a short hill without stopping to catch her breath several times. Prior to the shots, she would just charge up that hill without stopping. Doctors have not been straight with her, will not even admit that MAYBE it was the shots, when her symptoms were so immediate that it's obvious it was the shots. She didn't tell me about this until weeks later (she had told me she was not going to get the shots!), so at that time (April or May, 2021) I knew about NAC possibly helping. She did take NAC but only for a couple of weeks without any change. By then she was already on the bp meds. In her case, the heart damage is likely permanent. I know of 3 deaths--sister of close friend of mine is one of those, died in her sleep 2 days after Moderna--and 7 serious life changing injuries. None have been reported to VAERS.
Sadly, it is the elephant in the room.
I get looked at like the crazy lady because I suggest to everyone you need to be supplementing your immune system it is taxed. Most of us are nutrient deficient. That is the foundation we all need is the proper concentrace minerals. Recently discovered I was dehydrated. I do everything right exercise drink plenty of water all the right supplements. Our vitamins will not work if we do not consume enough proper salt. The good salt like Celtic sea salt or pink Himalayan.
Added that I’m no longer dehydrated I feel so much better.
I have had success with some willing to learn, but the higher percentage will NOT hear alternative remedies. It’s very difficult. Sad, I know many being diagnosed with cancer, heart issues, and random health issues. None will consider what caused it.
I personally know about 10 people that have “died suddenly”. All ages. 17-64
But u can’t ask the question.
I know. Same boat. I can't ask the question, and even though they know I care, for some I don't even know how to even talk to them because it is so heartbreaking.
What brand of Pink Himalayan Salt do you use? Thank you kindly.😊
My 80 yr old mom took my nattokinase for 2 weeks. At least she tried it, in the beginning I gave her d, zinc and querciten, she took none.
I bought all of those as well, the EXACT same ones (the zinc was zinc balance with copper though), but they were not taken :-(
Most people I know, don't want to take any suggested supplements. Instead they are trying the "eat healthier" route, but I worry, will that be enough?
I have suggested antioxidants, a varied diet - international cuisines spiced with curcumin, turmeric, garlic, olive/coconut oil, pomegranate, pepitas, intermittent fasting, and foods that promote autophagy. Any other suggestions are welcomed, thank you.
& these are the people who don’t understand the difference between non gmo/ organic vs the standard American diet full of seed oils, preservatives and chemicals. So maybe a diet change would help if it’s real food.
( My family dynamics, if I get my mom’s friend to mention it, she takes it more seriously than from me. She’ll at least try anything her doctor recommends .)
Only thing I can think of that you didn’t mention is various herbal teas.
Precisely same response ... only listen to the doctors that recommended to take the thing that caused the issue in the first place :-(
Yes herbal teas also bought. Pomegranate, green tea, pineapple (bromelain). At least that was tried.
& dandelion tea , I didn’t try pine needle
We be sharing the same mind! Those are the next two on my list!
Or fennel and star anise? All good suggestions shared, easy to keep on hand too.
Now all I can do is pray for my loved ones. I did make a few healthy but sweet smoothies she drank but won’t make them for herself.
It's delicious in my opinion. I also tried to offer that to people and only the non-jabbed took it. I was told by a jabbee that she couldn't be sure it was pine and might be something harmful. Pines are all over. They have a very distinctive look and smell. I am not confused by pine vs not pine. Plus I drink it and am not dead. I guess if I had that peer reviewed it would be convincing.
Sad yet funny. She never considered how her ancestors managed ( with medicine from nature!)
Gave out to some friends some jars of Manuka honey and told them to go fully organic also advised them to get informed as there seems to be a chance, that the official narrative about pandemic and everything related to it might not give you the full picture. At the onset it was known that covid19 is in many ways similar to flue. and young ones are fully protected by own immunity and in real danger would be elderly with comorbidities. Younger and healthier you are, lower chances of the bad outcome. PCR tests were by its inventor declared to be not reliable at higher than twenty or so iterations. Fear propaganda was very effective, quarantine and other measures and mandates enforced in all walks of life.
I need to check out that honey. Thank you. I have also heard to be careful with some organic though too, I'll try to find the post I read.
which links to:
ever since USDA "organic" became the de facto US standard, one can't trust the labeling anymore.
there's too many loopholes allowing non organic production to be certified.
I convinced my 39 year-old son (2 shots) to take a baby aspirin daily. I also give him a turmeric capsule when I see him four times a week. He probably has no idea I am trying to mitigate the dangers of the shots.
I find that whole plant willow tincture much better than aspirin, or baby aspirin, I found the aspirin caused swelling in my ankles/feet. Many adult aspirin have caffiene in them as well, not listed. I get the willow bark at an herb apothecary, but could make your own from the tree as most of us can recognize a willow, birch works the same, its the inner bark. making willow bark tea video
Thanks for that info. Ironically, my son questioned me on the safety of the turmeric! I am thankful that he’ll take the baby aspirin on his own. He doesn’t associate it with the shots.
Tell him.
He might take more, on his own?
But nah... I hear you. I have a double pfizered son I'm trying to save as well, who 🎼 la la la's all efforts...
The rest of my fully jabbed (and boosted) extended fam, after 3.333 years of consistently sending links, scientific data and articles regarding potentially beneficial supplements which might help mitigate "unknown" vax damage? They've consistently and pointedly ignored it all. Zero feedback. (Until they need my input about something stupid...)
So? Guess they're on their own because I now consistently and pointedly ignore them.
"The definition of insanity" applies. (Don't judge me too harshly. Am extremely tired of it ALL.)
same :-( but I'm pretty sure I'll always keep the door open knowing people are at different phases of life. youth can make one feel invincible
I finally said out loud, "No one likes me, because I am willing to have adult discussion, talk about difficult things, and I make sense. I don't understand why I'm the one getting penalized for showing where things are off and not right, but I'll still keep doing what I'm doing."
My door is unlocked but not expecting anyone.
I gave olive leaf extract, querectin with zinc, and nattokinase to my ex while she was suffering from a weeks-long bout of vax-failure PCR positive koovid symptoms including severe migraine.
she didn't take much of them or consistently, but it was only a few days after that she was functional again. I can't claim one way or the other that they made a difference because it wasn't in any way a controlled experiment.
For heart palps....get away from the fresh whole walnuts, just a small handful a day, and hawthorne berry extract or tea or tincture, for 2 weeks daily to see deeper results. If in tincture use good potato and not grain based vodka.
Thanks you <3
Incidently found in dandelion which is free. I've been making dandelion jelly, pancakes, drying leaves for winter tea I enjoy it every day now that spring has arrived including the greens.
Orange peel high in quinones i dry it and keep it in jars. Free too. High in bioflavanoids vitamin C and antiviral compounds. I add it to tea.
I appreciate you sharing, thank you :-)
Incidently found in dandelion which is free. I've been making dandelion jelly, pancakes, drying leaves for winter tea I enjoy it every day now that spring has arrived including the greens.
Orange peel high in quinones i dry it and keep it in jars. Free too. High in bioflavanoids vitamin C and antiviral compounds. I add it to tea.
The vax issue was the last straw in my marriage, especially after I found out she vaxxed our kids without my knowledge and bribed them not to tell me… then my youngest developed heart problems and got covid anyways. She refused to accept responsibility, apologize, or allow my son to take any supplements that weren’t suggested by the idiot doctors who do a bunch of tests and then shrug their shoulders and do nothing. She’s a surgical tech and thinks she’s at the level of a doctor and I’m a conspiracy theorist. The delusional break with reality took an already bad marriage that only existed for the kids into an openly adversarial relationship where I felt the only way to protect my kids and get them help was to divorce and then dig my heals in on medical issues in the court. The vax cult is real.
I'm so sorry. If this happened to me it would be the end too
Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I have no words...
sooo, TF, seems your tragic tale is thus...the missus unleashed the ultimate marital/martial backstabbing [sic]- offspring sacrifices on the altar of her Ego, plus, financial ruin with your barfing bucks for the jabbed kids' toxic medical 'care' as long as You live?! Alas, the $ilver lining is that you will outlive them. SincereCondolences.