Aug 21, 2023Liked by Lee Muller

We have an adequate size camper with several sources of power. We could live in that but probably not through a winter. We would have to move more south. We boondocked a month out west this summer. No electric hook up. I have local sources for most food items and if we shelter at home a large yard for garden. We can get by with little. Depending on the circumstances of the problem.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Lee Muller

I need a second source of water. That's in the works.

There is nowere to go if my primary place fails, because it's going to be worse elsewhere.

Looking into how to mine the driveway. ;^> And I need more peanut butter.

The social and the personal, maintaining one's integrity, knowing when to draw the sword. The samurai fights his battle in the zendo - and I'm nowhere near ready.

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The best prepper I have ever heard of is called "the serbian prepper" and his story of survival is essential reading for all today. I was reminded of it last night when someone asked me why I buy bic lighters by the box... you will find true insights into the mechanisms for survival from a man who has experienced what we are all about to go through including the psychology that so many dont know the importance of. good luck to you all..

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Aha! I see why ...

Words from a Bosnian Survivalist | Powers Firearms Training https://powersfirearmstraining.com/resources/Words%20from%20a%20Bosnian%20Survivalist.pdf

I will definitely follow up on the writings and YT channel for this guy. Thank you for mentioning.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Lee Muller

Write a post with what common needs people should have covered.

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If your primary place fails you, how many places can you go to live for at least a month?


The answer depends on if I'm allowed to go to your place or not! ;)

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Over seven years into a long-distance relationship with hopes to make official soon ... certainly that must answer your question lol

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ahhaahha that's not at all how I meant it but congratulations! I guess you'll have to run the idea by him, too! ;)

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My first good laugh of the day and its always top of my list to find first as it helps set the rest of the day.

Much appreciated.

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Honestly I don't think we can prep for what's coming.

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I agree. As history has demonstrated starving people will do just about anything to obtain food, including eating each other. Come to think of it, communists have no regard for human life and will kill anyone they don’t like just for the enjoyment. In the 20th century alone millions of people were ruthlessly murdered by their own governments. Real prepping should be working to prevent the communists from completely taking over.

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Hi Lee…C FL checking in. You are never really fully prepared so admittedly I kinda stopped last 6 months. Decided to go with what I have on hand. It sort of drives one crazy to be honest. You can get into very negative mindset always worried about what you lack or forgot.

Try to stay in a good physical state as you will need to be mobile. I can thank the last two years for the mental toughness. In early 2020 I was pissed off that I felt the need to even have to do it. Was hoping that a solution would present itself. Then I became the Dr Strangelove of prepping “How I quit worrying and learned to love SHTF.”

My advice is get the basics of each group listed in your poll and relax. Then ride the tiger and embrace the suck. This country and the West has a rendezvous with its own mortality. Ultimately, it’s going to lose.

Thank you for your blog!

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I have a long way to go with learning to love SHTF. I spent three hours last night praying and watching a steady, intense lightning storm looking for drones. Not fun :-( was lighting up my house from all angles for the entire time

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Lol.....and please understand I don't really mean love. Was using it from that movie which I have not officially seen before. Its based around nuclear Armageddon from what I understand. I have given this a lot a thought but even in a power outage a month ago I realized some gaps.

When the lockdowns started it freaked me out pretty bad. I'm not the kind that scares easy either. It was the thought of locking down the world's economies which is how we feed the planet. They obviously kept the farmers going and other essential aspects. This along with the printing money bonanza got us through. However after that I began to concern myself with the aftermath should those fears of an economical shitstorm or other disaster come to fruition. It comes down to what your definition of SHTF looks like as well. My scenario is pretty dark which means modern day amenities are sidelined for over 1 week.

Wasn't in the military but have always been the outdoors type. Started trying to learn from former dudes in the service. It's really a lot to take in and it will cost a a lot of money. We cannot plan for every contingency but for a couple years I found myself caught up in a game of whack a mole. Drove myself and my ex at the time damn near nuts in the process.

Will tell you right now HANDS DOWN THE MOST IMPORTANT PREP ITEM is WATER! Its more important than guns, ammo, medical, or food. Don't get me wrong those other items are very important too. Water is the easiest to overlook so that's why I emphasized it. Actually there is one other thing which may indeed supersede all things including water. Location, Location, Location as they say. Obviously someone in San Fran, living in the middle of the city, will not be in as good of shape as the person in rural Idaho. I say that but if that person in ID has nothing to fall back on and SHTF in the middle of winter well he's in bad shape too. Not to mention if he has flailing health and/or extreme weight issues.

We have a saying....."Get out of the BLUE HIVES." I think that's appropriate but anywhere there is a large population best get away from it or have an evacuation route. Knowing when it is time will be key and that can be tricky unless your are by yourself. In other words you don't care if you are wrong and drive 3 hours into the Boonies for a rendezvous point. You stay out there for a day and sheepishly return back to home/civility. That why if possible best to leave now and find a home on the outskirts but I know some people just can't do it.

Communication--I really suck at this one. I do have a shortwave radio. That really is a must have $25. I spent a bit more which will allow me to hear HAM radio signals. I can't use it to talk but at least I can understand what's going on.....maybe lol because I still don't know how to use it. Have a couple Baefong radios $70 (pair) I think. I gave them to my niece and nephew because they're young quick learners. I think the little shits have broken one of them lol. I would try and get to my family's house if possible. In a nuclear/EMP attack it might not be so easy to travel except old vehicle or motorcycle. Hell I just came to the realization that I should probably buy an older motorcycle....duh. You see what it does to you now haha.

I am pretty good at war gaming stuff though. After more patient thoughts trickled through I came to understand somethings will NOT happen. Ex: The US will NOT cut off its own power supply to starve their citizens. They want the land to be decent and having nuclear power plant meltdowns across the land it not a good strategy. If those NPP's get taken offline that's what might very well happen. So no need to worry about that.

Well I hope that helps a little. Its not to discourage. I was trying to alleviate some anxiety but have a feeling I just brough it on or gave you more of it tehehe. My point is there are many things that could go wrong and so you just try to cover the big holes and fly by the seat of your pants should the day come. Even though I am still a babe in the woods myself you can tell I have given it some thought. If you ever want to know more you can email me which I assume you have or ask me on our thread here.

After writing all that now I'm anxious ;)

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I don’t have extra resources to prep beyond hurricane season standard stuff.

My biotoxin mold illness has been very costly & my supportive husband is using his retirement savings. But I’m very thankful after no treatment for years with insurance dictated doctors. ( I have a laundry list of autoimmune issues. Thankful to have a little energy to get things done around the house. Progress!)

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I enjoy others making progress, even if I am not lol

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Thanks for this :)

I have a bug out and emergency preparedness bag but my favorite way to prepare for emergencies is in a way that stacks functions for any situation.

Some (such as Hrvoje Moric of Geopolitics & Empire and Derrick Broze of "Freedom Cells") say that one should prioritize diversified hard assets, cash, non-perishable food stores and cryptocurrency (and those are great) but those things do not have intrinsic value, thus their value in a survival situation pales in comparison to natural medicine, emergency shelter building, water purification, food cultivation, foraging and preservation skills.

Knowledge, skills and experience related to food cultivation, natural medicine, foraging and preservation cannot be stolen from you, and thus it has intrinsic value as it is applicable and accessible in any and all situations.

Therefore, I strive to attempt to simultaneously prepare for short term and long term emergency preparedness whenever possible. Foraging skills (plant/fungi identification, harvesting and storage experience) as well as Cultivating and saving large amounts of nutrient dense seeds (which offers permanent and valuable experience and knowledge and can also be used to grow copious amounts of food and medicine given the right conditions and timeframe).

For a list of some species of trees and plants that offer medicine and food read:

- https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/unlocking-autumns-abundance

- https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/befriending-the-boreal-getting-to?

- https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/befriending-the-boreal-introducing?

- https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/befriending-the-boreal-an-invitation?

- https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/embracing-the-abundance-of-spring

For more info on seed saving and why it is important:

- https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/seed-saving-to-save-the-future

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The most important prepping is to be as tightly connected to whatever your concept of beneficent divine power is, and gain and maintain control over your mind.

Blessed ARE Warriors!

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When I was 23, I was a prepper. That was 50 years ago. Now that I KNOW there's no escape from Prison Planet, had my kidneys destroyed, and am harassed and tortured, 24/7 remotely, there's nothing to be gained by thinking about such. Though most people don't know it, it's my opinion we're all tracked all the time by Remote Neural Monitoring. Our whereabouts and thoughts are in the hands of the Global murderers.

See targetedjustice.com

also https://x.com/defiantferocity/status/1704573867660828685?s=20 which provides a list of Patents associated with brain-invasive techonology and other electronic weapons.

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there may be no escape and there will always be rules to play by, but life is better to keeping trying and have hope, if not for oneself, for the ones we love

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Please forgive me: Simply incredible smile. Thank you for sharing it.

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Living in Japan, along the geologically Pacific active ring of fire (as well as frequent typhoons and flooding), many, if not most Japanese households have a "bosai" kit (bug-out kit), so depending on who takes the survey, I am not sure if it is adequate for anything more than raising awareness.

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