"It's a two-way street, and one person alone can't make a friendship."
Or a familial relationship.
Rather than accept that we have differing views(which I voiced but never forced upon) our going on 40 year old daughter has stopped all manner of communication and blocked us from her life and our young teenage grand daughter's life as well. I'm so heartbroken. It's been three years
Dear Lord, please help mend this parent-child-grandchild relationship by sending caring, loving visions or experiences to those involved so that the line of communication can be open once again. May these experiences tug at one's heart to realize that differences can be put aside to honor thy parents' hearts knowing everything good in life, every day, is a gift to be grateful for and a brighter one sharing it together. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Evil Harry, you wrote exactly what I was planning on saying. 100% the fault of the media. I'm shunned (again) for not being "outraged" at the election results. I was raised in a very political extended family. Dinner time included many political discussions. And that's what they were...no yelling, just exchanging thoughts. We learned from each other. Now? All that is over. If you don't accept the narrative they were given, you are written off. Quite sad really. Luckily I'm skilled enough to make small inroads with a few people.
You will be assimilated or else...that's their threat. Take heart and know they are in a cult. A cult that preys on them. Psychologically there are weaknesses in such people. Fear of missing out lack of identity and empty meaningless lives. This is fertile ground for the manipulators and dividers to do their worst. My brother watches CNN like an addict and hates trump w a passion. We can no longer speak of politics. There will only be peace if we do not name him!
That's the effed up part of it all. I don't want to let her back into my life to possibly do this to me again. Yet I pine for an image of what she once was before the jabs and the woke mind virus, etc.
Will they "come around" at some point? I do not know. I have grand children, cute little ones. All of them. One daughter has completely shut us out, she has three tiny grand children that I have not seen in two and a half years. The other daughter we have a careful relationship. We carefully walk on egg shells, and we get to see the cute grand girls
And on second thoughts, I'm putting Lee's prayer here for your family as well. 🙏🏻💟
Dear Lord, please help mend this parent-child-grandchild relationship by sending caring, loving visions or experiences to those involved so that the line of communication can be open once again. May these experiences tug at one's heart to realize that differences can be put aside to honor thy parents' hearts knowing everything good in life, every day, is a gift to be grateful for and a brighter one sharing it together. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Advice adopt like minded friends w grand kids spoil them instead. write the dauhter and family out of will. Or leave ironclad trust to gdauhter w strict spending limits etc. He who laughs last laughs best. Other daughter maybe gets something .
yes, we are working on this. At present Hubbs is doing all of the work for my father's Trust, which is a lot! and we have learned much about these specific legal points that must be clarified. Absolutely.
I've heard so many stories similar to yours when I went to Trump rallies in 2016. I am so sorry for your pain and for the pain of all the other parents/grandparents whose children have cut them off, not just from seeing them, but for denying them their grandchildren. I can think of nothing more cruel. If only your daughter could be told how cruel her actions are, maybe that would open her eyes.
She is surrounded by people who encouraged this behavior. As much as I don't want this to happen to her I think the only way she will realize how cruel she has been, is if her own daughter does the same to her. And she has certainly taught her that this is perfectly fine to do to your parents for simply disagreeing with them.
She is in a cult. Delusions have a strong grip on her. She will not change her views or approach. The demon rat media tells her what to do so she can feel safety love and belongings. There is a deep wound in people like this hidden previously and exploited. Very sorry to tell you that. But her issues began before trump. Inner feels of not being enough lack of gratitude for what she had...could go on n on. It is not your fault.
I think we underestimate how big the cognitive dissidence is for others. People are doubling-down because the reality is a major, major betrayal of their trust. We can only wait until the reality hits, and it may take a few years. And when it does, then try to extend understanding -- something like "of course you believed it, it was the biggest, best-funded, most overwhelming propaganda campaign ever ... and it wasn't your fault that you believed it." I'm not seeing much messaging like this, and I think it could help.
Sconnie, I very much agree. I don't think most of my family members are ever going to get their minds around the fact that the people they trusted, the health authorities and their doctors, in fact injured them. Right now it's looking like they're going to die of whatever they're going to die of-- many of them are elderly, the jabs didn't do them any favors, but anyway they weren't about to run triathlons and live another 40 years. Stroke, dementia, cancer, heart attack, who knows, but something will take them down, just very possibly sooner and differently than it would have happened without the jabs. And the younger injected adults, the ones in their 20s-50s, I think they're going to treat the entire subject as they have been treating it for the last year: Taboo.
But that taboo I see as a block of ice in a running stream. It may take a long while, but eventually it's going to melt.
I agree, it was, as you say, "the biggest, best-funded, most overwhelming propaganda campaign ever." Compassion for those who are starting to wake up is very important. As is compassion for ourselves as humans: to err is human.
I hear you. It's hard to know though why a person doesn't respond to email.
Sometimes it's over feeling that a chasm in politicial opinion is just too wide, too threatening, and that's certainly a thing these days. I have my own painful stories in this vein.
But ghosting-- (not blocking, of course, just ghosting)-- can be for other reasons. A lot of people got into the habit of procrastinating on their email, and even more so in 2022, and now they face a cliff-- where to even start?
Add to that, these days many people are taking care of relatives who have dementia and/or other health issues, and I know from my own pre-covid-times experience, that that can be incredibly wearing, leaving little time or energy for email or phone calls, for anything else.
Then, too, the people who would reject you (and people such as myself) over asking questions in general (!!!) have now probably had 5 or more injections of the cooties gene juice. Almost everyone I know who has had so many jabs is now suffering from some degree of brain fog. This in itself makes dealing with email very challenging.
Thanks for writing about this. It's been challenging to feel so alone and to see so many old and dear relationships severely damaged or in total collapse.
For me I'm not sure that it's a feeling of alone as I grew up younger than my siblings and felt mostly on my own anyways. I was a bit of a loner and just hung out on my own with my dog. I am just so surprised how people are so quick to dismiss decades of friendship based on only care and comradery. I accept it, but makes me question nearly all relationships in general. I know there are bigger fish to fry and perhaps just needed to get these thoughts off my chest to move. Appreciate the opportunity to commiserate I suppose.
I think there's a lot to be said for putting one's thoughts in order. It's one reason I comment here and there on Substacks— so thank you for this opportunity.
This subject you posted on is one that I've been turning over in my mind since 2021, when I started to lose a lot of relationships (or lose their previous degree of closeness) over my questioning of covid policies and my opposition to mandates / Jab Crow. It's a crucial subject— how to deal with other people, how to evaluate relationships, what to do, what not to do, in which circumstances. I'm working on it; I can't say I've gotten my mind around it all yet.
I'll add one thing, though, and that is that since 2020 I've come to be much more alert to signs that another person is, or is not, curious, discerning, and self-directed, especially in their reading material. People who are incurious and who don't think for themselves can be pursuaded to do just about anything, cruel and insane as it may be (such as, oh, say, to start with with, injecting pregnant women with experimental gene jabs, or disinviting the unjabbed from Christmas dinner or their own mother's funeral).
I don't expect everyone to be perfect (who is?) and people can always change, and I recognize that a lot of healthy family life involves dealing with the relatives one has, rather than the relatives one would wish for. That said, all things equal, friends and family who can easily be pursuaded to do senseless, cruel things are dangerous. This doesn't necessarily mean that I get all judgy about people who are incurious, undiscerning, and unable to think for themselves on basic issues, but the more I can recognize this about them, the better I can adjust my expectations, and thereby avoid painful disappointments.
In other words, it helps to figure out that they're not going to be there for me when it counts before I find out the hard way that they're not going to there for me when it counts.
But like I said, I'm on the learning curve. And the whole covid show, that was one whopping whopper of a psy op.
to both of you. we have a connection with each other.
Yes, it is on the internet, but we are not alone.
Please reach out when the pit of loneliness becomes unbearable, there are those days.
I am grateful I have my husband. It helps to unload the same disappointments and heart aches with someone regularly. My entire family is afflicted with brainfog
All conversations are on the surface for me. I hear the gaslit friends around me prattle on about their shots and liberal nonsense and about an hour is all I can stand. I have one or 2 good friends. That’s enough for me.
Same here. I don’t check my phone all the time. By 7pm it’s on a charge and I don’t look anymore. I don’t feel obligated to answer everyone. It’s a pain.
yes, it has been, and continues to be, a sad time regarding friends, loss of friends, and the polarization that has taken place among so many Americans, and I suspect people of "developed" countries in general. The vote thing is something that hard to understand, that people take it so seriously and get so angry about it. Your ONE vote did not swing the election. Nor did mine! In fact, everyone who lives in Arizona had no impact at all on the election because the POTUS election was called before Arizona even reported! Trump would have won no matter which way Arizona voted.
Covid woke a lot of us up to the fact that we are being controlled, or attempted to be controlled, by psychological operations. Virtually everything they told us about covid was a lie. And yet millions believed the lies and continue to believe the lies. I still have friends who believe the lies and for the sake of our friendship, I just don't go there. But the friendship has changed, it's not what it used to be, and probably never will be. And I have other former friends who've just written me off as a conspiracy theorist. It's been hard, but I just have to accept it. As you said, one person cannot make a friendship. And people wake up in their own time, or maybe they don't. Maybe they will never open to the truth about covid or about the Democratic Party.
Yeah I just wish they would be brave enough to say why because the unknown is uncomfortable to put it mildly.
I propose an experiment to try to answer the original question you posed. You have my email from previous years, I have a high regard for you as special, and so what if we talk, starting with an email, try to be friends and I promise to let you know if anything can be detected that might shed any light on answering that question.
because I am a former RN, I sometimes wonder if I am being ghosted because of what I admit that I know and understand, I have been mostly shunned by those I gently urged to not get the vax and also various other not pushy medical advice- really things I always shared with others when they asked
This argument might change some minds, but it has to be presented in a reasoning way, not in a threatening way. It goes like this...
I understand that people are afraid... afraid they will lose important liberties, and in some cases possibly even their lives. (It could be pointed out that lives are being lost due to the mRNA vaccines, but presumably the other person is not open to reason on the points like this).
Undeniably, some people who voted for Trump did so because they want to take away other people's rights. You might have seen some of their abhorrent posts on social media. However, they don't represent all Trump voters. Let's face it. We only had two choices, and neither one was very good. (Example: Trump is called "Hitler" by people who stood for a candidate who supported continuing genocide in Gaza).
You've been told to un-friend other people, including family, because of politics. I understand why you might think this is a good idea, but I don't think the people who tell you this have fully thought things through. First, like I said, each person who voted for Trump had their own reasons. They're not all the same. Second, by refusing to talk to these people and alienating them, do you think it will make it more or less likely that your fears about the future will come true?
They might ask how you are unlike the stereotypical voter of that candidate, which will open the door for a discussion.
Personally, I didn't vote for either candidate, but I'm against division because it only works in favor of the oligarchy/establishment. The reason I mentioned Trump's name is because it's mostly people in that camp who are being ostracized.
In my case I didn't share with others who I would vote for or who I voted for or whether or not I even voted. They just assumed. Their entire basis for unfriending me could be based on a wrong assumption. I really am at the point that it is their loss to cut ties based on an assumption, especially all the times I would offer my help when I saw them in times of struggle. Multiple multiple times expecting nothing in return. Now I really feel it is most important to really assess to whom I yoke myself to and if it's really worth it.
They've apparently extended "Disassociate from Trump voters" to "Separate yourselves from conservatives, or anyone whose opinions you mostly disagree with." There's no excuse for that, especially after you had done so much for them. This is what happens when people follow mammon rather than God. The "really's" really didn't bother me. :)
"It's a two-way street, and one person alone can't make a friendship."
Or a familial relationship.
Rather than accept that we have differing views(which I voiced but never forced upon) our going on 40 year old daughter has stopped all manner of communication and blocked us from her life and our young teenage grand daughter's life as well. I'm so heartbroken. It's been three years
Dear Lord, please help mend this parent-child-grandchild relationship by sending caring, loving visions or experiences to those involved so that the line of communication can be open once again. May these experiences tug at one's heart to realize that differences can be put aside to honor thy parents' hearts knowing everything good in life, every day, is a gift to be grateful for and a brighter one sharing it together. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Thank you Lee. That's beautiful.
I'm sorry you're hurting as well. 💞
The media, alongside politics and education, are to blame for this polarisation.
Without the media being so divisive and continually spreading their hatred and fear, the unawakened would continue blindly going about their ways.
As it is, the poison spread by these media entities, has created such division, I'm not sure it can be bridged.
I have found that the people that don't watch the TV, or read the newspapers, are more likely to be open to other viewpoints.
As the younger generations largely ignore the MSM, maybe there is some hope.
Evil Harry, you wrote exactly what I was planning on saying. 100% the fault of the media. I'm shunned (again) for not being "outraged" at the election results. I was raised in a very political extended family. Dinner time included many political discussions. And that's what they were...no yelling, just exchanging thoughts. We learned from each other. Now? All that is over. If you don't accept the narrative they were given, you are written off. Quite sad really. Luckily I'm skilled enough to make small inroads with a few people.
You will be assimilated or else...that's their threat. Take heart and know they are in a cult. A cult that preys on them. Psychologically there are weaknesses in such people. Fear of missing out lack of identity and empty meaningless lives. This is fertile ground for the manipulators and dividers to do their worst. My brother watches CNN like an addict and hates trump w a passion. We can no longer speak of politics. There will only be peace if we do not name him!
Oddly enough it's we, the parents that don't have TV. I agree with what you say though, for sure.
Write them out of the will and leave it all to your granddaughter. That’s the mood I’m in now. I’m tired of forgiving stupid people.
That's the effed up part of it all. I don't want to let her back into my life to possibly do this to me again. Yet I pine for an image of what she once was before the jabs and the woke mind virus, etc.
You are not alone. just please know that.
Hubbs and I are experiencing the same
Will they "come around" at some point? I do not know. I have grand children, cute little ones. All of them. One daughter has completely shut us out, she has three tiny grand children that I have not seen in two and a half years. The other daughter we have a careful relationship. We carefully walk on egg shells, and we get to see the cute grand girls
And on second thoughts, I'm putting Lee's prayer here for your family as well. 🙏🏻💟
Dear Lord, please help mend this parent-child-grandchild relationship by sending caring, loving visions or experiences to those involved so that the line of communication can be open once again. May these experiences tug at one's heart to realize that differences can be put aside to honor thy parents' hearts knowing everything good in life, every day, is a gift to be grateful for and a brighter one sharing it together. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
thank you sincerely dear friend.
Advice adopt like minded friends w grand kids spoil them instead. write the dauhter and family out of will. Or leave ironclad trust to gdauhter w strict spending limits etc. He who laughs last laughs best. Other daughter maybe gets something .
yes, we are working on this. At present Hubbs is doing all of the work for my father's Trust, which is a lot! and we have learned much about these specific legal points that must be clarified. Absolutely.
Eggshells indeed. We did too for the last year before she closed the door.
Her last words in a text to Hubs were "I wasn't raised with hate in my heart."
Hubs asked if the family was over, she yelled in caps I DIDN'T SAY THAT!!
And then that was the last we heard from her.
I'm sorry you're going through this too Rosemary. Hugs and prayers for you. 💞
I've heard so many stories similar to yours when I went to Trump rallies in 2016. I am so sorry for your pain and for the pain of all the other parents/grandparents whose children have cut them off, not just from seeing them, but for denying them their grandchildren. I can think of nothing more cruel. If only your daughter could be told how cruel her actions are, maybe that would open her eyes.
She is surrounded by people who encouraged this behavior. As much as I don't want this to happen to her I think the only way she will realize how cruel she has been, is if her own daughter does the same to her. And she has certainly taught her that this is perfectly fine to do to your parents for simply disagreeing with them.
I wish. Her husband is the boss. I have responded negatively over the years with insensitive statements that i regret but certainly not any threats
She is in a cult. Delusions have a strong grip on her. She will not change her views or approach. The demon rat media tells her what to do so she can feel safety love and belongings. There is a deep wound in people like this hidden previously and exploited. Very sorry to tell you that. But her issues began before trump. Inner feels of not being enough lack of gratitude for what she had...could go on n on. It is not your fault.
My compassion and deep empathy TB.
I understand your heartbreak very well.
I'm sorry you're hurting UM 💞🙏🏻💞
I think we underestimate how big the cognitive dissidence is for others. People are doubling-down because the reality is a major, major betrayal of their trust. We can only wait until the reality hits, and it may take a few years. And when it does, then try to extend understanding -- something like "of course you believed it, it was the biggest, best-funded, most overwhelming propaganda campaign ever ... and it wasn't your fault that you believed it." I'm not seeing much messaging like this, and I think it could help.
Maybe this will help things along
Sconnie, I very much agree. I don't think most of my family members are ever going to get their minds around the fact that the people they trusted, the health authorities and their doctors, in fact injured them. Right now it's looking like they're going to die of whatever they're going to die of-- many of them are elderly, the jabs didn't do them any favors, but anyway they weren't about to run triathlons and live another 40 years. Stroke, dementia, cancer, heart attack, who knows, but something will take them down, just very possibly sooner and differently than it would have happened without the jabs. And the younger injected adults, the ones in their 20s-50s, I think they're going to treat the entire subject as they have been treating it for the last year: Taboo.
But that taboo I see as a block of ice in a running stream. It may take a long while, but eventually it's going to melt.
I agree, it was, as you say, "the biggest, best-funded, most overwhelming propaganda campaign ever." Compassion for those who are starting to wake up is very important. As is compassion for ourselves as humans: to err is human.
The deception. What Satan did to Eve. Evildoers deceive innocent people and turn them into something unrecognizable.
(edited to fix typos)
I hear you. It's hard to know though why a person doesn't respond to email.
Sometimes it's over feeling that a chasm in politicial opinion is just too wide, too threatening, and that's certainly a thing these days. I have my own painful stories in this vein.
But ghosting-- (not blocking, of course, just ghosting)-- can be for other reasons. A lot of people got into the habit of procrastinating on their email, and even more so in 2022, and now they face a cliff-- where to even start?
Add to that, these days many people are taking care of relatives who have dementia and/or other health issues, and I know from my own pre-covid-times experience, that that can be incredibly wearing, leaving little time or energy for email or phone calls, for anything else.
Then, too, the people who would reject you (and people such as myself) over asking questions in general (!!!) have now probably had 5 or more injections of the cooties gene juice. Almost everyone I know who has had so many jabs is now suffering from some degree of brain fog. This in itself makes dealing with email very challenging.
Thanks for writing about this. It's been challenging to feel so alone and to see so many old and dear relationships severely damaged or in total collapse.
For me I'm not sure that it's a feeling of alone as I grew up younger than my siblings and felt mostly on my own anyways. I was a bit of a loner and just hung out on my own with my dog. I am just so surprised how people are so quick to dismiss decades of friendship based on only care and comradery. I accept it, but makes me question nearly all relationships in general. I know there are bigger fish to fry and perhaps just needed to get these thoughts off my chest to move. Appreciate the opportunity to commiserate I suppose.
I think there's a lot to be said for putting one's thoughts in order. It's one reason I comment here and there on Substacks— so thank you for this opportunity.
This subject you posted on is one that I've been turning over in my mind since 2021, when I started to lose a lot of relationships (or lose their previous degree of closeness) over my questioning of covid policies and my opposition to mandates / Jab Crow. It's a crucial subject— how to deal with other people, how to evaluate relationships, what to do, what not to do, in which circumstances. I'm working on it; I can't say I've gotten my mind around it all yet.
I'll add one thing, though, and that is that since 2020 I've come to be much more alert to signs that another person is, or is not, curious, discerning, and self-directed, especially in their reading material. People who are incurious and who don't think for themselves can be pursuaded to do just about anything, cruel and insane as it may be (such as, oh, say, to start with with, injecting pregnant women with experimental gene jabs, or disinviting the unjabbed from Christmas dinner or their own mother's funeral).
I don't expect everyone to be perfect (who is?) and people can always change, and I recognize that a lot of healthy family life involves dealing with the relatives one has, rather than the relatives one would wish for. That said, all things equal, friends and family who can easily be pursuaded to do senseless, cruel things are dangerous. This doesn't necessarily mean that I get all judgy about people who are incurious, undiscerning, and unable to think for themselves on basic issues, but the more I can recognize this about them, the better I can adjust my expectations, and thereby avoid painful disappointments.
In other words, it helps to figure out that they're not going to be there for me when it counts before I find out the hard way that they're not going to there for me when it counts.
But like I said, I'm on the learning curve. And the whole covid show, that was one whopping whopper of a psy op.
PS Dogs are so wonderful.
to both of you. we have a connection with each other.
Yes, it is on the internet, but we are not alone.
Please reach out when the pit of loneliness becomes unbearable, there are those days.
I am grateful I have my husband. It helps to unload the same disappointments and heart aches with someone regularly. My entire family is afflicted with brainfog
Thanks for your kind words, Rosemary B.
All conversations are on the surface for me. I hear the gaslit friends around me prattle on about their shots and liberal nonsense and about an hour is all I can stand. I have one or 2 good friends. That’s enough for me.
Same here. I don’t check my phone all the time. By 7pm it’s on a charge and I don’t look anymore. I don’t feel obligated to answer everyone. It’s a pain.
not alone. that is good, especially if you are winding down for sleep.
I am learning, slowly, that we have to make our own happiness bc those that we love will not always bring it to us.
Take it from whence it comes! The trash is taking itself out. Try not to be hurt, they don’t deserve you.
yes, it has been, and continues to be, a sad time regarding friends, loss of friends, and the polarization that has taken place among so many Americans, and I suspect people of "developed" countries in general. The vote thing is something that hard to understand, that people take it so seriously and get so angry about it. Your ONE vote did not swing the election. Nor did mine! In fact, everyone who lives in Arizona had no impact at all on the election because the POTUS election was called before Arizona even reported! Trump would have won no matter which way Arizona voted.
Covid woke a lot of us up to the fact that we are being controlled, or attempted to be controlled, by psychological operations. Virtually everything they told us about covid was a lie. And yet millions believed the lies and continue to believe the lies. I still have friends who believe the lies and for the sake of our friendship, I just don't go there. But the friendship has changed, it's not what it used to be, and probably never will be. And I have other former friends who've just written me off as a conspiracy theorist. It's been hard, but I just have to accept it. As you said, one person cannot make a friendship. And people wake up in their own time, or maybe they don't. Maybe they will never open to the truth about covid or about the Democratic Party.
Lol I ran those fuckers off a long time ago Lee 😁
I’m really bad at checking email and accidentally deleting messages so some might be unintentional 😿🙏💝💞
No kitten not you, we're good and I know we have different views too ❤️
Yeah I just wish they would be brave enough to say why because the unknown is uncomfortable to put it mildly.
I propose an experiment to try to answer the original question you posed. You have my email from previous years, I have a high regard for you as special, and so what if we talk, starting with an email, try to be friends and I promise to let you know if anything can be detected that might shed any light on answering that question.
that is a good thing.
because I am a former RN, I sometimes wonder if I am being ghosted because of what I admit that I know and understand, I have been mostly shunned by those I gently urged to not get the vax and also various other not pushy medical advice- really things I always shared with others when they asked
God bless you for what you did!!!!
This argument might change some minds, but it has to be presented in a reasoning way, not in a threatening way. It goes like this...
I understand that people are afraid... afraid they will lose important liberties, and in some cases possibly even their lives. (It could be pointed out that lives are being lost due to the mRNA vaccines, but presumably the other person is not open to reason on the points like this).
Undeniably, some people who voted for Trump did so because they want to take away other people's rights. You might have seen some of their abhorrent posts on social media. However, they don't represent all Trump voters. Let's face it. We only had two choices, and neither one was very good. (Example: Trump is called "Hitler" by people who stood for a candidate who supported continuing genocide in Gaza).
You've been told to un-friend other people, including family, because of politics. I understand why you might think this is a good idea, but I don't think the people who tell you this have fully thought things through. First, like I said, each person who voted for Trump had their own reasons. They're not all the same. Second, by refusing to talk to these people and alienating them, do you think it will make it more or less likely that your fears about the future will come true?
They might ask how you are unlike the stereotypical voter of that candidate, which will open the door for a discussion.
Personally, I didn't vote for either candidate, but I'm against division because it only works in favor of the oligarchy/establishment. The reason I mentioned Trump's name is because it's mostly people in that camp who are being ostracized.
In my case I didn't share with others who I would vote for or who I voted for or whether or not I even voted. They just assumed. Their entire basis for unfriending me could be based on a wrong assumption. I really am at the point that it is their loss to cut ties based on an assumption, especially all the times I would offer my help when I saw them in times of struggle. Multiple multiple times expecting nothing in return. Now I really feel it is most important to really assess to whom I yoke myself to and if it's really worth it.
Lol that's too many "really"s
They've apparently extended "Disassociate from Trump voters" to "Separate yourselves from conservatives, or anyone whose opinions you mostly disagree with." There's no excuse for that, especially after you had done so much for them. This is what happens when people follow mammon rather than God. The "really's" really didn't bother me. :)