Exactly this has been available for anyone to see who wanted to look. Unfortunately too many only wanted to look at their TV screens.

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It was the first thing I looked at. The insert that accompanied the drug that pop-up shops (a.k.a. vax clinics at a school near you) wanted to inject my family with after returning from spring break.

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Everyone right now should be asking “then what the hell was ‘95% effective’ based on?” 95% effective at raising Fizer’s bottom line, apparently.

(And yes, I know the 95% was a relative risk reduction, not absolute.)

They already admitted months ago that the studies were not powered to detect differences in death.


The problem, I think, is that the regular news aren’t reporting this. At least that’s what I suspect. I don’t watch regular news. THOSE are the ones who need to be hearing these admissions.

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When I first heard 95% effective, my immediate thoughts were, "How do they know? I bet it's the scoring of how well they were able to approximate the spike protein's tertiary shape based on mRNA sequencing (through AI or other computer algorithms). Any clinical trials could probably be fashioned to show 95% in whichever way they decide to."

I tried to share this thought with others, but seems no one understand what the heck I was talking about.

Anyone... anyone?

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Well, we all imagined they meant effective at preventing contagion/acquisition. Even most of us who didn’t believe their statistics. But then they said, once it was obvious that it wasn’t preventing infection, that it was preventing hospitalization and death. Even though people who looked at the studies, and even the companies themselves when pressed on the matter, said the studies weren’t highly powered to detect such differences.

So yeah, what, exactly, were they looking at?

It appears, based on THEIR OWN WORDS, that they were simply, lying.

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Please reference my comment about Phil Harper's post. Thanks!

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Also see this write-up, it's very good: https://philharper.substack.com/p/welcome-to-the-real-world

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The governments - fed, state and local are the ones that spread the lie of stopping transmission. Big Harma just sat back and did not correct that lie - nor should they. It's not their job - their job is to make money and move product. It's the governments' job to protect the People or at least get out of the way and not do harm. The governments failed - ALL OF THEM. The governments are the ones that killed tens of millions of people with the covid bioweapon and the covid bioweapon shot. The governments must be removed - all of them. Until that happens, nothing will change.

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There was no accountability in the past as far back as the polio vaccine 💉 and I sincerely doubt as egregious as the Covid lie is that this tome will be any different

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I voted once in the last decade for certain school board members, which was a mistake on my part. I'm not voting for fascist debt increasing warmongers. The people who don't vote ought not to have to pay the taxes for this.

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I don't vote since my write-in vote in one election was never counted. My non-vote is a vote of non-confidence with all of them.

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My sentiments as well.

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95% increase for their profits...I think.....

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Looking cost per share, this may be true for Pfizer, but for Moderna it went from roughly $20 to peak of $450, so that's 2,000% "effectiveness"

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Oh, great...even better......by the way, I was just being cheeky... :)

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I know lol that's why I updated "effectiveness" to be in quotes.

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We are both cheeky...I love it!!! ;)

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I tried to keep my cheeky side under wraps, but I can't control it any longer!

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