I'm in the military. I've seen the wokeness creep into the ranks during the Obama years, and so have been and remained skeptical of any new movements and/or mandates. It was not the same service that I entered in the late 1990s, thus I was already on a heightened awareness. When the jab first came out, the acronym, mRNA very quickly piqued my interest. Shortly afterwards, I got covid and it was moderate, but I recovered. Thus, I now knew that I had developed natural immunity against it.

5 months later, it was mandated for us all and natural immunity was explicitly not an option for opting-out. I then went on a long campaign to research and review all things related to covid and the very early speculations and results of the jab and it strengthened my resolve to dig in my heels, pray, and fight it. How it was rolled out (quickly and haphazardly) and the one-sided narrative and lack of public safety data, and quite frankly, the outright lies that the media and my chain of command told me, coupled with the censorship, all strengthened me. I did what I could to buy time and then finally decided to leave the military a year earlier than planned, but during my petition for a waiver and an appeal after it was denied (of course it would be...), the federal court banned the mandate. It was subsequently made illegal by Congress.

I'm one of the few who fought it and fought it hard and I've very blessed that I was inspired to fight against it. Perhaps seeing how the senior leadership was not focused on national defense over the past decade already planted my suspicions, but until the jab was mandated, all the changes were things I can handle and live with, since they were all external to me. But, now it was going to affect my health and even my life, so this was a no-go barrier.

So, most recently, a young troop in my unit was hospitalized for pericarditis... My co-worker and I, both who fought it, just looked at each other without saying a word.

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Congratulations for standing up for yourself against the military machine. I retired eight years ago, and I don't think I would recognize today's military. I remember how we just lined up for whatever shots they were giving, assuming they were harmless. My current self would not have gotten the shot for anything, but, in my active duty days, I might have just gotten it without question.

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God bless you for your stamina and fortitude. And may he somehow restore our military to its former self.

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God bless you for fighting it. I wish a critical mass of our forces had, but I guess most weren't informed enough to want to go against the culture of following orders.

You said you decided to get out early. I'm unclear: did you retire or not?

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Yes, I was able to retire. It was still over 20 years, but a year earlier than planned.

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Preaching to the choir, but one must stand, and crush the evil.

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I am the proud sister of a recently retired Air Force Colonel who did his very best to protect his troops from getting the shot if they didn’t want to. Although he admits that he does not know for how much longer he would have been able to protect them if he had remained active duty.

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Thanks all for the comments above. So, having a good unit and empathetic boss certainly helped. My former boss/commander had the exact same issue with the anthrax jab that came out a while back. He had issues with it and fought it and the mandate went away but he never took any of these jabs, so he was very sympathetic and supportive. Many supervisors and commanders were quietly supportive of their troops, who didn't go out of their way to discriminate against people who sought a waiver and worked with them through the various masking and distancing mandates for the un-jabbed and helped them staff their waiver package. Some did what they could to buy time and to allow the petitioner to quietly separate/retire. A Colonel at my HQ was very conflicted as I produced a solid case and he wanted to actually give me a waiver (from what I was told), but HQ AF "standardized" the denial argument, coming from the Surgeon General's office, and the boilerplate words on my first denial were evident. The subsequent denial letter from the SG's office was full of lies and never actually addressed my specific arguments and points on my behalf. It was actually disgusting...

But, others seemed to have it out for those of us who sought waivers - they didn't have an issue calling the person out and marginalizing them in public. This is just evil and immoral. To me, it separated those who were true Patriots and did what they could to fight for the troops/what was right (even if they, themselves took the jab), and the traitors, which were those who went above and beyond to make the life of the petitioner as hard and toxic as possible, almost as they were personally offended that the "narrative" was being challenged. In the end, we were right who challenged them, but it didn't matter. The damage was done and, from talking with many in and out of the military, the armed forces lost a significant amount of respect as a whole during this time. It was just sad to see commanders and SELs discriminate against those who challenged to the degree that it happened. And, nobody was immune - I know of commanders at the Lt Col and Col level who "suddenly" retired from active duty, when they would have otherwise had a longer and broader career.

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"they didn't have an issue calling the person out and marginalizing them in public. " - I am so sorry for this. Sad to hear this happening anywhere, and it did happen to one of my kids too. Very, very upsetting. I know an apology may not be made, I just pray that this person at least recognizes what they did wrong, and changes their behavior if and when this comes about again.

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This was quite telling - some people defended the "narrative" so fiercely that they went the extra mile to try to coerce capitulation to the jab. Fortunately, after the courts stopped the mandate, things quieted a lot. Now, as more information is getting out and truth is being set free, things are simply quiet. Nobody discusses this anymore, except privately in closed rooms... there are a few who want to scream up our chains of command, "Told you so!" But, this victory will still be wanting. The damage was already done. True justice would be the summary removal of all of the supervisors and commanders who did "extra" to marginalize and separate/coerce the people who submitted waivers, but this won't happen. Thus, I agree with you that each individual who was part of this effort would recognize their errors with sorrow. Thank you for your words and response.

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I don't like the quiet. Not good.

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I agree... but, this is the culture as it largely stands. We can't speak up or get "political," especially if it counters the approved (liberal) narrative. We had a unit GroupMe chat, one of my co-workers started to send links that went against the mandate shortly after it was implemented, but others quickly chimed in that this wasn't the place for this type of "politics." Real discussion happens in private... People were speaking out in separate channels and off-line or in undercover social media forums.

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Read what I wrote below

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I am a chiropractor and our base philosophical tenet is ,”The Power that made the body heals the body.”

In that vein by taking care that all functions are operating at peak efficiency the usual function of taking care of any incursions via bacteria/viruses can be dealt with properly. One must care for one’s mind, body, and spirit and the various methods exist for doing that. Where chiropractic excels is in increasing the function of the master system that controls all: the nervous system.

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Agree. Self healing is miraculous, and yes heart, mind, body, and soul all part of it. I remember at a young age being fascinating with how even a simple cut heals itself. Even now I believe the mind and spirit has the power to heal faster and even prevent sickness. I've read theories about the purpose of the appendix and believe everything is there for a reason.

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I've become interested in chiropractic medicine. If you're in Wash DC, please respond

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Sorry Thaddeus. I am in Oregon. There are some good chiros in DC. You'll have to do your research and interview a few.

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Thanks--I hadn't known that about chiropractic. Very illuminating. I am really moving away from allopathy.

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Thanks for the response.

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Law & finance & fund research. Nothing added up. Nothing. Rush & Science don’t belong in the same sentence. Banning repurposed drugs & early treatment, targeting physicians, CENSORSHIP, OCD propaganda were key signs of fraud.

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That's an excellent statement, "Rush & Science don’t belong in the same sentence." First time I've heard that and an about face to "at the Speed of Science"!

I burned old holes in my Chemistry lab books because of rushing and learned that lesson. Thanks for sharing :-)

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Lee, Igor Chudov does excellent research. Several months back he asked subscribers why they did or did not take the injections. it was not a scientific poll. However, with the exception of the mandated, there was a clear trend in why those refused & why people complied: intuition, basic research among the refusers v. “my doctor says”. Basically those who took it succumbed to the propaganda narrative. There were a fair amount who regretted their decision. The response to his question was substantial. I’m sure he has it archived. The 3 most dangerous words during the fear pimping was “my doctor says” (safe & effective).

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Hospitalist. The benefit of the Pfizer vaccine was 1 less "severe" COVID infection for every 6,000 people vaccinated, so I had a 99.98% of being fine without vaccination. NEJM authors also would not provide information about the nature of the "severe" infections in the vaccinated and control groups...very odd for published data (they said they could not provide these data "at this time" when I asked in Jan 2021). I also did not like the lack of safety data after 2 months, the description of the vaccine (on the Pfizer website) as a "countermeasure", and the risk for "vaccine-enhanced disease as immunity wanes" (in their briefing document to the FDA).

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I did not know Pfizer used "countermeasure" on their website. I'm not sure if that would have tipped me off, but the changing of the definition of "vaccine" on the CDC web site was a huge red flag for me.

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Still listed as a countermeasure in the prescribing information fact sheet, but this information is much more difficult to find:


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The Gov itself has it listed as a countermeasure for the vx injury program.

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Tax accountant here. I'm a very logical person, a realist, and I do not like risk. I research EVERYTHING. I also have good instincts/intuition about all sorts of things. I'm only steered wrong when I don't follow my gut.

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Self-employed? Seems to me the self-employed had an edge on making a better decision for themselves.

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Yes, but I do most of my work thru one tax firm. They, however, did not mandate it for anyone, have never even asked about it. I've done work for them for a very long time.

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Good for them. I'm glad it was a nonissue. My next post will likely be related to this topic.

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Real estate developer. Pure blood. I asked all Workers on my job site to not be vaxed. I left it up to them though. And I said I would prefer no one mask up. Most did anyway. Some didn’t. At one point early on there were about eight of us working in a small area. I mentioned no masks were required. About half took it off instantly. Then, over an hour one by one the other four did also. Small victories.

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I run a small business, and was reported to the state for not enforcing the mask mandate (by one of my employees, I assume). Fortunately, all I got were threatening letters. Also, a customer wrote a scathing review about us not taking Covid seriously in the summer of 2022, I think. I'm hoping that anyone who reads that review and thinks it's OK won't come.

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If I read that "negative" review, your business would get my business no other questions asked. I'd know you have integrity and intelligence.

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Me too.

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Our county had a "snitch" form. Turned out the submitted snitch forms were subject to sunshine laws! Local news media had them released and it was quite illuminating (and predictable). Turns out most were submitted by either competitors or employees! A bit of humor in dark times.

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Snitch forms subject to sunshine laws, that's hilarious!

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Husband, president of small company (partner + 4 employees) alone never wore a mask. One employee insinuated that he should. He is the only one in the company unvaxxed--all others talked about getting their jabs

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I am a professional Licensed Realtor. No jab for me. Ive had every jab in the past ( not MRNA ) but every other and never again. I am grateful that i am self employed and grateful that I am awake!

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Primary care physician. No long term safety data, regulatory agencies were/ are being sloppy, and after dealing with covid daily for the year before the vax came out, I wasn't scared of it personally, so I took a wait and see approach.

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Scientist. My father was killed by a Pneumococcal jab.

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Omigosh, I am so sorry. This explains your dedication. Thank you for your work.

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I’m so sorry

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if it doesnt add up, it doesnt work.

my unofficial study of medicine and health some 7 years a go led me to discover that at least half of all medical papers were full of shit

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Yup. With the pressure to publish whatever to get funding or get tenured. Very rare to find a golden nugget of solid, meaningful research in all of those publications.

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Token foreign English Assistant, public schools in Tokyo, Japan ... Former tenured Professor of English Communication, Jissen Women's College — RIP (resigned in protest) and biology lab director, Temple University Japan. As an outside-insider, I've spent 40 consecutive years in Japan as a marginalized educator, trying to slip critical thinking skills and moral imperatives into the classroom ... usually contradictory to institutional policies emphasizing a culture of compliance to credentially sanctioned (by hook or by crook) authority.

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I have often thought Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 101 should be required teaching in all secondary schools and advanced degrees, in addition to Financial Management. Thank you for holding the line. I am certain so many wish they had.

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Thank you Lee. Alas, I must have flunked Financial Management. I evidently put too much of my income back into class materials and community outreach, thinking it was an investment in good karma. Little did I realize that the 'harmony' of Japan Inc. was skin-deep, and underneath that thin veneer, it is dog-eat-dog over here. Gaslighting and zero-sum machiavellian opportunism is as common here as prosperity theology and narcissistic pathologies in the states.

Just finished a long, slow read of Lobaczewski's "Political Ponerology", and though less optimistic than him, I think he sheds a lot of light on the dark side of human nature, particularly how the skeletons in the family closet scale to the evils of the Totalitarian State. It meshes well with what I've come to know about emergent phenomenon and fractal theory. Now following up with the lighter "The Pscychopath Inside" by Jim Fallon.

Despite it all, cheers to ya!

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Beware--whatever is required will be hated by students (thus not appreciated,ad minimal effort made to learn) and dumbed down by teachers. I was very glad that Latin was NOT required where I was teaching it.

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Public schools in Canada are no different....no critical thinking skills observed or taught ..... also, the teachers'/support staff unions bragged that they had over 90% compliance among members.... I was not one of them....in my school with about 50 teachers/staff, I was the only non-vaxxed.....they thought I was not because I told them but because their arrogance assumed I was.....so I was privy to some very interesting bashing and hate speech against the non-vaxxed....

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From what I observed, many trusted the government without questioning it. What percent of people do you think have changed their view in Canada?

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Not many....or enough....more are waking up but I bet if another pandemic hit, they would line up like sheep again....our gov't is so corrupt and yet no one is taking to the streets since the convoy....people are scared about the banks freezing accounts and that the commission report was a joke...we are broken and China's in charge, looks like....

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I was appalled when our Charter was written. Mostly everyone was happy. But a small number of us weren’t. I said ‘canada is done the minute we elect a dictator, and it will happen.’ It took a while. But Justin is our very own Kim Jong Il.

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Hi StellaMaris, I think I may be one of only a handful of school teachers in NS that did not comply (I've tried to find others, but found only two at the NCI in Truro last week), although there were more teaching assistants. I don't know what they said about me, because I never went in the staffroom. No one said goodbye to me the day I was booted out (after knowing them for over 15 years). I'm back now; but I'm so sickened by the experience that I'm looking for other opportunities. My world will never be the same again. It woke me up so much I started a Substack. Now I question everything.

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Hi Mathew!!!! I will check out your substack, brother! I joined a BC Educators group last year, through ZOOM, to address these very issues....we hired a lawyer to see if we could do something about the mandates/testing, etc that was required in some districts....it ended up we didn't have a strong enough case but we now have that group...we don't meet as often but we are organizing on different levels...it's informative and overdue......nice to know that there are others out there.... thanks for doing what you do..... the propaganda and fear mongering that took place with the kids was worse than anything I may have endured..... are you part of the NCI?

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"Brother" - I like that. I haven't been a witness of the NCI, although I was there to support those that did. I met some great people. More "brothers".

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Considering so many of us lost friends and family, we had to find new people to surround ourselves with...... glad to have connected with you.....hope to stay in touch!!

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Milgram showed 80% comply. 20% don’t. The compliers can never be counted on.

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Pareto keeps showing up, doesn't he?

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The article suggests we can teach independent thinking. We can. And the 20-30% of independent types can be the base upon which we build. But we don’t teach this anywhere.

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I was too. I’m noticeably old. So everyone thought I would of course gotten it. But I didn’t and didn’t tell. Yes, the conversations I heard. Wow. Several friends have disturbing new disease states now. It’s on them. Sadly.

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I was--when I left teaching in Jan '21--70 1/2. My colleagues teaching same language were 44 and under 40. They had already --ALREADY ---gotten the jab.

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(sigh) Sorry to hear that Stella. It appears that schools are to education what hospitals are to health, e.g. a negative correlation. We are living in a kafkaesque-clown world. 🤪

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Like your negative correlation comment. Good way to look at it.

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Left public school education 2 years ago---noted how often through last 20 years Japanese education and social structure were held up as exemplars. So your words have real meaning for me! Daughter now in Japan teaching English

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Nice to meet you VVV, and thank you. Just wondering if your daughter is teaching in the colleges, public schools, or private sector?

I had some great experiences in the classroom ... but not so great with money-obsessed, micro-management.

I tended to have the naive expectation that the way I taught and treated students would/should be a fractal of the relationship between 'management' and teachers. I thought the education sector would be better than working as, for example, a minimal wage Amazon 'Fullfillment Center Associate'. Most times, I was wrong. 🙃


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Thanks for responding. She teaches through Nova (private). At this point I have spent 6 1/2 hours reading Stacks! I have to get out to the garden where I meant to be 4 hours ago....I have an addiction, for the first time in my life.

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Ahh ... NOVA. They have quite a history in the courts. I hope her working situation is better than average.

I hear you about this addiction. I have spent far too much time here myself, but in these times and with my options ... I wonder.

Thanks for the reply.

Have a good day in the garden.

I'll be visiting my fading mother here in Tucson before heading back to Japan in a few days.


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i'm a neurologist's assistant. one thing i learned very early on is to steer clear of anything thats been on the market for less than five years. i was lucky to learn about the furin cleavage site early in 2020, and once the news started coming in the full spike would be used as the antigen for the vaccines, it was instantly clear to me i would rather give up every worldly good than be injected with that sh*t.

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"A mind is a terrible thing to waste." - Why this saying didn't stick with others to question what impact this could have neurologic is beyond me. So many ways something can go wrong with LNPs and misfolded proteins.

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it was quite demoralizing trying to force-feed information that was never more than a google search away to people who's academic/professional standing i used to look up to.

i did manage to keep some people from taking the booster thanks to far more published papers at that point, but what really stuck with me is that vaccines aren't just exempt from almost all qualitative scrutiny on a legal and regulatory level, they are also a painstakingly crafted and ruthlessly exploited blind spot in medicine, health and society. lies too big to be believed

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I became comfortable with the thought that they could confine me to my own property and yard and I would be fine with it. Scrooo them.

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Retired Chef, husband is a school bus driver.

I became sick by a flu shot.

Never taking another vax again.

Especially, experimental.

My husband and I both looked at Experimental and said, I’m not a guinea pig. Especially for the government.

Everything was too suspicious.

Then listening to Dr David E Martin, Geert V B.

There wasn’t a chance in hell.

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I am so grateful for my boyfriend, my other half, to discuss and keep me sane in all of this! Grateful every day! I'm so glad you had each other to support each other.

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I can’t imagine being at odds on this topic with your mate …

I would not want to be w a vaxed person..

Glad you had support also

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Friend, unvaxxed, wanted desperately to keep her husband unvaxxed--but their two children convinced him to take it! Not only the situation of being yoked with an unbeliever (different context, obviously) but the shedding proximity! So glad to be of one mind with my H.

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Exactly, and I totally understand your comparison. It’s perfect

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Yep, it’s tough, cant discuss anything with my husband. 🙄 At least he has not taken any boosters .

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Perhaps some sense leaked in, but the ego won’t discuss the mistakes?

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Same here. I’m not a guinea pig for anyone.

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Yup. Started listening to the voices of reason in early '20. Still our every-evening 'dinner theater'.

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my guess is that at the beginning of this, scientists and doctors who knew about the potential problems of mRNAs

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ALL should have stood up to the mandates, including the Supreme Court earlier than later. The Supreme Court should also listen to cases coming from Universities. This is a travesty.

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dr. campbell today talked of an australian government study from january 2021 that is finally published (not all, still with blank sections). this is a study based on pfizer documents. Congress and FDA, CDC knew ....


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Ex reading specialist-The first Swine flu shot was the straw that broke the camels back! Never took another jab. Researched this one and it appeared to be disastrous. My family all took them and boosters. They also masked.

Hope they got saline. After reading Dr. Mikovits’ Plague of Corruption, discovered a mouse protein in the swine started the fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome. Out of work most of my adult life.

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I'm very sorry to hear that happened to you. : -( Has anything helped you with your CFS?

I did not read Plague of Corruption, but I did watch Plandemic and that was a huge eye-opener. Many times, when people are explaining their thoughts, I ask, what do they have to gain? These risk takers who tried to warn others very, very early on saved so many lives. I only wish more were listening. Those involved with censoring others need to take a hard look in the mirror and ask how many lives were lost because of the censoring. Censoring is still going on. It needs to stop. Let people do their research, hear all sides of the story, and make their best decision ... just like they do for all other things!

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Thank you. After medicine just about killed me, I got into alternative at my mother in law’s friend’s suggestion. Homeopathic, vitamins, minerals, acupuncture, yoga, meditation, massages, vibrational medicine, NAET , exercise daily(I always 2alked)and probably more that I can’t remember now. Finally being diagnosed with Dysautonomia helped tremendously. I wasn’t crazy anymore(except to family) and had a diagnosis that included all my symptoms. Yes, adhd as a child, add which is controlled as an an adult and dyslexia (thyroid big influence here!) I hav3 to take some meds, but I finally did and they help a lot. Getting my first MA I learned about dyslexia and got into reading for my second masters! Hope this helps someone.

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I just started learning about alternative therapies last year, there are so many options! I especially appreciate the ones that involve no adverse effects, minimum, affordable equipment, and self-healing. It's great you've been able to learn so much. :-)

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All of us who remember the AIDS debacle knew something was terribly wrong when a certain someone was plastered everywhere.. Every day!

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I saw the unrest, but too young and unengaged to know what was happening. Hoping this won't be the same case for my kids and they are are more aware of what's going on.

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I'm a small business owner and have learned to think for myself in many respects in this case avoiding all hospitals, clinics, and doctors. I have refused all injections and pills from those types for decades. My plan has been eat healthy food, outside type exercise highlighting that which produces food, and not take huge risks. Top of that list is not being crowded into a tube to fly out of the protection of the atmosphere!

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Great substack with lots to learn, thank you :-) I especially enjoyed the financing local communities video. I watched while washing dishes. Some how, some way, we make time for what is important.

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I was a regional manager for a state agency and I was one of very few who walked away rather than agreeing to medical rape as a condition of continued employment. State employees are an exceptionally obedient population. 75% are completely brainwashed wokists who actually believe that they do good work and that daddy government is here to help and 24% pass out smallpox blankets knowingly for a paycheck. The 1% who are neither no longer work there. It was an effective culling to ensure that only the Schills remain.

I don't think that profession matters where suggestibility is concerned. I know many so-called holistic practitioners who swallowed the entire lie hook, line and sinker despite knowing allopathic methods are harmful and inferior. This speaks to me of mind-control programming.....especially now that I have done a deep dive into hypnosis, nlp and the SRA.

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Use of the word rape as an analogy is completely appropriate. It is exactly what has occurred, just in a different form. I think we need to also be aware of other ways treatment or procedures can be applied, be it injections, topically, orally, or even through varied frequencies of different means.

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From my perspective, it’s forced penetration without consent which is the definition of rape. For me, the word ‘vaccination’ has become synonymous for exactly that. This is what all the covid cultists have been endorsing and it’s beyond dystopian and horrific.

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Many people had the opportunity to research and prevent it from happening, but this does not help the innocent ones that had the decision made for them. It is definitely an attempt.

Not sure if you've seen this, but it does remind me of just how in the dark I and others have been. - https://stopmandatoryvaccination.substack.com/p/should-pediatricians-be-charged-with

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I haven't seen it, and I will check it out; thank you.

You may have been in the dark for a long time, but you aren't now, and you're using your voice to try and help others; that's really what matters. You're also focusing on the most important piece of the entire equation; the children. This is war, and it's so, so much bigger than any of us ever could have imagined; common sense and rationality should have reasserted themselves a long time ago when reality began to reflect an experience the total opposite than what the mainstream media kept parroting. It didn't. But sanity did not return; the tyranny doubled down. That was confirmation of how big, serious and how deep it really is. We have to face that the perpetrators of this massive, catastrophic experiment are at best. grotesquely and pathologically greedy and at worst, evil incarnate (I believe both apply)....and that this is The "hill to die on" for our generations. There will be no future for our children to inherit if we don't win this fight, and everyone has a dog in it, no matter who they are.

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I appreciate the support, thank you. I won't always be here. I want my kids to enjoy the freedoms that I enjoyed. I really don't think that's much to ask for, but yes, it's worth everything to me.

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Yes! about the holistic health people. I’m looking for one for myself currently, and if I see any promotion of masks or the Safe and Effective on their websites, I read no further. So bizarre.

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I was also very struck by some of the holistic practicioners who fell for the scam. Ditto many writers and artists I had thought of as being such intelligent independent thinkers. Ha, no more.

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Cult mind control is very, very pervasive, and to me it explains what's been going on like nothing else possibly can. A great example is detailed by Naomi Wolf in The Bodies of Others, she talks about a discussion between Kagen and Sotomeyer, both lifelong social-justice minded, rabidly pro-women's rights up until covid......when suddenly both flip completely around on this one specific issue, where bodily autonomy and rights do not apply at all....yet for everything else in life, they do apply. It's like this one issue is sealed up behind a wall, compartmentalized and distinctly separate from the personalities of these two women, and an autonomous zombie switch gets flipped. That's a mind control program.

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Most of the left leadership in every way turns on death and destruction. They hate life. It isn’t bodily autonomy and never was. It was about being anti life.

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Euthanasia, abortion, drug taking, the economy, gender, marriage, mutilating children and adults and destroying their fertility, allowing rampant crime and murder, no such thing as truth, etc ...

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