Thank you Lee, for giving me a different perspective. One that shows love, not hate. Gratitude instead of anger. God bless you.

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UPDATED: I had the EST wrong ...

"Safe and Effective - A Second Opinion" documentary.

Link goes live at 2pm EST today:


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The truth is always going to come out. But trying to tell the truth to the mentally disturbed is not always possible. We who are presumably sane may be in a position to recognize it. But others under the spell of mass hysteria or frank mental illness maybe unlikely to do so.

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Hopefully discernment will help us know, if we are talking to a rock, an overactive puppy, or an ostrich with their head in the sand.

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Great post. Seeing the truth finally is wonderful, but where is the repentance? Just a simple "I'm sorry I did not see the truth earlier and may have harmed others unwittingly" is what is needed - especially from doctors who injected thousands of people with this poison and from those who mandated the poison. I don't see that. The truth truly won't be spread until those who spread the lies say I'm sorry.

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I have thought about writing a story from my past about how important apologies are and help people heal. I'll really try to get to it.

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You are 100% correct. Interestingly, I started many replies with "an apology is needed at a bare minimum for anything else that follows to be meaningful". I didn't post because I thought it would get misconstrued, but I see you get it. Thank you for pointing this out. 💗

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I’m glad to see that more and more ppl are coming out and speaking the truth. But I can’t forget that for over two years they were following “ the science” and keeping silent. Fear of loosing reputation, financial means is a big motivator. Medical staff on all levels has a high conduct standard and oath to protect and do no harm. Most of them failed. How can we trust them again? It will take lots of time to undo the damage. For those who are speaking the truth now - what is truly motivating them? Conscious, future gains by changing the ranks. I will always keep in my highest esteem those who spoke the truth from the beginning. They are the one who are paying the highest price. And for that I will be always grateful.

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Well said!

"In every revolution one man has a vision."

--James T. Kirk

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But for now. We are at war. Best to keep a wary on new allies. But best not to turn any away.

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I mostly agree. But not 100%. I suspect too as the trials get closer to happening a lot of people will boldly step forward to say how they were working under the radar spreading truth where they could. And most of them will be lying.

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You know we all would like to think that we were the warriors defending the "little people."

But that really is rarely true except for this, we all do what we can when we can how we can.

Out of 100 men and women, at most one to two will be true warriors. But they will bring most or even all back with most of their fellow combatants alive. Yep, one or at most two per cent, but those few multiply the "combat" power or the other 98 or 99 with them by orders of magnitude.

Thanks Lee, Steve, Jim, Jon, John, WH, Sam, Katherine, Monica, Matthew, Chris, Paul, Geert, Sage, 2SG, Peter, Igor, Chris, KW, Frances, Ray, and, well you know who your are.

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We are all warriors that try to move the truth forward, no matter how many people we reach or are successful reaching. A person cannot truly know their impact. What's most important is that they try to do what they can and still balance with life's other responsibilities. I truly feel I am no more of a warrior than a reader talking to just one neighbor. Maybe after they convince that one neighbor, that neighbor reaches 1,000 people. It cannot be known. Only trying to advance truth and knocking down censoring will take us toward the goal. When at a point censoring still occurs, any person stating their name and standing behind the truth, come hell or high water, means something. People say it's been two years, too little, too late, but there have been other "wars" fought for decades. When more people come out to tell the truth, that's advancing the line, not just holding the line.

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Please know I appreciate your support, just as I support all who are trying just as hard in the way they can!

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I came across this post from "JC" on Steve Kirsch's substack post about Dr. Malhotra "waking up" and found it very thoughtful:

"This chap is late to the battle but he is welcome as we need hundreds of millions to wake up and join with us. However, we must never forget those who promoted the jabs and bluntly ask them why they promoted the jabs - this should be triply so when it comes to doctors, nurses and medical scientists. I think we also have to be wary of any journalists, TV presenters and 'experts' who appeared on TV promoting the jabs who suddenly see the light - how many of them will simply be trying to get on the right side of history and protecting their own jobs?"

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Sep 28, 2022
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When covid hit, I believe our frontline workers saw things that none of us can fully comprehend. A lot happened in a short amount of time, and I'm certain many were hoping for some sort of miracle. Sometimes I think how could the average person have understood something that a doctor could not. Perhaps having vax ingrained in their line of work, seeing death occurring like they never had before scared and scarred them to the point it was not possible to view from the lens of an average person. I am not sure, but individuals should be treated as such.

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