This may not be feasible for everyone, but building your own private online community is an option some may want to explore. This is the software I'm currently testing, and it is better than the majority of options I've reviewed. FWIW, I have no financial in this recommendation. Just offering it in case it might be helpful to some:
And absolutely near criminal negligence not to do so.
Just like how I remind people that back up short range wireless comms are absolutely indispensable when nothing else is working, a pair or more of ICOM or Motorola handsets can be totally lifesaving and literally can be had for a fraction of that hood ornament on your German made car.
Handheld radios similar to what the Police use. There is no excuse not to have such when very cheap and affordable units are available and can work as simple walkie talkies or be part of a more expansive setup with base stations, repeaters, and such. And performance blows away the "Family Radio Service" radios which do actually work, but poorly with minimal reliability. It ought to be illegal to sell something of such dubious quality and reliability to families with children which could find the devices of critical importance in everything from camping, hiking, boating, or the most dangerous of all, shopping.
I think we might already have something like that. Up in my husbands tech cupboard. He worked for a retail outlet of tech once and brought home LOTS of sale stuff. Anyone need a small compact photo printer? I’ve got 10 of them. 😱
Ah. If I need a new computer mouse all I have to do is ask and one appears. I was a collector of stuff once. Artist so many things look too interesting to pass up but I just shop my current stock of fun objects now. Our only kid looks a bit terrified when she visits. Hey, we’ve been married 56 years—we have crap!
Hello. I work on the data team at Substack. We have a bug related to that table, trying to fix it ASAP. Sorry for the inconvenience. There's no malicious intent, people just sometimes make mistakes, our employees included.
Sergey @ Substack (on Meryl's post)
22 hr ago
Alright, it should be fixed now. For the people who are wondering what happened - we were making updates to our data pipelines to save costs, accidentally typed 'hour' where we should have typed 'day', and as a result, this particular table showed numbers for only one hour for the last day or two. We introduced the bug last night, and it's already fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This may not be feasible for everyone, but building your own private online community is an option some may want to explore. This is the software I'm currently testing, and it is better than the majority of options I've reviewed. FWIW, I have no financial in this recommendation. Just offering it in case it might be helpful to some:
You're welcome! Hope it helps.
We should be building a new online community anyway, like this:
Really interesting Josh. I’m going to tweak my thoughts with what you have posted in your substack. Thanks.
Fantastic idea, Lee.
And absolutely near criminal negligence not to do so.
Just like how I remind people that back up short range wireless comms are absolutely indispensable when nothing else is working, a pair or more of ICOM or Motorola handsets can be totally lifesaving and literally can be had for a fraction of that hood ornament on your German made car.
Not sure what those are. Do you have a link ? Thanks.
Handheld radios similar to what the Police use. There is no excuse not to have such when very cheap and affordable units are available and can work as simple walkie talkies or be part of a more expansive setup with base stations, repeaters, and such. And performance blows away the "Family Radio Service" radios which do actually work, but poorly with minimal reliability. It ought to be illegal to sell something of such dubious quality and reliability to families with children which could find the devices of critical importance in everything from camping, hiking, boating, or the most dangerous of all, shopping.
I think we might already have something like that. Up in my husbands tech cupboard. He worked for a retail outlet of tech once and brought home LOTS of sale stuff. Anyone need a small compact photo printer? I’ve got 10 of them. 😱
Oh my God. You are a jewel, especially to put up with him and all that "junk."
My ex-wife did give me a compliment once, without even knowing I was there.
She said, "Well, he certainly had his moments, quite a few of them actually."
Ah. If I need a new computer mouse all I have to do is ask and one appears. I was a collector of stuff once. Artist so many things look too interesting to pass up but I just shop my current stock of fun objects now. Our only kid looks a bit terrified when she visits. Hey, we’ve been married 56 years—we have crap!
Tam and I have been together since '93, but we probably can't come close to you two. But we are working on it!
Substack bug:
Sergey @ Substack (on Meryl's post)
24 hr ago
Hello. I work on the data team at Substack. We have a bug related to that table, trying to fix it ASAP. Sorry for the inconvenience. There's no malicious intent, people just sometimes make mistakes, our employees included.
Sergey @ Substack (on Meryl's post)
22 hr ago
Alright, it should be fixed now. For the people who are wondering what happened - we were making updates to our data pipelines to save costs, accidentally typed 'hour' where we should have typed 'day', and as a result, this particular table showed numbers for only one hour for the last day or two. We introduced the bug last night, and it's already fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Finding a meshnet option would be the best, unfortunately all the ones I knew got mysteriously quashed about.. oh 2 years ago.
If you have the email addresses, couldn’t you email your subscribers using a super-secure email server like proton mail?