The Senate race in Colorado has tightened! I don’t have a problem with Bennet except he only responds to Colorado State issues... so, I’m looking for a Congressional majority to hopefully end this insanity!

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What if people have no one to vote for. My case in point is Dr. Oz has promoted adrenochrome creams, so why should he be voted for? Fetterman is not able to function, does he deserve a vote? Two garbage choices do not make people free.

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I'll probably be writing in Kathy Barnette.


I voted for her in the primaries, and I think Trump's intervention to boost Oz and sideline Barnette was a stupid move on his part.

Pennsylvania will be a hot spot for Democrat-run election fraud through the computers, again this election.

Setting that aside, votes for Barnette are most likely to come from people who might otherwise vote for Oz. If she pulls more than Oz's margin, it might push the race to Fetterman.

Fetterman, if he wins, will very likely have to quit for health reasons.

In which case I think Mastriano -- if he wins -- gets to appoint the replacement to serve until the next even-year election.


Not sure about that process, but I am sure that both Oz and Fetterman are terrible, and Kathy Barnette is good, so I'm voting for her.

I'm not voting for people who are terrible just because their opponents are worse.

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Choose the best candidate out of the two.

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