I don't know if it will be successful, but... I firmly believe that God gave me clear direction to rely on the immunity He gave me. I have prayed more about this decision than any in my life. The more I asked, the clearer the guidance came. I started to collect the Bible verses that came to me that spoke to the choice, the pressure and the coercion. I have copies of this list everywhere, and I had it, along with a prayer I wrote, beside me in all conversations with my employer prior to termination. I have added to it in the long months since termination. I just took those verses, categorized them and put them together in a book along with some reflections. I am going to give this book to a few family members. We will see where it goes.
This got added to the list this week: Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
I can say clearly and truthfully that the more I was forced to look into this decision, the more my mind was opened on other points. I will put my faith in God, and not the wisdom (science) of man.
I Corinthians 2:5 So that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.
How I see it is, God gave me the gifts of heart, mind, body, and soul. I will protect my one vehicle for life. I can recognize flawed science, and unethical actions and behavior. I will honor the gifts God gave me, by using them, valuing them, and protecting them the best of my ability. I will try to instill these same values in my children, and also anyone willing to listen.
Serious question. How do you respond currently to those who would say that modern medicine is just one way that God is demonstrating his power? That science is the using of God-given knowledge etc for the betterment of mankind?
I put my faith in God and not the wisdom of man. I believe in science, God gave us science. But science is the constant testing of hypothesis and reformulating your hypothesis when the outcome is not what you expect. There is so much we do not understand about the immune systems God gave us and, part of the awakening I have had, is that we may have messed with nature too much (on this and other fronts). I believe what my eyes do see, what my gut/conscience tells me is true, and not what the wisdom of man tells me to believe. I change my position based on data. In this case, I had natural immunity, and I firmly believe God spoke to my conscience and told me to rely on His immunity. He woke me from fear, so I had time to examine the data and analyze the risks specific to me and my family. And time to pray on it. When I examine the data - as opposed to the headlines - God's direction is clear. Very long answer to say - read the data and not the headlines! And trust God.
They let me know that they really have no time to involve themselves in these topics. They say they have left the pandemic behind them and they acknowledge that it was a lot of trial and error with the vaccines, among that a lot of error they concede. And that they may skip the current booster for their family, but only because for now they are good with several test- certified Covid infections. They are not interested in more information as they say they have more urgent problems to worry about, among which climate change and Ukraine. These are academically qualified people.
So far I have only tried in a very cautious, rational way. I have not chastised them for their naivety. It's not something I could do given the kind of relationship I have with those people, and it's not my style. But whoever can be so blunt, it could be a better approach.
My experience is that the people in my life and that I know, if they are comfortably ensconced in the matrix, absolutely will not, under any circumstances, read or watch any articles or videos I send them and have immediate, conversation stopping, set replies to shut down any discussion.
There have been only two classes of people I have had any effect on. One is my husband, who still is far from fully awake, but I have managed to convince him that the jabs are dangerous and to be avoided and that he should be wary of what he hears from media and the medical establishment about them. But then, he's kind of a captive audience, and he has seen that my decision (and his rather reluctant one) to eschew the spike shot has not resulted in illness and death, and that family members who eagerly submitted have become ill and at least two are dead. He still insists I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, of course, but seems less and less certain of it.
The other class is people who are already starting to wake up and open to listening. Even with them, it can be a long and frustrating process, but I have been able to bring them along because they are willing to discuss the subject. Knowing who they are can be tricky, but less hard than it was a year or even six months ago, as people are becoming less afraid to admit they have doubts.
My fast asleep friend blurted out “have you always been left handed?”, when I was telling her about attending the CHD conference in Knoxville. 😂
Keep working on your husband. I did not give up on mine and he is almost wide awake. At least he knows not to get a 4th shot. The rest of the big story - like how they will try to prevent us from traveling whenever and wherever we want to go - has not quite sunk in yet. I’m pretty bitchy most of the time 😢
I make Facebook reels that mock the jabs. I make stories too. These two are able to notify me who sees them unlike a post. I have no way of knowing if my posts are read.
Another thing I like to do is comment on Facebook ads for Pfizer. So many comments are screaming out the truth of these horrible vaccines.
I am very sad right now. I can’t stand the country I live in anymore. It’s not a country I believe in. It’s full of clowns and weirdos. I won’t celebrate in this clown country. I’m trying to seek refuge in the Lord.
All I can point out is the the unvaxxed are not dying like the vaxxed are dying. I gave one woman I know a link to Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova recent conversation about how the DOD really owns the poison till its in you, and then they own you, one way or another. The friend is also a rancher and I do worry that the products I bought from her are perhaps also contaminated with chemicals, if she is willing to put them into her, she would inject her animals with this hellish mRNA. I did buy the magnets and will test this meat before I eat it. But is so sad when folks think chemicals are the way to go.
I bought a gaussmeter last month for a different reason. This would be an interesting test. I'm not sure if it's just me being slightly paranoid, but the meat I've been buying lately just doesn't seem quite right. I'm going to be looking closer at the sources now.
thanks....does a goosemeter (just kidding) tell you about graphene? radioactivity? or emfs? I want to by an emf meter and have been told to spend at least 250 dollars and make sure it can measure low levels of emfs, which require a better meter to read.....and get a wire connection back for my computer and phone...this 4g and 5g and beyond is such a bad idea for the humans....oi!
Lee - I have given up trying to inform others. They refuse to read or listen to anything I have to say. I have to save my sanity.
So now I’m working on an effort with a fellow Ohioan to get a survey out to all the embalmers across the US to ask if they are seeing the large fibrous white clots. Email me if you want more details.
Thank you for your offer, but I have my hands so full right now, I'm not sure where to begin! I've starting working with VAERs data and will see what comes from that.
I had a fun one yesterday. got a sales call for additional medical insurance. So, I had a uniquely captive audience. I answered a few questions, no I almost never use Big Pharma products, I very rarely see a doctor, no I do not have any chronic health conditions at 73, Yes I work out hard 5 days a week, yes I do Yoga 6 to 7 days a week, yes I eat organic food and have for over 50 years, etc. then I asked do you know how vaccines are formulated? did you know the average vaccine takes anywhere from 8 to 15 yrs to develop? did you know these mRNA formulations are actually Experimental Biologicals created in 9 months and in a recent Federal Court appearance the FDA on behalf of Pfizer requested that the safety trial test results be withheld for 75 years? What might Pfizer be trying to hide? , have you heard of VAREs data? Did you know that there are well over 200 International peer reviewed studies on the mRNA Vaccines revealing a huge array of Adverse reactions, many of which are lethal? did you know that you cannot use Mainstream search engines such as Google, Safari, Bing, etc to find these studies? You must use Brave or Duck Duck go because Big Pharma controls Mainstream Media and Tech with Hundreds of millions in advertising dollars., etc, etc.
She had to listen for over 20mins + It was fun.. Don't know how much she actually absorbed
but I gave her pause and strongly encouraged her to Inquire, to Question any and everything Especially Big Pharma products and recommendations as well as those of any Governmental regulatory agencies like the CDC, the NIH..
This is great! I did similar to a young Army recruiter that called the other day. It was a legit call and a legit conversation from someone in the local area. I was so glad to discuss with them, thank them for their service, and also share my concerns. Ended the conversation that I am praying for them. So glad to hear, yes, engage whenever there's a captive audience! Thank you for your efforts! :-)
To answer your survey: My experiences and observation so far has been: (Barring / setting aside, not being obnoxiously self-righteous or belligerently preachy or histrionic, as a given), I would say that if a person sincerely listened and genuinely considered the info, that it never on any occasion had anything to do with the delivery method technique. I think it only ever had to do with the other person's character / personality and/or frame of mind/openness of mind, the condition/state of being, of the receiver at that moment in time. I could've been the most clumsy, bumbling, shoddy salesman (bad job on the delivery) or the most skilled master as far as technique goes (couldnt have executed the approach more flawlessly), it wouldn't matter. If they were open to hearing and processing the message / the info at that moment in time, it would be because of something in their state of mind at that time or their general character. And as a general rule of thumb as far as tips for the messenger, always trying to maintain a good/ loving/ warm / reasonable / peaceful vibe. Just making an effort to connect with the other person on a down to earth, fun-loving level on other topics / other areas of life. Incorporate humor where you can and maintain your sense of humor despite any meltdown that may arise on the other end. Try to never take it personally if they shun you down because of what you tried to give them a headsup on. It's typically not a rational thing. You never know how what you shared will have affected their sub-conscious mind. Or how that seed may germinate at a later date. Also can never hurt to pray before you approach them, and then pray for them after you've had a conversation with them. Maybe God would cause their mind to pay attention or give them eyes to see, you never know. Broadcast your info seeds as prolifically as you can muster to, and let the chips fall where they may. All one can do is make an effort to pass on the info, and what the other person does with it is then on them. And it's a good thing to somehow guard against becoming demoralized. All of the aforementioned, easier said than done, i know.
Wonderful suggestions. I agree you can never know exactly how far your impact can go. As you said, a seed may germinate at a later time which in time will bear even more fruit and seeds and so on. The only thing that will definitely stop the chain of waking up is stopping the communication.
I said "no" because very few people remaining on my zuckerbook 'friends' list are brainwashed enough to go get injections. I cleaned that list pretty well over the last three years of propaganda and people repeating it. I know of two or three folks still on my list who might.
as far as informing others, it's either preaching to the choir or folks ignore me.
Lately its been calling them feckless morons, those understanding the meaning of the two words together might wake someone up, maybe. Most will go to default mode and simply be insulted, however, the seed has been planted and might sprout.
I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out what my place is to share more info especially the Pfizer 38 page PDF with adverse events from 22 months ago in February of 2021. It's not conspiracy it's Pfizer - anyway, one day at a time and I hope the good Lord gives me some guidance.
The last couple of years, heralds a new era where government appointed medical scientists have been given a position to dictate to the citizens. They have dictated when we can leave our homes, how far we can travel, order mandatory face masks and coerce citizens to be injected with pharmaceutical products etc.
This would be OK if the medical industrial complex were not corrupt.
Here are 3 editors of major Medical journals who are telling us that corruption is rife in medical science. These are not fringe conspiracy theorists, these are experts who have been at the coal face of medical research for decades!
What if there is a huge web of corruption that aims to design studies that amplify the effectiveness of vaccines? More importantly, to shut down any research or researcher that suggests they have significant safety concerns? I'm arguing this case because we are at a point where people who don't trust vaccines are being labelled irresponsible and worse. Experts who question the safety or the effectiveness or the necessity of the vaccines often lose their jobs and are always censored and vilified.
People are defending this because they are told that we are following the science. Well I'm putting the point across that we should at least question this ideology because editors of prestigious medical journals have come out and told us that medical science is corrupt!
Maybe we should be a little less trusting?
"Politicisation of science was enthusiastically deployed by some of history’s worst autocrats and dictators, and it is now regrettably commonplace in democracies.20 The medical-political complex tends towards suppression of science to aggrandise and enrich those in power. And, AS THE POWERFUL BECOME MORE SUCCESSFUL, RICHER AND FURTHER INTOXICATED WITH POWER, the inconvenient truths of science are suppressed. When good science is suppressed, people die."
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or AUTHORITATIVE MEDICAL GUIDELINES. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor of The New England Journal of Medicine” (my emphasasis)
"It's unusual to watch one of the world's most powerful editors in scientific publishing play with a marionette puppet.
But Dr. Fiona Godlee, editor of the BMJ, specializes in the unexpected.
The puppet she's holding is dressed as a doctor, complete with a stethoscope around its neck. Its strings represent the hidden hand of the pharmaceutical industry.
'I think we have to call it what it is. It is a corruption of the scientific process.' -Dr. Fiona Godlee, editor, BMJ "
Another quote from the article
"It's led me and others to increasingly question the idea that the manufacturer of the drug could ever be considered the right people to evaluate its effectiveness and safety," Godlee says.
"That seems to me to be very mad idea which has grown up historically, and we have to start questioning it and we have to come up with alternatives, which would mean independent studies done by independent bodies."
And it matters, Godlee says, because bad science can be dangerous.
I think it's difficult to speak to others in general, but I think the biggest issue is if we enter into the conversation with a chip already on our shoulders. It's already really hard to not have that be the case, but I think given the current climate it's best to speak to one another on terms that allow discussions rather than shouting matches.
It's one of the reasons why I don't use the word "gene therapy" because I find no utility in using such a phrase. If you have someone you are trying to reach out to, you can't reach them by shouting "GENE THERAPY!!!", you'll just be losing your argument. Similar to this whole talk of "shedding".
I haven't really had the talk with the people around me because it seemed like it ended as soon as it came around, although I think some of the people around me started growing suspicious about the jabs, and as soon as they were told to keep getting more they really stopped caring and moved on.
As to the flu shots, I know of a few people, but apparently there appears to be a lot of "vaccine fatigue" going on in that people just don't want to get any more shots or even talk about this. I'm not sure what it means quantitatively, but some numbers suggest that in pregnant women the numbers are very behind. So it may be the case for others, although I haven't looked at a ton of numbers to figure this out.
That's a very good point about fatigue. I think all of us feel it ourselves as well. But then we hear of yet another tragedy and think let me try just a little bit more. There are definitely words that I stay away from. It's not that I don't believe they are a factor or possible, but that it will just shutdown the conversation. Once someone starts questioning what's going into their body and recognizing that they are being pushed to, it should be considered a win.
I don't know if it will be successful, but... I firmly believe that God gave me clear direction to rely on the immunity He gave me. I have prayed more about this decision than any in my life. The more I asked, the clearer the guidance came. I started to collect the Bible verses that came to me that spoke to the choice, the pressure and the coercion. I have copies of this list everywhere, and I had it, along with a prayer I wrote, beside me in all conversations with my employer prior to termination. I have added to it in the long months since termination. I just took those verses, categorized them and put them together in a book along with some reflections. I am going to give this book to a few family members. We will see where it goes.
This got added to the list this week: Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
I can say clearly and truthfully that the more I was forced to look into this decision, the more my mind was opened on other points. I will put my faith in God, and not the wisdom (science) of man.
I Corinthians 2:5 So that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.
How I see it is, God gave me the gifts of heart, mind, body, and soul. I will protect my one vehicle for life. I can recognize flawed science, and unethical actions and behavior. I will honor the gifts God gave me, by using them, valuing them, and protecting them the best of my ability. I will try to instill these same values in my children, and also anyone willing to listen.
Beautiful Jennifer. 🥰
I love this.
Serious question. How do you respond currently to those who would say that modern medicine is just one way that God is demonstrating his power? That science is the using of God-given knowledge etc for the betterment of mankind?
I put my faith in God and not the wisdom of man. I believe in science, God gave us science. But science is the constant testing of hypothesis and reformulating your hypothesis when the outcome is not what you expect. There is so much we do not understand about the immune systems God gave us and, part of the awakening I have had, is that we may have messed with nature too much (on this and other fronts). I believe what my eyes do see, what my gut/conscience tells me is true, and not what the wisdom of man tells me to believe. I change my position based on data. In this case, I had natural immunity, and I firmly believe God spoke to my conscience and told me to rely on His immunity. He woke me from fear, so I had time to examine the data and analyze the risks specific to me and my family. And time to pray on it. When I examine the data - as opposed to the headlines - God's direction is clear. Very long answer to say - read the data and not the headlines! And trust God.
Beautifully said.
They let me know that they really have no time to involve themselves in these topics. They say they have left the pandemic behind them and they acknowledge that it was a lot of trial and error with the vaccines, among that a lot of error they concede. And that they may skip the current booster for their family, but only because for now they are good with several test- certified Covid infections. They are not interested in more information as they say they have more urgent problems to worry about, among which climate change and Ukraine. These are academically qualified people.
I think that a lot of people I know would think this way too. 😞
It would be hard to change now. In for a dime, in for a dollar.
So very disheartening
So far I have only tried in a very cautious, rational way. I have not chastised them for their naivety. It's not something I could do given the kind of relationship I have with those people, and it's not my style. But whoever can be so blunt, it could be a better approach.
My experience is that the people in my life and that I know, if they are comfortably ensconced in the matrix, absolutely will not, under any circumstances, read or watch any articles or videos I send them and have immediate, conversation stopping, set replies to shut down any discussion.
There have been only two classes of people I have had any effect on. One is my husband, who still is far from fully awake, but I have managed to convince him that the jabs are dangerous and to be avoided and that he should be wary of what he hears from media and the medical establishment about them. But then, he's kind of a captive audience, and he has seen that my decision (and his rather reluctant one) to eschew the spike shot has not resulted in illness and death, and that family members who eagerly submitted have become ill and at least two are dead. He still insists I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, of course, but seems less and less certain of it.
The other class is people who are already starting to wake up and open to listening. Even with them, it can be a long and frustrating process, but I have been able to bring them along because they are willing to discuss the subject. Knowing who they are can be tricky, but less hard than it was a year or even six months ago, as people are becoming less afraid to admit they have doubts.
My fast asleep friend blurted out “have you always been left handed?”, when I was telling her about attending the CHD conference in Knoxville. 😂
Keep working on your husband. I did not give up on mine and he is almost wide awake. At least he knows not to get a 4th shot. The rest of the big story - like how they will try to prevent us from traveling whenever and wherever we want to go - has not quite sunk in yet. I’m pretty bitchy most of the time 😢
Are we married to the same guy? Mine, too.....
I make Facebook reels that mock the jabs. I make stories too. These two are able to notify me who sees them unlike a post. I have no way of knowing if my posts are read.
Another thing I like to do is comment on Facebook ads for Pfizer. So many comments are screaming out the truth of these horrible vaccines.
I am very sad right now. I can’t stand the country I live in anymore. It’s not a country I believe in. It’s full of clowns and weirdos. I won’t celebrate in this clown country. I’m trying to seek refuge in the Lord.
💌sending a cyber hug. My heart is heavy too.
Thank you! Received
Are you Jursy girl on fb? If so, I will follow you.
There are a lot of people from NJ on substack! I'm from MI
One of my reels
Granny, is your name Betsy? I will friend you
No, my profile is my real name in Facebook. I use Jursy Gurl everywhere else.
All I can point out is the the unvaxxed are not dying like the vaxxed are dying. I gave one woman I know a link to Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova recent conversation about how the DOD really owns the poison till its in you, and then they own you, one way or another. The friend is also a rancher and I do worry that the products I bought from her are perhaps also contaminated with chemicals, if she is willing to put them into her, she would inject her animals with this hellish mRNA. I did buy the magnets and will test this meat before I eat it. But is so sad when folks think chemicals are the way to go.
I bought a gaussmeter last month for a different reason. This would be an interesting test. I'm not sure if it's just me being slightly paranoid, but the meat I've been buying lately just doesn't seem quite right. I'm going to be looking closer at the sources now.
thanks....does a goosemeter (just kidding) tell you about graphene? radioactivity? or emfs? I want to by an emf meter and have been told to spend at least 250 dollars and make sure it can measure low levels of emfs, which require a better meter to read.....and get a wire connection back for my computer and phone...this 4g and 5g and beyond is such a bad idea for the humans....oi!
No, a gaussmeter or tesla meter only measures magnetic strength and direction. My gaussmeter also has a probe. I will be buying an EMF meter as well.
Lee - I have given up trying to inform others. They refuse to read or listen to anything I have to say. I have to save my sanity.
So now I’m working on an effort with a fellow Ohioan to get a survey out to all the embalmers across the US to ask if they are seeing the large fibrous white clots. Email me if you want more details.
You may find this article useful: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-17-elemental-analysis-results-released-vaccine-clot-composition-not-blood-clots.html
Thank you for your offer, but I have my hands so full right now, I'm not sure where to begin! I've starting working with VAERs data and will see what comes from that.
Thank you for this link Lee.
And thank you for your work. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I truly believe the tide is turning.
I had a fun one yesterday. got a sales call for additional medical insurance. So, I had a uniquely captive audience. I answered a few questions, no I almost never use Big Pharma products, I very rarely see a doctor, no I do not have any chronic health conditions at 73, Yes I work out hard 5 days a week, yes I do Yoga 6 to 7 days a week, yes I eat organic food and have for over 50 years, etc. then I asked do you know how vaccines are formulated? did you know the average vaccine takes anywhere from 8 to 15 yrs to develop? did you know these mRNA formulations are actually Experimental Biologicals created in 9 months and in a recent Federal Court appearance the FDA on behalf of Pfizer requested that the safety trial test results be withheld for 75 years? What might Pfizer be trying to hide? , have you heard of VAREs data? Did you know that there are well over 200 International peer reviewed studies on the mRNA Vaccines revealing a huge array of Adverse reactions, many of which are lethal? did you know that you cannot use Mainstream search engines such as Google, Safari, Bing, etc to find these studies? You must use Brave or Duck Duck go because Big Pharma controls Mainstream Media and Tech with Hundreds of millions in advertising dollars., etc, etc.
She had to listen for over 20mins + It was fun.. Don't know how much she actually absorbed
but I gave her pause and strongly encouraged her to Inquire, to Question any and everything Especially Big Pharma products and recommendations as well as those of any Governmental regulatory agencies like the CDC, the NIH..
This is great! I did similar to a young Army recruiter that called the other day. It was a legit call and a legit conversation from someone in the local area. I was so glad to discuss with them, thank them for their service, and also share my concerns. Ended the conversation that I am praying for them. So glad to hear, yes, engage whenever there's a captive audience! Thank you for your efforts! :-)
Thank you for your efforts Lee! We are going to turn this Nation around.. Nuremberg... no stoping till it’s made Real..!
To answer your survey: My experiences and observation so far has been: (Barring / setting aside, not being obnoxiously self-righteous or belligerently preachy or histrionic, as a given), I would say that if a person sincerely listened and genuinely considered the info, that it never on any occasion had anything to do with the delivery method technique. I think it only ever had to do with the other person's character / personality and/or frame of mind/openness of mind, the condition/state of being, of the receiver at that moment in time. I could've been the most clumsy, bumbling, shoddy salesman (bad job on the delivery) or the most skilled master as far as technique goes (couldnt have executed the approach more flawlessly), it wouldn't matter. If they were open to hearing and processing the message / the info at that moment in time, it would be because of something in their state of mind at that time or their general character. And as a general rule of thumb as far as tips for the messenger, always trying to maintain a good/ loving/ warm / reasonable / peaceful vibe. Just making an effort to connect with the other person on a down to earth, fun-loving level on other topics / other areas of life. Incorporate humor where you can and maintain your sense of humor despite any meltdown that may arise on the other end. Try to never take it personally if they shun you down because of what you tried to give them a headsup on. It's typically not a rational thing. You never know how what you shared will have affected their sub-conscious mind. Or how that seed may germinate at a later date. Also can never hurt to pray before you approach them, and then pray for them after you've had a conversation with them. Maybe God would cause their mind to pay attention or give them eyes to see, you never know. Broadcast your info seeds as prolifically as you can muster to, and let the chips fall where they may. All one can do is make an effort to pass on the info, and what the other person does with it is then on them. And it's a good thing to somehow guard against becoming demoralized. All of the aforementioned, easier said than done, i know.
Wonderful suggestions. I agree you can never know exactly how far your impact can go. As you said, a seed may germinate at a later time which in time will bear even more fruit and seeds and so on. The only thing that will definitely stop the chain of waking up is stopping the communication.
I said "no" because very few people remaining on my zuckerbook 'friends' list are brainwashed enough to go get injections. I cleaned that list pretty well over the last three years of propaganda and people repeating it. I know of two or three folks still on my list who might.
as far as informing others, it's either preaching to the choir or folks ignore me.
I did the same.
I have no old friends left...apparently Trump is a psychopath and I'm a conspiracy theorist
Plenty of friends here :-)
So sorry!
Lately its been calling them feckless morons, those understanding the meaning of the two words together might wake someone up, maybe. Most will go to default mode and simply be insulted, however, the seed has been planted and might sprout.
One could also call them "skilled TV watchers", like J J Couey does. This description could also give them pause.
I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out what my place is to share more info especially the Pfizer 38 page PDF with adverse events from 22 months ago in February of 2021. It's not conspiracy it's Pfizer - anyway, one day at a time and I hope the good Lord gives me some guidance.
Thank you for trying. I like to also share info on detox and good news, like mandates getting overturned here and there.
The last couple of years, heralds a new era where government appointed medical scientists have been given a position to dictate to the citizens. They have dictated when we can leave our homes, how far we can travel, order mandatory face masks and coerce citizens to be injected with pharmaceutical products etc.
This would be OK if the medical industrial complex were not corrupt.
Here are 3 editors of major Medical journals who are telling us that corruption is rife in medical science. These are not fringe conspiracy theorists, these are experts who have been at the coal face of medical research for decades!
What if there is a huge web of corruption that aims to design studies that amplify the effectiveness of vaccines? More importantly, to shut down any research or researcher that suggests they have significant safety concerns? I'm arguing this case because we are at a point where people who don't trust vaccines are being labelled irresponsible and worse. Experts who question the safety or the effectiveness or the necessity of the vaccines often lose their jobs and are always censored and vilified.
People are defending this because they are told that we are following the science. Well I'm putting the point across that we should at least question this ideology because editors of prestigious medical journals have come out and told us that medical science is corrupt!
Maybe we should be a little less trusting?
"Politicisation of science was enthusiastically deployed by some of history’s worst autocrats and dictators, and it is now regrettably commonplace in democracies.20 The medical-political complex tends towards suppression of science to aggrandise and enrich those in power. And, AS THE POWERFUL BECOME MORE SUCCESSFUL, RICHER AND FURTHER INTOXICATED WITH POWER, the inconvenient truths of science are suppressed. When good science is suppressed, people die."
KAMRAN Abbasi, executive editor BMJ, 2020.
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or AUTHORITATIVE MEDICAL GUIDELINES. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor of The New England Journal of Medicine” (my emphasasis)
Marcia Angell 2004
"It's unusual to watch one of the world's most powerful editors in scientific publishing play with a marionette puppet.
But Dr. Fiona Godlee, editor of the BMJ, specializes in the unexpected.
The puppet she's holding is dressed as a doctor, complete with a stethoscope around its neck. Its strings represent the hidden hand of the pharmaceutical industry.
'I think we have to call it what it is. It is a corruption of the scientific process.' -Dr. Fiona Godlee, editor, BMJ "
Another quote from the article
"It's led me and others to increasingly question the idea that the manufacturer of the drug could ever be considered the right people to evaluate its effectiveness and safety," Godlee says.
"That seems to me to be very mad idea which has grown up historically, and we have to start questioning it and we have to come up with alternatives, which would mean independent studies done by independent bodies."
And it matters, Godlee says, because bad science can be dangerous.
"Patients do get hurt."
Common sense really does go a long way
I think it's difficult to speak to others in general, but I think the biggest issue is if we enter into the conversation with a chip already on our shoulders. It's already really hard to not have that be the case, but I think given the current climate it's best to speak to one another on terms that allow discussions rather than shouting matches.
It's one of the reasons why I don't use the word "gene therapy" because I find no utility in using such a phrase. If you have someone you are trying to reach out to, you can't reach them by shouting "GENE THERAPY!!!", you'll just be losing your argument. Similar to this whole talk of "shedding".
I haven't really had the talk with the people around me because it seemed like it ended as soon as it came around, although I think some of the people around me started growing suspicious about the jabs, and as soon as they were told to keep getting more they really stopped caring and moved on.
As to the flu shots, I know of a few people, but apparently there appears to be a lot of "vaccine fatigue" going on in that people just don't want to get any more shots or even talk about this. I'm not sure what it means quantitatively, but some numbers suggest that in pregnant women the numbers are very behind. So it may be the case for others, although I haven't looked at a ton of numbers to figure this out.
That's a very good point about fatigue. I think all of us feel it ourselves as well. But then we hear of yet another tragedy and think let me try just a little bit more. There are definitely words that I stay away from. It's not that I don't believe they are a factor or possible, but that it will just shutdown the conversation. Once someone starts questioning what's going into their body and recognizing that they are being pushed to, it should be considered a win.