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Lee - are you following Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt on substack?

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Yes, I am. I follow (but mostly skim) many substacks and have linked to theirs here and there. I have also contributed to Katherine's very early on with the 21st Century Cures Act and proposed Cures 2.0 Act. There is a strong emphasis on depop on many substacks which I do not feel is the primary reason the push is occurring, but on the other hand, it is seen as a possible outcome yet are doing little to stop it. I see much of this as simulating countermeasures to bioweapons, but do not see the vaxs themselves as bioweapons, although they may have become such out of results rather than plans. I see experimentation and control as definite goals, and trying to advance research to where they want it to be. I do not latch on to many specific substacks because there is much contention between the theories and many tend to believe everything is packed into every vial, and I feel this is misleading. I feel each batch, each person, each administration (and potentially vial) is different for a wide variety of reasons. Take multiple and even more variables come into play. I try not to cross-post every interesting post because then I'd be cross-posting all day, and I don't want to be a mockingbird. Instead I am working behind scenes to better position myself as a local activist and to help others understand the potential risks involved. I hope to provide information on this soon. I do not pretend to know or have everything right. This is all just my opinion, my take on things, and I know many others who disagree with me, and that's okay. Mostly we are just trying to shine light on the truth to help others. Each has their own audiences, strengths, and interests. I am not trying to keep everyone informed of everything. I hope people search out those that speak to them best. I have had money pledged to this newsletter, but I won't turn on paid subscriptions. It's not about the money nor do I want any for this nor the pressure to write. I appreciate everyone's comments and love to see the support we have for one another. Thank you all! I know my readers are not silent, I say to not be silent in case my newsletter reaches the inbox of those who are. I see more hope that mainstream media is starting to doubt the vax as well. We just need to keep the ball rolling! Thank you again for your support. I cannot respond to all because of all the other things I'm working on, but thank you everyone!

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One more reason I don't jump on the depop bandwagon is this ... the human body while resilient is fragile. If someone in power with money, power, resources wanted to just take away life with no explanation or perhaps being caught I believe could if they really wanted to. Life and subjects are of value, perhaps those in power want to use to learn through experiments be it medical, psychological, or social or maybe even amuse themselves (think the squid games). That is my take and why I don't focus on depop. Now could depop become a reason to cover up what happened? That's an entirely different question and one I believe we are watching unfold.

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I am not silent. I thank God that He gave me clear direction, and I will fight for recourse because my religious liberty was denied, my medical autonomy was stolen, and informed consent outright denied. God give me the strength to do what I need to do. Thank you for your posts.

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I've been looking for ways to break through the fog. To reach the minds of those buried deep in the mist of propaganda.

Logic and reason can get a raise. But it seems to go in one ear and then right out the other.

Comedy and satire seems to make it stick a little bit more. But often what I find comic, another finds dangerous misinformation, even if the context of the joke is true and citable and they know it.

It's not only about the jabs now, it's the closing of the circle and the control of the center of the board. You see, as we have moved through the last couple of years, making small victories and suffering numerous defeats. A game of chess is being played and they are still forcing our hand to follow their lead.

They are controlling the board, sacrificing pieces here and there, distracting and cornering us. It's frustrating to watch.

It would be much easier to win if the other 80% knew we were even playing a game. Just saying.

So thanks to everyone trying to reach through. Whether it is one, two or hundreds it doesn't matter. Forwards is progression.

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Nice well said!!

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Perfectly stated!

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Beautifuly written!! I am not silent! I will speak to any and all willing to listen.

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Count me *Not Silent* as well. I've been screaming from the rooftops since the start.

Never in our history have they pushed a "medical procedure" for every man, woman and and child (and even many animals) like this.

Do not comply!! 🚫💉

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