Voted this morning. God bless America and DJT

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Nov 5
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Voting prevented the Cures Act 2.0 from passing. If the Dems had the house it would have passed. I can't control the outcome of the election, but I can control whether I exercise my legal right to vote and try to fix this broken system if not delay more bad laws from getting passed. The local elections matter too and it does make a difference.

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Nov 5
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It is a possibility, but I won't hedge my bets as the issues at hand are too important.

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MAGA! Feeling the love from the UK. It's too late for this country but you now have a chance! 🙏

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Voted early last Tuesday. I feel good and hopeful. It’s in God’s hands now.

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Nov 5Edited
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I believe some things are inevitable, but just because they are inevitable does not mean I'm useless or that my voice is. If I felt that way I would not be on here writing. Any day that's more free than a different day, I will fight for even if I know it may come to end one day.

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Nov 5
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I do not agree with anyone 100%. I know my enemy is the devil and many are comprised. I do not consider anyone on this earth as a savior. I have only one Savior, but that does not mean I won't act on the behalf of myself friends and family. If I felt voting did not matter at all or made things worse I would not vote, but I simply do not believe that it doesn't matter. There wouldn't be so much effort to campaign and influence votes if it was all predetermined by man.

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Trump is a decent man otherwise they wouldn’t be trying to kill him. Do you understand how civil wars/revolutions work? It’s not the people overthrowing their government. That is called a fairy tale. It’s one group of elites fighting the other group.

Without people like Trump and Elon I’m pretty certain most people will do nothing until they have nothing to lose. By that time things will be so piss pour it will be too late. That’s how human nature works and you can pretend people like you are powerful. You can be but only if marshaled into much larger forces.

Say what you will about Trump but I have not heard him once speak of reigning in disinformation, etc. That seems to be the central campaign them of the left. This should give you a clue as to where they are going with this if left unchecked. Musk is a sitting duck as they will take him apart. X or Twitter is the only reason I believe we are having this conversation in a serious fashion. The left had almost smashed free speech with the exception of small unimportant release valves such as Substack and Gab.

Musk’s acquisition of Twitter has granted us one more chance. This is as much of a surprise to me as anyone else. You shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. If the status quo remains we get no more chances, nor do we deserve them. I don’t even really trust Trump. I have some questions about how he will govern. But he has earned another shot; no pun intended with the missed assassination attempt.

I grow frustrated with absolutist, black and white thinkers. Some of these people are the biggest ingrates on the planet. This is NOT to say if Trump wins we are off the hook. It simply means ONE Thing and it’s should NOT be misconstrued….”We Simply Live to Fight another Day, America is granted another chance at a decent outcome.”

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America and the world IMHO. When she goes down, the whole world will with it.

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Yes, I used to think China and Russia wanted to undercut and collapse us. But that’s far too risky. They are kicking our ass tho and I am not so sure Trump can do much to stop the de-dollarization that has accelerated. That’s why he’s promising 100% tariffs on nations who stop using the USD. But at least he’s pragmatic and can possibly work something out before our downfall.

KH is just a puppet same as JB and most Rs. They answer to the one world govt types hellbent on keeping the US as the world’s hegemonic power. That can’t work for much longer. But the people behind it have no desire to quit now. They have enjoyed controlling the money supply and it is the source of all of their power.

That’s why they have been trying to smash Russia. They don’t give two shits about Ukrainians. We started that war in order to loot both nations. Russia and of course China are existential threats to their monopoly over the world.

There’s no doubt we have our work cut out for us. But first we gotta get through this. DT and America are not out of the woods until he’s sworn in late Jan. You probably know that already tho. I would say we should be ready for just about anything. 👍

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