
Why I used "more" in my opening statement. I have looked at batch variability, and the worst happened earlier on. I believe to tweak what is given, experiment, and make sure to tone it down before it was available for children. I am not saying depop is not part of someone's agenda, only that typically people get used for something before being discarded. I am just trying to raise awareness that it's far from being over and there are tough questions that people will still need to answer for themselves, rather than simply feeling "I'm doomed" or "I survived."

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I agree with you. My sense is that they want large data lakes from the experiment to advance their knowledge relative to human health and the genome, epigenetics, environment, etc.

And I do believe they knew there would be unacceptably high casualties so the pandemic was needed to mask the large clinical trial. They want the data to feed to AI to try to advance their agenda relative to man engineering his own evolution.

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Yes thank you. AI will be used in multiple ways, but AI's most prominent role will in sequencing mRNA and attempting to solve The Protein Folding Problem. It will be used to process large gobs of data, and likely nefariously as a one-stop shop for "the answer" to promote agendas and influence the general public.

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I wonder about the vaccine’s supposed proclivity for the Ace2 receptor and the fact that some feel as a result the spike protein was delivered to multiple key organs…leading to various disease processes, including autoimmune disease, inflammatory processes and cancer.

While scientists/researchers have mapped the genome the process of identifying which genes and which mutations are evidence of certain biological processes or functions has been a long arduous process….of which they have been trying to advance.

Sure seems like they will have plenty of data by which to better understand the different elements of our being and what irregularities arise depending on what organs are effected.

I wrote a SS about the vaccine cards, with their wealth on information on them (which is representative of details posited with the government, etc.) and Palantir’s role in managing the anticipated data lake. It was a very open ended proposition by the government relative to how and for what purposes the data will be used. Always for our benefit, of course.

I believe that now that they have crisper they are more eager than ever to understand our original software so that they can start writing their own code relative to our future existence. I state it like that because the globalist tech elite have basically said that mRNA is like the software to life-as proteins are the building blocks.

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Certain diseases are from a lack of proteins being created. They are also looking for a cheap, fast manufacturer of proteins with our cells as the manufacturer with no off switch. There are model simulations that predict the resultant protein. When they came out early with 94% effective my first reaction was how do you or can you really know that?!? My guess is they felt like if their sequence could code the spike protein correctly 94% of the time in their model mind you, (not within a human body after various manufacturing, storing, distribution, administration, dosage to kilogram weight variation, genetics, medical history etc etc), they felt they could use that number and do all they could to point and weave to it. I have written about the Forbes article discussing AlphaFold.

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May 19Liked by Lee Muller

Good questions in this article

However, we still must realize there are extremely evil perpetrators in this present world who have the money & power & they take pleasure in the death & destruction of others via many avenues.

Romans 8:38,39

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May 19·edited May 19Author

I do not disagree. Much like how a cat may play with a mouse for a long while before its eventual demise. There are different ways to combat evil, and each person's capability to do so different. Hopefully, we all ask what can I do to combat evil and their plans? What am I willing to?

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May 19Liked by Lee Muller

I alao totally agree. Of the approximately 200 people I know, i know of 4 deaths, 1 almost death (this young mother took moderna. She was in the hospital for months. They admitted that the harm to her came from the "vax". She was even written up as a case study for moderna. I don't know what they said to her, but she hides her 1st-hand experience of harm. She told me, "of course they're experimenting."

1 total neural collapse and then death. One person who went blind. Lots of people with cardiac problems. My own cardiac problems that I got after 2nd pfizer, and lots and lots of harms to people. I'd say I feel there are over 50 percent of people, who I view as harmed. I agree many people are healing themselves. Most harmed people really think it's long covid. Frustrating.

The truth needs to come out. I really appreciate you're writing this piece! I've been keeping track of all the depop views and am glad to put the experimentation possibility as a solid alternate belief. The crime of experimentation is just as bad as depopulation, but the inclination to heal yourself that it suggests is important.

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Thank you for sharing your observations. I too know of 6 or so unexpected, sudden deaths. One I have been told was from the vax. One was not from covid shot. I had assumed for over a year it might be, but learned the real reason later on. A lesson that not all ailments or deaths are because of the vax. We cannot fall into that trap, or else it would be like assuming that the vax saved lives just because someone who took the vax is still alive.

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> keeping track of all the depop views"

I'd like mine to be on your radar as well. Even though I've been harping away about it for years, no one either argues with it nor picks it up to add to.

THEY are people who steer the $101 trillion GDP of Earth, names and faces we've never heard or seen. The popular thing is to angrily hate them assuming pure evil. I decided to try something, "love your enemies", and almost like the "magic eye" 3D image popping into view from seemingly random noise, had to conclude ...

Some of THEY are simply scared of things like our 385,000 new babies per day (2020), the 11 million pounds of food per minute we eat (2014 huffpost) and its output, the 20,000 plastic bottles we make per second with 55,028 ships at sea hauling food, fuel, teslas, iphones et. al. and chemicals for factories trying to keep up with our consumption and say:

It's up to us to save the planet from humans.

So they hatched a plan they considered compassionate compared to the old methods of culling the herd, bloody war and horrible famine ... simply reduce baby count.

Chemicals that utilize one's own immune system to nullify reproductive hormones have been in use for 30 years. Mainly, killing female pigs, collecting the surface of the eggs in their ovaries and injecting into other species makes them infertile. Requires two initial shots a few weeks apart and boosters every 6 months to a year depending on the species. A method was found to make it also affect the surface of sperm immobilizing them. It is called Porcine Zona Pellucida.

I'm told by a doctor who was developing it at Baylor that if it is in these shots, it would be the encoding for it rather than the substance, bingo, enter mRNA. Pfizer/Moderna.

The other is more recent, patented in 2009, a different mechanism going after GnRH in the pituitary, while also requiring the boosters, is initially a single shot. This one is called GonaCon. J&J (Janssen)/Astrazeneca.

Multiple levels of experimentation were authorized.

These elites did not want anyone to be killed but things got away from them a bit, the rank and file insisted on some LD50-ishness so yes, some batches were more deadly. One can observe the numerous different lot/batch patterns at https://univaers.com/download/expiration_dates.csv and ask ... why?

Then the deaths and disabling were realized to beneficially distract people away from the real main agenda of reducing baby count.

After connecting the dots I ran across this where they told us what they were planning to do:

1-5: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0xP8zrUZM6SF/ (maybe the most important Utopia episode)

Or just clips, starting with the Amazon remake a few months before the jab rollout: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uy4886H9cVKV/

Seeing what's inside their head and going, hmm, they have some reasoning that is tough to argue with, doesn't make me one of them. We won't get anywhere until our arguments target the justifications that are driving them. We CAN argue with those. I can argue both sides. Why not? Why aren't we going there? My fear is it's simply that people are too afraid.

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May 20·edited May 20Author

I watched the old one, but not the new one. Will check out when I have time.

In this huge mess of things, I pray everyone finds a time to laugh to the point of crying.

I speak to door to door solicitors about what's going on, especially the younger ones selling Internet service, educational books etc. I was elated to talk to one young gentleman who said maybe only two out of ten of his friends took the vax. It gave me hope, and I congratulated him on using his noggin. We both agreed one thing is for sure. It is a very interesting time, thick of challenges. The best way to put it and still look forward to what tomorrow brings.

To me, prepare takes on different meanings. I've come to believe that the most important prepare is about self and not material things or knowledge. Is one prepared to meet their maker? To face head on and reflect on one's actions in life? Has one felt remorse and sought forgiveness and recourse. I believe that is the most important way to prepare.

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These are good questions to be thinking about. As for depopulation and the jab, it's worth noting that there is profound variability in the different batch lots. Many if not most of the "vaccine" batch lots were functional blanks. The higher the stabilized mRNA, the higher the side effects. This has been well documented on howbadismybatch.com.

It's also worth considering two other points: The Elite need to operate within the realm of plausible deniability. The jabs and the SARS CoV-2 bioweapon create long-term disability and chronic disease; something well documented by Walter Chestnut's Substack. If everyone receives the most egregious of the vaccine lot batches then indeed you would see mass death within a few years. That is not necessary for a slow-kill depopulation agenda with plausible deniability. Finally, depopulation has been mainstay of Elite thinking going back well over 60 years. The Kissinger Memorandum in the 70s made this clear. Yuval Harari openly muses about what to do with all the soon to be "useless" people who will be replaced by AI and robotics. Soon the Elite will no longer need wage slaves to do their work for them. Transhumanism itself is a post human ideology.

I think it is safe to say that depopulation is the highest part of their agenda. It just might take longer than 3-5 years.

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Accidentally replied a level up!

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May 19Liked by Lee Muller

totally agree with you. I know approximately 200 people who got the jab and most are fine. Their health does not seem to be deteriorating. (But out of that 200, 3 died and 12 have serious life changing injuries, so the 180 who are now fine were just lucky.)

I'm suspicious of batch variability. When these shots first came out, we were told they had to be kept at very low temps. My suspicion is that those storage protocols were often not followed properly and as a result many batches had LNP's and/or mRNA that had degraded. This would have made the batches that had degraded LNP's and mRNA less potent (meaning less deadly) than the batches that were at full strength. So if my theory is correct, only a small percentage of batches had been stored properly or were new enough to be at full strength and those were the most deadly. Most people ended up getting shots from degraded batches (lucky for them!), and those folks had few fewer serious side effects and deaths. And, as you've said in this article, those people are likely to be just fine down the road, in 3 years, 5 years, 10 years.

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Yes, but people also need to know that there are mRNA and VLP vax and other technologies used for other common reasons other than covid. Daily lifestyle habits will help in addition to knowing what to avoid as time goes on.

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Yes, you're correct. However some batches apparently were just saline. I believe there was a European study that found essentially three levels of mRNA, one being none at all. We know that Pfizer employees now got "special" batches that the general public did not get. And then there is the stabilization and quality control issues you bring up.

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I have read saline can causes issues as well depending on administration and the individual person. Looking at some of the short clinical trials, there are subjects injured or died that received placebo as well. Of course, I cannot say for certain if it was because of the placebo.

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The all "dead in 3 to 5 years" idea actually makes no sense to me simply because healthy people resist and overcome environmental toxins on a daily basis.

The majority of those who work in asbestos or vermiculite mines or who spray glyphosate (or DDT) on plants for a living generally live through these daily toxic exposures for decades.

Yes, injections deliver their toxic payload more directly, but many people still manage to shoot up contaminated street heroin year after year after year. Not to mention people who smoke crack in aluminum pipes or even those who smoke three packs of cigarettes every single decade after decade.

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I am convinced the vaxs can kill and harm, but not to the degree expressed in this theory.

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Nice to hear from you Lee. And thank you for sharing your thoughts! 🙏💖

Regarding water, it seems either Berkey filters or distillation with remineralization are the best options. For gardening, I am of a mind to build a greenhouse so as to be able to have some control over the purity of the environment. Adding CO2 would likely be of benefit as well.

Stay well Lee! You’re a treasure. 😁

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You are reading my mind! So you believe Berkey the better choice over Alexapure? I have also been thinking greenhouse to protect, so funny. In all likelihood, it will be both.

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May 19·edited May 19Liked by Lee Muller

Or are you reading mine?!🤪

From what I’ve read, Berkey is better long term as filters last much longer. So less expensive long term as well.

Sure would be cool if we could meet IRL. I imagine we’d get along like peas in a pod Lee.

Keep us posted as to your further developments! 💖

(my like button has ceased to function…


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Would be neat to do a substack meetup with all interested. Maybe even by state

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That’s a fine thought! Would wreak havoc with my anonymity tho’.

😂 Let us know!

I’m in WI.

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Just missed you I was there during that heat wave in early March. Madison area.

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Well, we’ll have to plan better next time! I used to live in Madtown. In Eau Claire area now. You’ve got my email, feel free to use it Lee. Have a great week!

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I wonder if I am in the "I hope I do better"" category when faced with whatever they are dangling in front of our elected and non elected officials who apparently didn't "do better " when confronted with very tough decisions ( choices).

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Me too. Continuous improvement ❤️

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May 19Liked by Lee Muller

Across all fronts, we only “know” what we have been told. There can be competing theories bolstering each other to confuse and misdirect. I always think about the Orson Welles War of the Worlds 1938 radio broadcast.

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May 19Liked by Lee Muller

You are correct Lee. The sheer number of people who got the jab all but guarantees some bad results. Most of the conspiracy sites/theorists I read have not thought things through very well. Self deluded bubble I guess. I would know about that.

You sound like someone who still quite capable of rational thought.

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Appreciate. It's good to hear I'm sane when others in my circle make you feel like an outlier. Half the reason I write to be honest. It is for others, but also for myself, so thank you.

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They will get us one way or another....mistakes were not made.... are you aware of the Day Tapes....

Richard Day Tapes on Cancer, and NAPRALERT, where the Rockefeller's Cancer Cure Database may be hidden. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/richard-day-tapes-on-cancer-and-napralert

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I believe they ARE trying to murder as many of us as possible WITHOUT being charged with murder. On the other hand, I believe we're pretty hard to kill, and so, many more will survive than they had assumed/hoped.

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Are we really that hard to kill? I don't believe so. But if trying to do under the radar, maybe. Scientist don't just kill guinea pigs. They learn from them. If we pay too much attention to death alone, we do not place the much needed attention on people injured or the possibility of being injured and directly impacting our quality of life. All considerations are important.

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They've been studying how to kill us for over 100 years. And yes, it's harder to do it reliably when the means must be covert.

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If you follow the research from Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. David Nixon and others (many here on substack) you know that real transfer of the vaccines were lipid nanoparticles and hydrogels that self construct upon various EMF wavelengths and heat. Before dying, Dr. Rashid Buttar had evidence that even the seemingly innocuous batches contained nanotech payloads that could trigger self-assembly and symptoms (disease) when set off. The patents documented by Pfizer, Moderna and the DoD confirm that this is a decades old technology and now fits with the 'we will give you a vaccine before we know what "virus" is out there' BS coming from BigPharma these past weeks. These structures can be detoxed with various methods but are pervasive. Oddly - the US Military has an intelligence research arm (Deagle) that predicts mortalities by nation every 4 years. The year BEFORE the vaccine were introduced, Deagle inexplicably projected over 2/3rds of Americans to have died by 2026. (expose-news.com has documented articles on this).

So projecting future deaths from current mortalities and markers may be insufficient.

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Interesting, and yes I follow them and do my own dabbling. Let's hope those predictions are wrong. I have worked with population estimates and forecasting for decades and more often than not the predictions are wrong. Many of my comments still stand. Reflect on what's most important and enjoy what you can enjoy without losing integrity. And hopefully each person's example will impact another person.

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You might have gotten saline, maybe.

I'm sure they ran 'controls' on the experiment. Even though they didn't run them on their experiments, because they wouldn't want the results to show, on their experiments.


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I simply try not to participate and see what happens. No vax, no rapid tests, no medical tests, no ancestry inquires providing DNA, no divulge information into a database voluntarily, no travel, venues, event, or concerts requiring health status proof or information or exemption, no vitamins, supplements, prescriptions, or treatment for anything (yet anyways) just sharing experiences and listening. I'm trying to live like an average person and just see what happens until I feel forced to do anything different. One change I am trying to be more aware of, is where I send my money, and seriously thinking on best supply of drinking water and when/how I should start my garden.

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I've mentioned the 3-5 year mortality window, but in context of myocarditis rather than explicitly regarding injection.

the pre-scamdemic literature on myocarditis said, if I recall correctly, around a 30-50% mortality rate in a 3-5 year window after being afflicted with the condition, whether or not it was symptomatic or even diagnosed.

I would agree about the experimental nature of the injection program. from any pHarmaCo perspective other than straight genocide, formula/strength variations etc and data collection would be extremely useful with a test bed of billions of suckers.

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