Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Pinned

My awesome readers - please help those harmed by sharing this far and wide. Thank you so much for being the best subscribers! Nothing but respect and props to you for efforts and steps toward positive change in a respectful and effective manner. 💗💗💗 There's more I have planned to come! Invite someone to subscribe for free!

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022Author

The U.S. government is finally paying out money to compensate covid vaccine injury claims.

In doing so, the government admits that harm was done by the shots.


The government needs to prioritize injury compensation instead of promoting and administering these unproven and harmful experimental shots to the general populous.

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We knew it was coming, but now we have something tangible to point to! Great catch!!!

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Thank you.! Somebody gets me. It's something I've been waiting on.

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We've got a lot of allies that we don't know about out there!

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Very true. I often have people telling me in person that they are an ally and that makes me very happy.

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Now is the time where we need to gather those people together and get offline! Sounds like maybe you're already ahead of us!


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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Lee Muller

We love you too Substack has no doubt SAVED LIVES.

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Every step toward protecting natural law, no matter how small, is a step worth taking

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Will share on Gettr and TruthSocial. I do think more clarity is needed on what this means. If there was no autopsy it is very difficult to prove causation. I’m sure they will use that to their advantage. Why are they not pulling the products off the market & stopping the shots immediately?

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Author

Affirm means to state as fact.

The U.S. government has paid out money to compensate covid vaccine injury claims which is affirming that harm was done by the shots.

Likely they are not pulling the shots because they wish to continue to market and provide to the general population which prioritizes experimentation over safety.

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Thank you so much for sharing!!! I appreciate it, Leslie!

All my posts are free so I don't feel like it's self promotion, but only sharing. It helps when others do this instead of me because I've been criticized many times for posting my links. If others do it, they won't get criticized for self-promotion. Thank you!

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Unless the author of the 'Stack complains, I wouldn't worry about the haters.

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They will be eventually. The non-emergency has just been renewed because to stop the emergency would stop the shots. The government can't have that right now. But in 2025 the government will be overwhelmed by shot injury lawsuits and the Camp LeJeune of Covid will happen. The government will have to pass a law to address shot injury by establishing a trust fund (think asbestos), everyone will be invited to enter class actions lawsuits, lawyers will get rich, and the shot injured will get pennies. Oh, and the shots will be quietly withdrawn in 2025. Such is life in America.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Author

History has shown that the government has within its power to stop the promotion of harmful products before lawsuits complete. We need to put the pressure on our elected government to do this now.

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Pelosi just bought stock in the company which makes the radiation sickness pills which Biden just purchased millions of. Fauci owns stock and his wife is big in Gilliad, they are all making tons of money off of these devices for the purpose of genetic modification.

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Thank you for you questions. I have updated the post explaining what affirms mean.

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“Set precedence”.

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I would amend the one sentence "The U.S. government has finally paid out money to compensate covid vaccine injury claims." to "U.S. taxpayers have finally paid out money to compensate covid vaccine injury claims." No one responsible for this horror has paid in any way.

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That is why I suggest first and foremost to reprioritize monies allocated to lower priority projects and getting money from drug companies for unproven product.

Admittance and paying out is showing negligence. We need to direct the message properly to hold government accountable.

This message serves as admittance just as much, if not more, as compensation.

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We are the government. That’s our money. Fraud has been perpetrated against us. Fraud negates contracts, mandates and enactments.

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I agree, but public campaigns can help influence lawsuits.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Lee Muller

Lee Muller respect where respect is due in fighting against this medical tyranny.

I hope this is a bit of useful information for you in my post.

I have to say I was sceptical about the whole farce that we were being bombarded with. As someone who worked throughout apart from a few weeks, to me it was clear from the start of what they were saying didn’t add up.

They promoted it as this deadly highly contagious disease, yet as someone who works serving the public and handling only cash until around a year ago. Out of a team of 9 not one caught the bug until after the jab rollouts, I’m the only one not juiced up and decided early on it wasn’t happening as the reality didn’t correlate with what was being pushed. The only death in our family came from my brother in law, his parents were on the cruise ship that was quarantined and not allowed to dock, his father had Parkinson’s but was ok in health apart from that. He caught it while they were all confined inside their cabins and died of renal failure due to complications with no treatment being given or offered. His wife held up with him never caught it, well not until she’d taken three shots anyway.

My hubby is an industrial chemist, he’s a member of the royal society of chemistry and receives monthly magazines with medical and industrial problems and breakthroughs.

December of 2020 they run two articles in the magazine about Astra, Pfizer and Moderna looking promising from the trials for safety and efficacy. Near the end of one of the articles a Dr Gregory Poland makes a statement on how the safety and efficacy is to determined by monitoring after the rollout on millions of people.

He also states people will still need to social distance and mask up.

So here we have it in black and white that safety and efficacy is unknown, needs to be monitored and they had no idea about transmission yet rolled out passports.

I refused to have my children jabbed and even though they brought the age down to 12 for making that decision, I explained it was my job as a parent to protect them and as there wasn’t and still isn’t any real long term data not to give into peer pressure at school. The youngest wanted to get it until they did a bit of research which led them to the conclusion, it wasn’t worth the risk as their age group was in no danger.

Both know I was correct, it did cause arguments with my hubby who bought the whole rubbish and took three shots and was totally caught up in the mass formation, he still can’t believe they’ve lied and the jabs are damaging people and refused to read any research I’ve done, he can’t get his head round how I’ve pointed out he’s been used as a guinea pig.

I do have friends that took the shots either believing they were doing the right thing, or they took them under duress to protect the vulnerable in their lives. They openly state that they’ve been conned and lied too and are now so sceptical of anything the government or pharma say or have to offer, they refused jabs for their kids also.

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Thank you so much for sharing your story and also for taking the responsibility as a parent seriously. So many people not knowing how to deal with the situation ... if only they took the time to do just a little research on their own. The censorship and coercion alone should have been a huge signal. I'm so upset at those pushing these shots and continuing to push them. I believe it's to get rid of the control group as much as they possibly can so they can't compare. Very very sad situation. Praying for all that they will be able to detox and have ample cell repair.

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Told them in the comment the pharmaceuticals will love them but history will absolutely shred them into little tiny fetid pieces.

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Am I missing something? What I see is the vaccine manufacturers get to keep all of the money they have made and the tax payers are to compensate the injured and this is Justice?

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We will need to try many different angles to try to help those harmed. Thank you for your comments. There are lawsuits, petitions, protests, shaming, vocalizing opinion, etc. We all just need to help in the way we can.

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In the mind of Gate's this injection has failed as it was supposed to sterilize people with less or no suffering, or kill them.

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I look no further than a serial killer as an example to know that people are used in the ways they want before deciding what next.

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