Dec 30, 2022Liked by Lee Muller

I’m on the same page that you are. As a nurse. You have nothing to apologize for here. As many of us trusted our gut when the shots rolled out. We did what we could as we navigated fear porn. And we stood by and supported those who took the shots anyway and then when problems started occurring we pointed them ( friends & loved ones) in the direction of those who could provide help. So much to unpack with everything that’s happened over the last 3 years. So, I’m moving on in 2023 with the message to understand why informed consent is critical before making healthcare decisions. I’m here if you have questions. Read the Bible and get close to God. Take care of your health, your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

Have Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year.

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Congratulations on your decision. I got censored off in 2020 and my life improved dramatically being off FB. In fact I formally went in and deleted my entire account after a suspension. I don't miss it one bit. Is it inconvenient at times? Sure...like when I want to sell something or when a group of friends is planning an event. But whatever; not having the overall the yucky feeling that social media used to give me is well worth that trade off. And we have substack now :)

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this is beautiful Lee!

no apologies necessary, we all do the best we can.

Love that you chose to be a Girl Scout leader… you remind me of my mom who was also a scientist and Brownie Scout Leader, so many sweet memories!

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Thank you. I really loved those days. We functioned as a Girl Scout troop, but our troop was more about trying new things in art, music, needlework, nature, recreational sports like rock climbing and archery, camping, first aid, and community service than following the book stuff. I loved doing these activities with my three girls and their friends so much. When they moved on from Girl Scouts, I was happy for them, as they had found a greater passion in life to enjoy.

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I love how you write .. so simple and elegant, yet heartfelt and raw - Please stay in the fight with us ... Mark

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Thank you Lee.. for being so Ruthlessly Honest.... I appreciate you very much.. and the point you are making.. as you know there a quite a few of us experiencing similar relationship dynamics.. family, friends, & work.. 2 of my children are all jabbed up.. nothing I could do to convince them to wait and really do your homework on these experimental Biologicals.. we don't know exactly how this experiment will end or who we have really helped.. but when we wake up everyday and make it Priority 1 to reduce suffering here.. well at the end of the day we sleep like a baby... Know this, You are making a Difference... that's a fact... Keep going Momma! We got this!

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Thank you so much for all you have shared. I am ready to let go of the constant news that I cannot change and the pressure of trying to change my children’s mind about vaccination while being respectful of their adult freedoms and boundaries. Perhaps the day will come when you are ready to come back to the fight, but for now ride your bike, grow a garden and hug your children. Try to let go of the constant stress that consumes all of us that have researched the current narrative.

May God bless you and your family.

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if you havnt had at least one 30 day ban off of facecrap are you even trying? :D

i quit facebook about a year a go, no regrets

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I was locked out for four months this year because I wouldn't hit the "Turn Protect On" button. They stated the reason I needed to do this is because my account has the potential to reach a lot of people. I find this ironic because isn't that the point of facebook. I took this button as meaning if I hit it, that means I'm saying it's okay to censor my posts. I did not hit it. So my account was still up for four months and people could see the posts, for which I am glad, but I had no access to it, which I think is bad because if I wanted to make a correction or deletion I could not. Or if someone commented on something, I could not respond. Other people had access to my own posts, but I did not.

As for trying, see just a sample of my posts below. I made sure that the posts had no keywords that could be searched for by inserting period marks in keywords, rotating images, and I put links that might get censored in the comments and not the posts. This was my workaround. It's seeming that they have cooled down the censoring since August, so I haven't needed to do all of the same things, but I still put links in the comments because they are still getting censored.




I know I have made a difference because people tell me. I really wish other people would do the same because it would really make letting people know what's going on easier. The main demographic that needs to be reached is there (and sadly instagram and tiktok), not here.

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you know i was just teasing about the even trying right?

i was careful to not get banned, even then i managed a couple of 3 day bans and one 30 dayer, they shadow banned me but i kept on trying.

i had a cousin with an IQ like my own of over 140 that liked all of my posts, my warnings then went ahead and got jabbed anyway, then got covid and then 'long covid'

it was about then that i just shut the site down, even when you think your getting through they behave like sheep

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I've seen same. Some of the absolute "smartest" people chose otherwise when they are healthy and low risk. I just feel blessed that somehow my knowledge and experiences have protected me to choose not to. Because I am blessed, I speak out.

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Am glad you like studying numbers. If you still believe in the safety of the older jabs (and are only fearful of the new ones) you might want to take a look at this study, (link below) which proved there's only a 1 in 245,083,100,778,672,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000(or p < 4.08E-63) chance vaccines are NOT he cause of well over 90% of the deadly & disabling conditions suffered by Americans over the age of 18 in 2020. This study was completed BEFORE they rolled out the much deadlier jabs.

Many other interesting findings HERE: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/40 (Peer-Reviewed Journal publication, major contributor is a Sr. Research Scientist as MIT.) Also see: https://www.thecontrolgroup.org/ (Left side menu choose "Download Info")

But pharma says "So you're telling me there's a chance (vaccines are innocent)?"

The new jabs are the "warp speed" phase of this extermination agenda. They are done waiting around for their depopulation goals to be reached with the older jabs, which mostly just made our lives miserable and shortened them by 40 to 50%.

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Thank you for everything you stand for. God Bless!

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Cheers to you, for you choice. This is the only way to change even one mind at a time. Simple, clear explanations of complex topics. No name calling, no kicking people when they are down or mocking them, even when we may be angry, because of their poor choices. You are right. And we thank you!

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You miss the 80s too? I imagine you were probably born around 1985 ish, like me. (Going off your profile picture). In all this insanity, I dedicated hours to creating a 70s, 80s, and 90s playlists with any and all music I enjoyed as a kid, the rap stuff I recently changed to clean versions instead of hearing constant cursing. IT IS ONE OF THE ONLY HOBBIES in this modern world that keeps me sane.

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