This is something that was posted back on October 5, 2021



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Thank you for posting this. This is what we have all been thinking. How can we know when the spike protein has left the body?

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I have great concern for people appearing "very healthy" and then suddenly dying from heart issues or in their sleep. How can it be known ahead of time that this may occur, and what can be done to prevent it? Anything supplementing food and drink should be for a specific reason, especially if taken without a specific end in sight. A person strapped for money cannot take all the supplements being recommended, even if they are being deemed safe. How can they know whether they are even necessary in the first place?

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Dec 27, 2022
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Jason is on YouTube as well.

Wonderful channel.

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Lee I have been reading many of the researchers posts & comments the past few days looking for information on diagnostics. I have a few people that are close to listening and reviewing information but I can't go to them with this rather alarming scientific information and not given them something they can review regarding testing. These individuals are 4 shots (confirmed) and in 'we never got covid' camp but they also take meticulous care of themselves otherwise. They will need to see something showing up in test results which none of their doctors will advise.

I also see a need for this suggestion of possible baseline diagnostics as a way to not flood the early treatment docs with patients that aren't in immediate need for services. The FL CCC site is a fabulous resource that I've been sharing throughout the PLANdemic but if you don't think you have a health condition related to your covid shots then you aren't going to be particularly open-minded to their protocols and frankly it will likely be overwhelming to those that haven't taken a detour down the early treatment options prior to now.

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Yes. I follow that doctor and watched all of his videos on this. Several were taken down. Will review again. Thank you for the reminder.

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So I revisited the catecholamine scenario last week looking up a few papers, and I may write a post in the future, but it appears that elevated blood pressure may be a rather common consequence post-vaccination.

Whether this is due to the acute phase of vaccination or possible long-term effects of of a hypercatecholaminergic state, it may be worth it for doctors to check for immediate and prolonged elevated blood pressure levels in patients (note: I'm not a doctor so no medical advice, just a thought), as it may tie into the idea that a sustained hypercatecholaminergic response may be occurring and may be a factor in the sudden cardiac deaths, in particular for those who have died in their sleep.

Just something I cam across in some of my readings.

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I think glutathione is supposed to be helpful for several things, the damage to vessels being one.

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This is our living nightmare and probably part of the satanic plan. I have suggested to my son who took 2 that he should take a baby aspirin daily like some of us did years ago as we pushed 40. I also provide him with Qunol Turmeric. At this point in time, enlightened doctors even in Florida are hard to find. My suggestions to my son about the aspirin and curcumin are always given as general healthy habits to practice. I dare not create a stressful situation with the truth. I also pray a lot more now. We are facing true evil.

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How old is your son? I'm guessing close to 40. I only mean to ask as to remind people about aspirin risk to children. I don't know why to children and not older adults.

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Good guess. Thirty-eight years old. By the way, baby aspirin is only dangerous to kids if they have a high fever and could cause the rare Reye’s syndrome. Tylenol can cause other serious issues for kids and adults. I believe there is a class action law suit concerning it, but I can’t give you the link. Another example of marketing a “new” product. Happy New Year, Lee, and thank you for your efforts this past year. Isn’t it incredible that mothers today would never dream of giving their child a baby aspirin, but would inject them with an experimental shot? I’ve used that example a lot this past year.

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I learned about Prussian Blue a few days ago.

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New to me. I'll have to check it out

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Zeolite too.

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Dec 27, 2022
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Lee, thank you for asking what many of us are wondering.

My 2 daughters (one who is pregnant with her first child) are both fully vaxxed and not sure about boosters and their husbands and their mom (. I am scared to death of bringing this up to them but even more afraid something unforeseen will happen to one or both.

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Need to bring it up.

Moral duty. They're your family.

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