Youtube stopped showing the numbers on thumbs-down due to this.

And an interesting thing happened. While others were saying they could no longer see those numbers, I still could for a good while (a month or so). My theory is that it's because I was liked as a thumbs-downer. What they didn't know is that I was actively doing thumbs-down on heroes who were getting the truth out there to help protect them from becoming targeted further up in the list by the algorithm (in Youtube headquarters, humans prioritizing their collection of lame-excuse-lies for the cruel cancellation of whoever is liked the most). Now over there in protest I never vote up nor down.

Express a disagreement with them on one single thing, no matter how minor and suddenly they want to obliterate your existence and twist the knife to cause you as much pain as possible. Also I had a friend once who turned out to be like them.

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I was summarily removed from accessing YouTube a couple weeks before the 2020 election. No warning, no reason. I ever posted any videos, simply quoted the Declaration of Independence and the writings of the founding men of the country.

Watching vid's was torture. I had to endure hour-long infomercials, without the ability to "skip ad" for several years. Watching a video on how to fix a dryer was impossible.

Then I started complaining to all advertisers that I would never but from ANY YouTube advertiser, but would if they renounced YouTube and advertised elsewhere.

They quit showing me any ads at all.

They're such simpletons at Google/YouTube.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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I like your style. I remember when YouTube was a wealth of information.

Dr berg had a good short video about the censorship there recently.

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That is everywhere. Consensus is coming out.

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I don’t have cabletv but I found this on YT 🙄🤦‍♀️ https://youtu.be/coRw86GnvfA?si=Nwc9WMA68M1aYxXX https://youtu.be/I5nnhN9N8hY?si=KKFmGd5dB1OJxmji

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The doctor is lying. I don't watch this type of thing but now I realize why people around me are saying what they are...they are being lied to. Why in God's name do these "doctors" never talk about Ivermectin, hydroxy chloroquine, zinc, vitamin D, exercise, fresh air, healthy food? It's always about a pharmaceutical product!!

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😡 And just like that – hospitals mandate the new boosters that CAUSE 20-30 times more serious injuries than hospitalizations from C19


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Incredible isn't it? They should organize protests. Appears the only effective ones standing up for healthcare workers are themselves and whether they decide to comply or not.

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