“I disagree, and question why you push so hard for people not to vote. Curious, are you eligible to legally vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election?
Many factors are at play, and ONLY the person voting can WEIGH how much each issue PERSONALLY means to that person. If a person is eligible to legally vote, they should have the ability to exercise their vote regardless of whether an election is rigged or not, or how close or not close an election is.
I opted for citizenship and to become naturalized in order to vote, so for you to discourage me from voting is like a slap in the face. I will not easily give anyone the chance to take my vote from me. Even turning in a blank ballot is better than not turning one in at all. It is completely legal to do so and helps prevent someone from stealing your vote - https://www.findlaw.com/voting/my-voting-guide/can-i-leave-blanks-on-a-voting-ballot.html
Local voting also makes a huge difference. It is not just about the U.S. presidency.
I weigh MY one issue the GREATEST for ME to vote on. It overrides everything. The Democratic Party by far supported the Biden Administration attempts to MANDATE experimental shots for the general public. Spurred and propped up by the 21st Century Cures Act in 2016 during the lame duck session of the Obama Administration. The Dems tried once again to pass a Cures Act 2.0 with Democratic co-sponsoring in nearly every single state. But WE the People had already become too wise with what was happening and the passing of this bill was stopped.
MY vote MY voice and I will use it, and encourage others to use THEIR voice even if they weigh issues differently than me.”
Look back on the past four years, what transpired, and ask whether we are in a better place. Voting is the very minimum you can do to help change that. Don't let anyone steal YOUR voice and what matters to YOU by stealing YOUR vote.
Huzzah! Voting is both a right and a duty of citizenship. If more people took their duty seriously we might have better outcomes and better candidates.
I agree! Despite my history of not voting because I didn't spend any time thinking about politics before 2020... I will be voting on Tuesday.