Dear _____ ,
I preface this message by saying I wish this to be a private message and my words not to be shared with others. They are for you.
"Do we blame carmakers for all the deaths resulting from car crashes?"
People know there are risks, but they still decide the risk is worth it to them. Same goes for smoking, drinking, or eating excessively.
I see all medical treatment, application, or drug - even supplement - coming with some risk. If a person is faced with a last resort of a medical procedure or drug that is experimental, but appears to be their only choice, I say let them make the decision.
That is why I am not in the camp of just make X or Y illegal. We need less laws, and not more. People need to think for themselves and not rely on slow legislation to protect them. They need to use their God-given brains.
What's wrong is when people are given inaccurate information and not letting them know that something is experimental, what the actual risks are, or what other safer treatments may exist.
Many of the people you mention are not my favorites because of personality traits or speaking out of two sides of their mouth, but if they are trying to raise awareness as to the harm being done, they are doing a lot more than those that are in the vast majority, who stay silent.
I understand anger. It is natural, but it also needs to be managed or else you will do damage to yourself, your psyche, your time to live that God gave you and wishes for you to not forget to enjoy life too.
In 2022, I was doing a rope climb obstacle during a race. I was a bit out of practice, hadn't climbed in a year. I closed my eyes during the climb and decided to take it one climb at a time. I would have made it on my own, but instead there were people cheering me on, telling me how far away I was. I didn't want them to. They were kind-hearted thinking they were helping me, but they weren't. When they said "you are just three pulls away", I started thinking “get to the end because of your anger of what's happened the past two years.” I started chanting in my head “F#&! you F____, F#&! you F____”. I thought the anger would take me to the end. But it didn't. I didn't make it. It was the very first time I had failed at a rope climb.
In retrospect, I believe if I thought of God and asked Him for strength instead, and if I thought of all the people harmed and said I'm doing this for you, not me, not the people cheering, I would have made it.
It's been four years _____. And you know it's been decades in the making. Not just by the people you mention, but even more so by the elites and people who are getting paid and rewarded by the system of the elites to do or say unethical things. Nearly all of us are part of this system in some way by the purchase we make, who we bank with, or job we do, but the best we can do is act with integrity.
Yes it's okay to be angry, but manage it, so it doesn't get the best of you and strip you away from enjoying life even if only for short moments at a time.
I just turned ___ and likely your elder. I pray these years of experience, hardships, and thought may help others too.
Lee Muller
P.S. I am part of the American Freedom movement. I am part of The Fringe. I believe in freewill and inalienable rights that many are trying to take away. My brain. My freewill. I get to decide, and I will fight anyone on this.
P.P.S. Thank you for caring about others. I just hope you can see what's most effective to bring about change. I believe conversing with The Creator and asking how we can effectively bring about change is one of the greatest things we can do.
"What's wrong is when people are given inaccurate information and not letting them know that something is experimental, what the actual risks are, or what other safer treatments may exist."
That was the problem with the jabs. People were not informed about the risk. Maybe those risks weren't completely known at the beginning, but even that should have been stated as one of the risks. Once we had a couple months of VAERS data, we knew the shots were killing and seriously injuring people. At that point, the risks completely outweighed the benefits, so they should have been pulled. All medical products go thru a risk/benefit analysis before they are even put on the market. Some don't make it (that is, the trials show they harm more people than they help). Some make it because of FRAUDULENT trials but then in the real world, the risks are shown to outweigh benefits, so those drugs are pulled off the market. That's what happened with the covid jabs, but they were not pulled. This is where I disagree with the writer above. They should have been pulled in early 2021. They should no longer be on the market. A rifle that blows up in the face of the shooter every 10 or 12 shots, and occasionally kills the shooter, would not be allowed to go on the market. And--this is important--the manufacturer of that rifle would be open to lawsuits and soon out of business. Not true for Pharma, you can't sue them if their jab killed your spouse, your child, your brother, your parents.
The Constitution of the United States grants very limited enumerated powers to the federal government. All other powers are reserved to the states and the people. We do not need the federal government to tell us what foods should be eating, what medicines we should be taking, what we should be teaching our children, how to work safely, how to care for the environment, or providing us loans for education. The list goes on and on. No matter how well intended being dependent on government for so many things is a trap used to control and subjugate.
Even the most dishonest, evil person can relate truth. Truth is truth no matter the source. It’s up to each individual to use his or her brain to discern what is true and what isn’t. Intelligence and knowledge does not necessarily lead to common sense, sound judgment and wise actions.